Introduction ============ The `luna-lambda` is a service that allows to write and deploy python modules granted by user into kubernetes service. The entity obtained after the above actions is called `lambda`. It is highly recommended to learn as more as possible about `Luna Platform` entities and mechanisms (especially about `handlers`) before start work with `lambdas`. The `luna-lambda` will allow to write and use your own *handler* (*handler* lambda) for `Luna Platform`, *task* (*tasks* lambda) or write an external service (*standalone* lambda) which will closely interact with `Luna Platform` and have several features typical for `Luna`-services (such as logging, configurator reload, etc) out of the box. There are several basic requirements for the `luna-lambda` work (`detailed description <./lambda_requirements.html>`_): - kubernetes cluster with compatible version of Luna Platform with availability for entities (deployment/services/etc) creation - s3-like storage bucket with reading and writing permissions for `lambdas` storage - docker registry for `lambdas` images storage The detailed description of `luna-lambda` requirements, usage and support is available `here <./lambdas.html>`_. There is also available `quick start guide <./quick_start_guide.html>`_ with minimalistic example of `lambda` creation and usage.