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LUNA Index Module v.5.53.0#


  • Starting from the current version of LIM, it is necessary to use LUNA PLATFORM v.5.53.0 and higher. Older versions of LUNA PLATFORM are not supported by the current version of LIM.

  • New Redis Sentinel connection settings have been added.

    In the "sentinel" section of the "LIM_MANAGER_DB" and "LIM_MATCHER_DB" settings, the "user" and "password" parameters have been added.

    To configure "REDIS_URL", the authorization data must be entered as follows: redis+sentinel://sentinel_username:sentinel_password@sentinel0:26379,sentinel1:26378/indexed_matcher?username=master_username&password=master_password.

    See the section "Use Redis Sentinel" in the LIM administrator manual for more information about Redis Sentinel.

  • A new request "get list of plugins" has been added to the Indexer, Indexed Matcher and Index Manager services, which enables you to get a list of imported plugins and their status.

Fixed errors#

  • Fixed the hanging of the Indexed Matcher service when the index refresh is enabled (parameter "lim_matcher_refresh" > "enabled").