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  • A new "estimator" task has been added. It enables you to perform batch processing of images using the specified policies. This task can be created using the API of API or Tasks services.

    As a result of the task performing, JSON is returned with data for each of the processed images and information about the errors that have occurred.

    In the request body, you can specify the ID of an already saved handler or set processing policies manually.

    The resource accepts a link to a ZIP archive with images for processing. An external URL or the URL to an archive saved in the Image Store can be used as a link to the archive. In the second case, the archive should first be saved to the LP using a POST request to the "/objects" resource.

    The archive can be password protected. The password can be passed in the request using the "authorization" -> "password" parameter.

    To get correct processing results, use images of the same type (original image, face/body sample). The type of transferred images is specified in the request in the "image_type" parameter.

  • The "remove_samples" parameter has been added to the event removing task ("/tasks/gc"), when enabled, face/body samples are removed along with events.

    Please note that after removing samples, it will become impossible to re-extract the basic attributes and descriptor for that event.

    This parameter has been added to the resources of the LUNA API, LUNA Admin and LUNA Tasks services, and can also be used in the user interface of the LUNA Admin service.

  • When sending requests to other services, the API service can now send the accept-encoding header with the "identity", "deflate", "gzip" directives (previously, only the "deflate" and "gzip" directives could be specified). The "identity" directive enables you to disable automatic compression (on the side of other services) and automatic decompression (on the API service side) for request bodies with images or ZIP archives.

  • The API service now reuses connections to other platform services. This change decreases the number of open connections and speeds up requests to other services.

  • In the Events service, the response when deleting events has been changed. Previously, the IDs of deleted samples for faces and bodies were returned in one array - "samples". Now two arrays are returned in the response - "face_samples" and "body_samples". See the "event deletion" resource.

  • The skip_missing_descriptors parameter has been added to LP 3 migration script "". This parameter enables you to ignore the missing descriptors in the LP 3 database during migration. Information about the script can be found in the "Migration launch" section of the "LP_Migration_from_LP3" manual.

Fixed errors

  • Changes have been made to the processing of the "external_ids" parameter for the "/verifiers/verifier_id/verifications" resource. Previously, the value of this parameter could only be specified in the "uuid" format, but now input in the "string" format is available.

  • The error when the Backport 3 service stopped after automatically updating the service settings was fixed.