get version of service
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "Version": {
- "api": 1,
- "major": 0,
- "minor": 0,
- "patch": 0
create a new account
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID"). It will be returned with response. |
Luna-Account-Id | string <uuid> (account_id) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]... Example: 8950722f-3fd4-4223-b48f-03f95f0e8dfb account id for new account creation |
login required | string (login) [ 3 .. 128 ] characters ^[a-z0-9_'\+\-\.]+@[a-z0-9]+\.[a-z]{2,}$ account username |
password required | string (password) [ 3 .. 128 ] characters account password |
account_type required | string (account_type) Enum: "admin" "advanced_user" "user" account type |
description | string (account_description) <= 128 characters Default: "" account description |
{- "login": "",
- "password": "string",
- "account_type": "admin",
- "description": "main admin account"
{- "account_id": "557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515",
- "url": "/1/accounts/557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515"
get accounts
page | integer >= 1 Default: 1 a page number. |
page_size | integer [ 1 .. 100 ] Default: 10 the number of items on page. |
login | string (login) [ 3 .. 128 ] characters ^[a-z0-9_'\+\-\.]+@[a-z0-9]+\.[a-z]{2,}$ Example: account login |
account_type | string (account_type) Enum: "admin" "advanced_user" "user" Example: account_type=user account type |
create_time__lt | string <date-time> Example: create_time__lt=2018-08-11T09:11:41.674Z upper bound for object create_time. |
create_time__gte | string <date-time> Example: create_time__gte=2018-08-11T09:11:41.674Z lower included bound for object create_time. |
targets | string Default: ["account_id","login","account_type","description","create_time","last_update_time"] Enum: "account_id" "login" "account_type" "description" "create_time" "last_update_time" Example: targets=login Comma-separated list of account target fields. Available targets: account_id, login, account_type, description, create_time, last_update_time |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "accounts": [
- {
- "account_id": "557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515",
- "login": "",
- "account_type": "admin",
- "description": "main admin account",
- "create_time": "2018-08-11T09:11:41.674Z",
- "last_update_time": "2018-08-11T09:11:41.674Z"
], - "total_count": 50
get account by id
account_id required | string <uuid> (uuid) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]... Example: 8950722f-3fd4-4223-b48f-03f95f0e8dfb account id |
targets | string Default: ["account_id","login","account_type","description","create_time","last_update_time"] Enum: "account_id" "login" "account_type" "description" "create_time" "last_update_time" Example: targets=login Comma-separated list of account target fields. Available targets: account_id, login, account_type, description, create_time, last_update_time |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "account_id": "557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515",
- "login": "",
- "account_type": "admin",
- "description": "main admin account",
- "create_time": "2018-08-11T09:11:41.674Z",
- "last_update_time": "2018-08-11T09:11:41.674Z"
patch account by id. At least one field must be specified
account_id required | string <uuid> (uuid) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]... Example: 8950722f-3fd4-4223-b48f-03f95f0e8dfb account id |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID"). It will be returned with response. |
login | string (login) [ 3 .. 128 ] characters ^[a-z0-9_'\+\-\.]+@[a-z0-9]+\.[a-z]{2,}$ account username |
password | string (password) [ 3 .. 128 ] characters account password |
account_type | string (account_type) Enum: "admin" "advanced_user" "user" account type |
description | string (account_description) <= 128 characters Default: "" account description |
{- "login": "",
- "password": "string",
- "account_type": "admin",
- "description": "main admin account"
{- "error_code": 12022,
- "desc": "Bad/incomplete input data",
- "detail": "Failed to validate input json. Path: 'extra_field', message: 'extra fields not permitted'"
delete account by id
account_id required | string <uuid> (uuid) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]... Example: 8950722f-3fd4-4223-b48f-03f95f0e8dfb account id |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "error_code": 28001,
- "desc": "Object not found",
- "detail": "Account with id '8950722f-3fd4-4223-b48f-03f95f0e8dfb' not found",
get total accounts count
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "count": 50
create a new token
grant_all_permissions | integer Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Grant all permissions to token. 1 - give, 0 - do not give.
If value is Grant only standart permissions. |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID"). It will be returned with response. |
Luna-Account-Id required | string <uuid> (account_id) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]... Example: 8950722f-3fd4-4223-b48f-03f95f0e8dfb account id |
required | object token permissions * it is possible to use custom fields for permissions besides those given here custom fields must have 3-16 characters (lowercase letters, _) with possible permissions:
description | string (token_description) <= 128 characters Default: "" token description |
expiration_time required | string or null <date-time> expiration time if format RFC 3339. |
visibility_area | string (visibility_area) Default: "all" Enum: "account" "all" specifies data visible for the token.
