LUNA Index Module v.5.47.4#
The ability to use Redis Sentinel has been added.
New sections "LIM_MANAGER_DB.SENTINEL" and "LIM_MATCHER_DB.SENTINEL" have been added to the settings of the Index Manager and Indexed Matcher services, containing the following settings:
- "master_name" - Name of the Redis master node that will be monitored and managed by Redis Sentinel (by default "index_manager" and "indexed_matcher").
- "sentinels" - List of addresses of Redis Sentinel listeners (not set by default).
Also, the use of Redis Sentinel is supported in the "REDIS_URL" setting in the "LUNA_INDEXED_LIST_PLUGIN" section, which is responsible for connecting the matching plugin with Redis when calculating matching cost of the request. Example of filling in the "REDIS_URL" setting in the "LUNA_INDEXED_LIST_PLUGIN" section:
. -
The default value for the "CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE" settings of the Index Manager and Indexed Matcher services has been increased from 5 to 100.
The Python version has been updated to 3.11 in LIM service containers.
Support for older versions of Python has been discontinued.
Fixed errors
The priority of an error like "Couldn't find idx for
" has been changed from "ERROR" to "WARNING". Such an error can occur when a user has added a new face to the list and then removed it from the list during the period between the launches of index updates in the memory of the Indexed Matcher service (by default, 1 second).
For more information about the index update process, see the "Refreshing index in memory" section of the LIM administrator manual.