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  • A new workers command line argument was added for LP services. A service will automatically spin up multiple processes and route traffic between the processes. You can change the number of workers in Docker containers of services using the WORKER_COUNT parameter.

    It is recommended to use additional worker processes when increasing the number of service instances on the same server.

    It is not recommended to use additional worker processes for the Handlers service when it utilizes GPU. Problems may occur if there is not enough GPU memory, and the workers will interfere with each other.

    See the "Worker processes" section in LP_Administrator_Manual.pdf.

  • Configurations reload support was added for LP services. If a setting value has been updated, it will be applied to the service without restarting it.

    This feature is enabled for services Docker containers using the RELOAD_CONFIG option.

    Configurations check period is specified using the RELOAD_CONFIG_INTERVAL option.

    You should carefully use this feature while changing important service settings (DB setting, work plugins list, and others). Do not send any requests to the service while applying these settings.

    See the "Automatic configurations reload" section in LP_Administrator_Manual.pdf and the "Configuration" section in "ServiceManuals" of each service.

  • The "Matcher" setting was added to "ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_USAGE" config section. It is used to enable CORE Matcher service utilization.

  • The functionality missing basic attributes was added to the Faces service. The functionality enables you to:

  • The "DB_CONNECT_TIMEOUT" setting was added to the Events service config.

  • The script was removed from the Admin service.