{- "permissions": {
- "account": [ ],
- "face": [ ],
- "list": [ ],
- "event": [ ],
- "attribute": [ ],
- "handler": [ ],
- "verifier": [ ],
- "task": [ ],
- "face_sample": [ ],
- "body_sample": [ ],
- "token": [
- "view"
], - "image": [ ],
- "object": [ ],
- "resources": [ ],
- "emit_events": {
- "allowed": 1,
- "white_list": null,
- "black_list": null
}, - "lambdas": [ ]
}, - "description": "main account token",
- "expiration_time": "2018-08-11T09:11:41.674Z",
- "visibility_area": "account"
{- "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ0b2tlbklkIjoiN2Q0MjYwNmEtZmM3NS00NDU4LWE3OGUtOWYzNGM2MjIyZWQyIiwiZXhwaXJhdGlvblRpbWUiOm51bGwsImFjY291bnRJZCI6IjdkYjUzNThiLWZjMzMtNDIwZC1hYTgzLTk5YTRkOWY0MGM0MSJ9.kDL5oLTJaxKyYbwmKV1lejxrzsFoFzx5VOzvTR-i90k",
- "token_id": "557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515",
- "url": "/1/tokens/557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515"
get tokens
permissions_targets | string Default: "standard" Enum: "standard" "custom" "all" Example: permissions_targets=standard types of permissions to return:
page | integer >= 1 Default: 1 a page number. |
page_size | integer [ 1 .. 100 ] Default: 10 the number of items on page. |
account_id | string <uuid> (account_id) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]... Example: account_id=8950722f-3fd4-4223-b48f-03f95f0e8dfb account id |
create_time__lt | string <date-time> Example: create_time__lt=2018-08-11T09:11:41.674Z upper bound for object create_time. |
create_time__gte | string <date-time> Example: create_time__gte=2018-08-11T09:11:41.674Z lower included bound for object create_time. |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "tokens": [
- {
- "description": "main account token",
- "expiration_time": "2018-08-11T09:11:41.674Z",
- "visibility_area": "account",
- "permissions": {
- "account": [ ],
- "face": [ ],
- "list": [ ],
- "event": [ ],
- "attribute": [ ],
- "handler": [ ],
- "verifier": [ ],
- "task": [ ],
- "face_sample": [ ],
- "body_sample": [ ],
- "token": [
- "view"
], - "image": [ ],
- "object": [ ],
- "resources": [ ],
- "emit_events": {
- "allowed": 1,
- "white_list": null,
- "black_list": null
}, - "lambdas": [ ]
}, - "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ0b2tlbklkIjoiN2Q0MjYwNmEtZmM3NS00NDU4LWE3OGUtOWYzNGM2MjIyZWQyIiwiZXhwaXJhdGlvblRpbWUiOm51bGwsImFjY291bnRJZCI6IjdkYjUzNThiLWZjMzMtNDIwZC1hYTgzLTk5YTRkOWY0MGM0MSJ9.kDL5oLTJaxKyYbwmKV1lejxrzsFoFzx5VOzvTR-i90k",
- "token_id": "557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515",
- "account_id": "557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515",
- "create_time": "2018-08-11T09:11:41.674Z",
- "last_update_time": "2018-08-11T09:11:41.674Z"
Update token. You cannot update a part of the token, so you should specify all the fields for your token.
token_id required | string <uuid> (uuid) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]... Example: 8950722f-3fd4-4223-b48f-03f95f0e8dfb token id |
grant_all_permissions | integer Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Grant all permissions to token. 1 - give, 0 - do not give.
If value is Grant only standart permissions. |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID"). It will be returned with response. |
Luna-Account-Id | string <uuid> (account_id) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]... Example: 8950722f-3fd4-4223-b48f-03f95f0e8dfb account id |
required | object token permissions * it is possible to use custom fields for permissions besides those given here custom fields must have 3-16 characters (lowercase letters, _) with possible permissions:
description | string (token_description) <= 128 characters Default: "" token description |
expiration_time required | string or null <date-time> expiration time if format RFC 3339. |
visibility_area | string (visibility_area) Default: "all" Enum: "account" "all" specifies data visible for the token.
