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  • A new "notification_policy" was added to the "storage_policy" set of policies of the "/handlers" service. It is used to enable and disable notifications sending about events creation to the Sender service. You can set filters for the notifications sending using this policy.

    The policy is enabled by default.

  • "LUNA_HANDLERS_LIMITS" group of parameters was added to the Handlers settings.

    These parameters enable you to set:

    • Received images limit.
    • Max detections in raw event.
    • Arrays limit in raw event.
    • Matching result candidates limit.

    Previously, these values could only be changed using a special configuration file.

    It should be noted that an increase in limits can lead to problems in LP.

  • All the values received for the "mask" and "emotions" parameters are now aggregated when "aggregate_attributes" is enabled in the request to the "handlers/handler_id/events" resource. The aggregated valuesof the parameters are returned in the response in the "aggregate_estimations" group of parameters.

    The values defined for each detection are also returned to the response in the "Detections" group.

    The aggregated values of the parameters can be specified in the "aggregate_estimations" field when manually creating events using the "/handles/handler_id/events/raw".

    The aggregated parameters values are returned when receiving notifications about created events from the Sender service using WebSockets. * SDK was updated to version 5.3.0.

    The "redetect_score_threshold" parameter value was set equal to "0.3".

  • General description of working with LP plugins and basic information about their utilization was added to the administrator's manual in the "Plugins" section.

Fixed errors#

  • Truncated JPEG image files support was added. These images have not got end of image marker bites. Previously, an internal server error was returned when processing such images.

  • The filter display error was fixed for the GC task in the Admin GUI. When the faces object was selected, a redundant "descriptor type" filter was displayed.

  • An error with the POST request to the "/faces/attributes/descriptors" resource in the Faces service was fixed. The service returned a blank list of faces if there was a face with a descriptor, the version of which was equal to the version specified in the "missing_version" field.

  • Fixed was an error with descriptor version validation in the Events services upon descriptors deletion. Now the version of descriptors will not be checked when deleting. Any specified versions of descriptors can be removed, including those that are no longer supported by the system.

  • Error description when receiving an object with invalid Accept header has been fixed.

  • Response schema for "luna_sys_info" request was fixed.

  • A failure when automatically updating the Handlers service settings was fixed. The fail occurred when the settings for this service were changed in the Configurator service.

  • Missing description of several monitoring fields was added to the Handlers service documentation.

  • The "mimetype" field validation was fixed for the events generation request in the Handlers service. An internal error is no longer returned when image type specified in the request differs from the type of images provided in the request.