General description
Independently of lambda type there are several general things whose applicable for every lambda.
Luna lambda tools
It is required the `luna-lambda-tools` package which is available at `VL pypi `_ for development.
This package is available as *luna_lambda_tools* library and will be used in all examples below.
To install `luna-lambda-tools` locally, execute:
.. code-block:: bash
pip install --trusted-host --extra-index-url luna-lambda-tools
The `luna-lambda-tools` package decided in two parts - public and private: private part is not intended for user and
does not guarantee backward compatibility, public part is intended for user and guarantees backward compatibility.
.. raw:: html
The public part code description.
.. autosummary::
:toctree: _autosummary
.. raw:: html
User context
It is possible to make the lambda do some stuff after startup and before shutdown declaring `UserCtx` class
with asynchronous `onStart` and/or `onShutdown` functions.
For example, it is possible to initialize and close connection to database:
.. code-block:: python
from luna_lambda_tools import logger
def setupDB():
def closeDBConnections():
class UserCtx:
async def onStart(self):"start lambda")
async def onShutdown(self):"shutdown lambda")
It is possible to use initialize `UserCtx` at application start, use during request processing and close at
application shutdown:
.. literalinclude:: examples/201/user_context_default_lambda/lambda/
:language: python
.. literalinclude:: examples/201/user_context_default_lambda/
:caption: request example
:language: python
This example demonstrates making requests to external server using for session for all requests:
.. literalinclude:: examples/201/user_context_external_requests_lambda/lambda/
:language: python
.. literalinclude:: examples/201/user_context_external_requests_lambda/
:caption: request example
:language: python
It is possible to use logger from luna-lambda-tools anywhere in lambda.
.. literalinclude:: examples/201/logger_lambda/lambda/
:language: python
.. literalinclude:: examples/201/logger_lambda/
:caption: request example
:language: python
Lambda modules structure
It is possible to add and use more than one python module. Here is an example of file structure and
python source code which is required for proper lambda work.
.. code-block::
:caption: Archive file structure
│ ├──
│ └──
.. literalinclude:: examples/201/lambda_modules_structure/lambda/
:language: python
.. literalinclude:: examples/201/lambda_modules_structure/lambda/
:language: python
.. literalinclude:: examples/201/lambda_modules_structure/lambda/path/
:language: python
.. literalinclude:: examples/201/lambda_modules_structure/lambda/path/
:language: python
.. literalinclude:: examples/201/lambda_modules_structure/
:caption: request example
:language: python
User configuration file
It is possible to add a configuration file for lambda in YAML format. The file must be named *lambda_config.yml* and placed in the root of the zip archive.
.. code-block::
:caption: Archive file structure
You can import this configuration to your lambda code and use as python dictionary object.
.. literalinclude:: examples/201/user_configuration_file/lambda/lambda_config.yml
:caption: lambda_config.yml
:language: yaml
.. literalinclude:: examples/201/user_configuration_file/lambda/
:language: python
.. literalinclude:: examples/201/user_configuration_file/
:caption: request example
:language: python
Lambda exceptions
It is possible to separate exceptions into two types: expected and unexpected.
Expected exceptions must be inherited from `UserException`. For example:
.. literalinclude:: examples/400/lambda_exceptions/lambda/
:language: python
.. literalinclude:: examples/400/lambda_exceptions/
:caption: request example
:language: python
In the case presented above for any request with images quantity other than two, it will raise `ImageCountException` and
then, *luna-handlers* will process exception and return a response to the user with 400 status code and `expected two images in request`
message in detail.
Unexpected exceptions will proceed in another way. If any exception occurs, *luna-handlers* will return a response to
the user with 500 status code and exception text in detail. For example:
.. code-block::
from luna_lambda_tools import StandaloneLambdaRequest
async def main(request: StandaloneLambdaRequest) -> dict:
abc = 1/0
will cause response with `division by zero` as exception detail.
Luna services clients
The lambda can use luna-services for different operations.
The clients from `luna-lambda-tools` represent wrap for VL luna3 library (also available at `VL pypi `_).
As well as `luna-lambda-tools`, `luna3` has a public part that is intended for user and guarantee backward compatibility.
Example of clients usage for *standalone*/*handlers* lambdas (for clients usage in *tasks* lambdas see `tasks lambda examples <./tasks.html#tasks-lambda-examples>`_):
.. literalinclude:: examples/201/luna_services_clients/lambda/
:language: python
.. literalinclude:: examples/201/luna_services_clients/
:caption: request example
:language: python
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2