LUNA PLATFORM now supports 57 and 58 neural networks for descriptors extraction. LUNA PLATFORM still uses the 56 neural network by default. See the "Switch neural network version" section of LP_Administrator_Manual for information about changing the default neural network version.
The services for index building and searching by index do not support 57 and 58 neural networks in this LUNA PLATFORM build.
Neural networks of versions 46 and 52 that may be required for backward compatibility are not provided in the distribution package. They are provided by VisionLabs upon request. See the "Switch to 46 or 52 neural network" section in LP_Administrator_Manual for information about adding these neural networks to the Handlers container.
New Liveness V2 mechanism was added. Now it can be used in "/liveness" and "/sdk" resources.
The Liveness that utilizes a separate service is now called Liveness V1.
Liveness V2 does not require a separate service. It is part of the Handlers service. Therefore, the "liveness" option in "ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_USAGE" should be disabled when using Liveness v2.
The new Liveness v2 and Liveness v1 can be used in the "/liveness" resource. The request (except for the metadata section) and the returned result in this resource will have the same format for both Liveness versions. The metadata section is not used for Liveness V2.
Liveness v1 is not used in "/sdk" resource. If a request with "estimate_liveness = 1" is sent on the resource when the Liveness V1 is utilized, an error occurs.
It is not allowed to use both Liveness versions at the same time. Liveness versions are changed in the LUNA PLATFORM license file. The following values are available:
- 0 - Liveness feature is not used
- 1 - Liveness V1 is used
- 2 - Liveness V2 is used
It is not required to update LUNA PLATFORM license if you already have one and you are not going to use Liveness V2. Otherwise, the existing key should be updated.
Liveness versions description is given in the "Liveness description" section of LP_Administrator_Manual. Tables of the working conditions of Liveness versions for the "/sdk" and "/liveness" resources are given in the section.
See image requirements for Liveness V2 in the "Liveness V2 requirements" section.
Images rotation:
The ability to automatically rotate the image using its EXIF data was added. This feature ("use_exif_info") was added to the following resources:
- "/verifiers/verifier_id/verifications"
- "handlers/handler_id/events"
- "/sdk"
The option is enabled by default.
If the request specifies that the processed image is a sample, the option is ignored.
- The "LUNA_HANDLERS_USE_AUTO_ROTATION" option was added to the configurations of the Handlers service. It enables you to turn on the automatic rotation mode of the image if it is rotated by 90, 180, 270 degrees.
This neural network consumes a significant amount of server resources, so it is disabled by default.
The option is not applied to the samples. If the request specifies that the processed image is a sample, but the image is rotated, then the automatic rotation of such an image will not be performed.
The two above options for automatic rotation and rotation based on EXIF data can be used together.
The CORE Matcher service is no longer supported. All the operations for matching by lists are now performed using the Python Matcher service.
To increase performance, the "cache_enabled" setting for this service should be set to "True" (set by default). In this case, the descriptors will be stored in RAM and processed faster by Python Matcher.
When using an external PostgreSQL database (not the PostgreSQL container included in the package), you should recreate the matching function in the database with the addition of the "PARALLEL SAFE" directive. This directive speeds up database matching.
This directive will be added automatically during the basic installation of the PostgreSQL container from the distribution package.
Example of a string for deleting a function from the database:
.Example of a line for adding the function:
CREATE FUNCTION VLMatch(bytea, bytea, int) RETURNS float8 AS '', 'VLMatch' LANGUAGE C PARALLEL SAFE;