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  • The new resource "/tasks/exporter" was added with which you can collect event and/or face data and export them from LP to CSV file.

    The input is a set of filters to determine the objects that need to be exported to a file. The output returns a ZIP archive, which stores a CSV file with data about objects and images for each object (optional).

    This possibility is supported in API and Tasks services. See "Exporter task" section in Administrator's manual.

  • The option to use external image URL when saving source image was added.

    The use_external_references setting was added to the policy for source image saving. With this setting, you can enable saving a link to an external image in the "image_origin" field to avoid duplicating the same image in the database.

    • If the request contains a sample and it was saved in the Image Store, then the field will contain a link to it.
    • If the request contains an URL to the image, then the field will contain the URL.

    If the URL is longer than 256 characters, the source image will be saved instead.

    This possibility is supported in API and Handlers services.

  • The possibility to transfer the detection time along with images was added.

    In the request for creating events in the "handlers/handler_id/events" resource, the possibility to explicitly specify the time of face detection for each of the transferred images was added. It is available for "multipart/form-data" and "application/json" request content types.

    This possibility is required for cases when images are not sent immediately, but after a while.

  • For API, Configurator and Backport 4 services, the settings reload mechanism was changed. The reload is now performed by restarting the respective processes. The mechanism provides a more reliable update of service settings.

    Note that requests made when the settings are changed may end with an error. The service may be unavailable for some time.

  • When specifying a non-existent list_id in the clustering task, two errors are now returned, instead of one: "List with id not found" and "Objects for clustering not found (empty set)".

Fixed errors#

  • The error message "Check connection to Influxdb: connection refused" is now returned when the LP services connection to InfluxDB fails. Previously, instead of an error, the call list was returned before the error occurred.

  • The slowdowns in the Image Store service were fixed.

  • An error when the value of the face_bounding_boxes parameter passed in the request to the "/verifiers/verifier_id/verifications" resource was not processed has been fixed in the Handlers service.

  • The URL format of an avatar for a face created using a handler was fixed in the Handlers service. Previously, it was returned in the "/samples/" format. The URL is now returned in the "/samples/faces/" format.

  • The user_data and external_id fields were added to the OpenAPI specification of the Backport 4 service, which are returned in the response of creating events using the "handlers/handler_id/events" resource.