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Configuration names for services#

The table below includes the service names in the Configurator service. Use these parameters to configure your services.

Service Service name in Configurator
API luna-api
Licenses luna-licenses
Faces luna-faces
Image Store luna-image-store
Accounts luna-accounts
Tasks luna-tasks
Events luna-events
Sender luna-sender
Admin luna-admin
Handlers luna-handlers
Lambda luna-lambda
Python Matcher luna-python-matcher
Backport 3 luna-backport3
Backport 4 luna-backport4

Settings for the Configurator service are set in its configuration file.

The table below includes the LIM service names in the Configurator service. Use these parameters to configure your services.

Service Service name in Configurator
Python Matcher Proxy luna-matcher-proxy
Index Manager lim-manager
Indexer lim-indexer
Indexed Matcher lim-matcher