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  • The aggregation of received values of mask states, emotions and Liveness was added to the "/sdk" resource. When performing a request with the "aggregate_attributes" parameter enabled, the aggregated values of these estimations are returned to the "aggregate_estimations" field in the response body.

  • The application/msgpack content type for creation of a face with attributes was added. See the "create face" request.

    MessagePack packs data more efficiently than JSON. It is a binary format and therefore does not require decoding from BASE64.

Fixed errors#

  • An excess description of creating tasks to delete descriptors of the specified version for faces and events was removed from the OpenAPI document of the API service. Only event deletion is now available for the garbage collection task in the API service. See the "garbage collection task" request.

    The task of deleting descriptors of the required version for faces and events is available in the API of the Admin service.

  • An unhandled error that occurred when the "account_id" field was incorrectly set in the "match_policy" when sending POST requests to the "/handlers" resource and PUT requests to the "/handlers/handler_id" resource of the Handlers service was fixed. The error occurred if "account_id" was not set in the UUID format.