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  • The load on the Faces database has been reduced when performing license requests to check the maximum number of faces with linked descriptors or basic attributes.

  • New resources have been added to the Image Store service:

  • The unused "bucket" setting has been removed from the "S3" section of the Image Store service.

  • In the containers of the Tasks, Accounts, Configurator, Sender, Backport 3 and Backport 4 services, the Python version has been updated to 3.11.

    Support for older versions of Python has been discontinued.

Fixed errors#

  • The missing migration of the default setting value "score_threshold" in the "LUNA_HANDLERS_FACE_DETECTOR_SETTINGS" section of the Handlers service has been added.

    When updating to the current version, the previous default value "0.42" will automatically update to the current default value "0.5".

    If the value of the "score_threshold" setting differs from the default one, the migration will not be performed.

  • Incorrect structure of the field "face_detections" > "detection" of the event in the Events service has been changed to the correct form, corresponding to the OpenAPI specification.