{- "permissions": {
- "account": [ ],
- "face": [ ],
- "list": [ ],
- "event": [ ],
- "attribute": [ ],
- "handler": [ ],
- "verifier": [ ],
- "task": [ ],
- "face_sample": [ ],
- "body_sample": [ ],
- "token": [
- "view"
], - "image": [ ],
- "object": [ ],
- "resources": [ ],
- "emit_events": {
- "allowed": 1,
- "white_list": null,
- "black_list": null
}, - "lambdas": [ ]
}, - "description": "main account token",
- "expiration_time": "2018-08-11T09:11:41.674Z",
- "visibility_area": "account"
{- "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ0b2tlbklkIjoiN2Q0MjYwNmEtZmM3NS00NDU4LWE3OGUtOWYzNGM2MjIyZWQyIiwiZXhwaXJhdGlvblRpbWUiOm51bGwsImFjY291bnRJZCI6IjdkYjUzNThiLWZjMzMtNDIwZC1hYTgzLTk5YTRkOWY0MGM0MSJ9.kDL5oLTJaxKyYbwmKV1lejxrzsFoFzx5VOzvTR-i90k",
- "token_id": "557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515",
- "url": "/1/tokens/557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515"
get token by id
token_id required | string <uuid> (uuid) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]... Example: 8950722f-3fd4-4223-b48f-03f95f0e8dfb token id |
permissions_targets | string Default: "standard" Enum: "standard" "custom" "all" Example: permissions_targets=standard types of permissions to return:
account_id | string <uuid> (account_id) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]... Example: account_id=8950722f-3fd4-4223-b48f-03f95f0e8dfb account id |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "description": "main account token",
- "expiration_time": "2018-08-11T09:11:41.674Z",
- "visibility_area": "account",
- "permissions": {
- "account": [ ],
- "face": [ ],
- "list": [ ],
- "event": [ ],
- "attribute": [ ],
- "handler": [ ],
- "verifier": [ ],
- "task": [ ],
- "face_sample": [ ],
- "body_sample": [ ],
- "token": [
- "view"
], - "image": [ ],
- "object": [ ],
- "resources": [ ],
- "emit_events": {
- "allowed": 1,
- "white_list": null,
- "black_list": null
}, - "lambdas": [ ]
}, - "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ0b2tlbklkIjoiN2Q0MjYwNmEtZmM3NS00NDU4LWE3OGUtOWYzNGM2MjIyZWQyIiwiZXhwaXJhdGlvblRpbWUiOm51bGwsImFjY291bnRJZCI6IjdkYjUzNThiLWZjMzMtNDIwZC1hYTgzLTk5YTRkOWY0MGM0MSJ9.kDL5oLTJaxKyYbwmKV1lejxrzsFoFzx5VOzvTR-i90k",
- "token_id": "557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515",
- "account_id": "557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515",
- "create_time": "2018-08-11T09:11:41.674Z",
- "last_update_time": "2018-08-11T09:11:41.674Z"
delete token by id
token_id required | string <uuid> (uuid) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]... Example: 8950722f-3fd4-4223-b48f-03f95f0e8dfb token id |
account_id | string <uuid> (account_id) ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]... Example: account_id=8950722f-3fd4-4223-b48f-03f95f0e8dfb account id |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "error_code": 12012,
- "desc": "Bad/incomplete input data",
- "detail": "Bad query parameters 'account_id'",
Verify account or login with password or token
In the case of success account id
verification, account_type
will be returned
In the case of success login
verification, account_id
and account_type
will be returned
In the case of success token
verification, account_type
and token permissions
will be returned
In the case of failure verification, error will be returned
permissions_targets | string Default: "standard" Enum: "standard" "custom" "all" Example: permissions_targets=standard types of permissions to return:
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID"). It will be returned with response. |
login required | string (login) [ 3 .. 128 ] characters ^[a-z0-9_'\+\-\.]+@[a-z0-9]+\.[a-z]{2,}$ account username |
password required | string (password) [ 3 .. 128 ] characters account password |
{- "login": "",
- "password": "string"
{- "permissions": {
- "account": [ ],
- "face": [ ],
- "list": [ ],
- "event": [ ],
- "attribute": [ ],
- "handler": [ ],
- "verifier": [ ],
- "task": [ ],
- "face_sample": [ ],
- "body_sample": [ ],
- "token": [
- "view"
], - "image": [ ],
- "object": [ ],
- "resources": [ ],
- "emit_events": {
- "allowed": 1,
- "white_list": null,
- "black_list": null
}, - "lambdas": [ ]
}, - "account_type": "admin",
- "account_id": "557d54ec-29ad-4f3c-93b4-c9092ef12515"
Get service OpenApi documentation. If Accept request header is of type application/x-yaml
returns documentation in yaml
format or returns html
documentation, if Accept-Type is text/html
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID"). It will be returned with response. |
Accept required | string (accept_docs_handler) Enum: "application/x-yaml" "text/html" acceptable type of receiving data |
{- "error_code": 12024,
- "detail": "Bad/incomplete input data",
- "desc": "Unsupported media type",
Get sphinx documentation - Development Manual. After the request you will be redirected to the page /docs/dev/index.html
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "error_code": 1,
- "detail": "internal server error",
- "desc": "internal server error",
Get service configuration. Passwords and tokens will be hidden in the response.
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID"). It will be returned with response. |
Accept | string Enum: "application/json" "text/plain" acceptable type of receiving data |
- "VERSION": 2,
- "TOKEN": "********",
- "BUCKET": "luna_monitoring",
- "HOST": "",
- "PORT": 8086,
- "USE_SSL": 0,
Get list of service plugins
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "plugins": [
- {
- "name": "foo",
- "running": 1
get health of service
include_luna_services | integer Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 whether to perform healthchecks for dependent luna services. |
Luna-Request-Id | string <timestamp,uuid> ^[0-9]{10},[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4... Example: 1536751345,8b8b5937-2e9c-4e8b-a7a7-5caf86621b5a external request id. Helps to uniquely identify messages that correspond to particular requests, in system logs. If it was not set, system will set it in default format ("timestamp,UUID"). It will be returned with response. |
{- "execution_time": 0.123