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  • Now the filters "create_time__lt" and "create_time__gte" for matching candidates (faces and events) in the "match_policy" in handlers can be set relative to the current time. For example, this filter format enables you to select for matching events created in the last hour only. It can be used for cases of face payment in transport to exclude re-payments. In this format, the time is set using the following template - now-(\d+)[smhdwMy], where \d+ is a number, [smhdwMy] is the required period: m (minutes), h (hours), d (days), w (weeks), M (months), y (years). Examples:

    • The entry "create_time__gte": "now-3h" means that all objects created during the last three hours will be selected.
    • The entry "create_time__lt": "now-4w" means that all objects created earlier than four weeks ago.
  • A new "wait_saving" parameter was added to the "handlers/handler_id/events/raw" resource of API and Handlers services, which allows you to enable and disable waiting for events to be saved in the Events DB before sending a response. If the option is disabled, the response to the "handlers/handler_id/events/raw" request is returned faster, because the system will not wait for the event to be saved in the database. However, the system does not send any notifications if the saving failed. When this option is enabled, the system waits for events to be saved before sending a response. If the saving is successful, the status code 201 will be returned. If for some reason the event was not saved, the error code 500 will be returned. This option is enabled by default.

  • A new "version" parameter was added to the request for receiving current LUNA PLATFORM settings from the Configurator service ("/dump" request), containing the migration version of these settings. The version changes when upgrading to new LUNA PLATFORM builds. You should not manually update the system settings from the previous build file, because the system settings are migrated automatically when you update to a new build. If you try to use a dump file from the previous LP build with different version, an error will occur. It is recommended to use files with settings from the previous build for checking the correctness of settings migration only.

  • The repeated description of the WebSocket response message was removed from the "Callback" section from the Sender and API services OpenAPI documentation.

  • The ability to specify the value "application/msgpack" as the "Content-Type" header for the following Events service requests was added:

    • GET to "/events"
    • PATCH to "/events/event_id". MessagePack packs data more efficiently than JSON. This is a binary format, so it does not require decoding from BASE64.

Fixed errors

  • The bug when the license became unavailable the day before its expiration was fixed.

  • An error with exceeding the maximum number of clients for the Vertica database was fixed in the LUNA Events service.