Support for the old Services for index building and searching by index has been discontinued.
The services have been removed from the documentation and service settings.
Now only the LUNA Index Module is used to create the index and search the index.
Functionality for saving and retrieving user-defined image metadata using custom headers has been added.
You can save an image with user-defined metadata in the "create images" resource by setting the header
with the value<user_defined_value>
. In the source image bucket in the Image Store, the metadata is stored in a separate<image_id>.meta.json
file that is located next to the source image.In response to "get image" request, you should specify the "with_meta=1" header to get the image metadata in the response header.
To store metadata values for multiple keys, you should specify multiple headers.
The LUNA Dashboards version has been updated to 0.0.5. The Grafana version in the LUNA Dashboards container has been updated to 8.5.20.
Now you don't need to use a separate command to launch dashboards, they are created automatically when the LUNA Dashboards container is launched.
Grafana Loki containers (log aggregation system) and Promtail (agent delivering LUNA PLATFORM logs to Grafana Loki) have been added.
Running containers requires Grafana to be running and the "Loki" data source configured. The "Loki" data source has already been created in the LUNA Dashboards container.
In the "Grafana Loki" section of the installation manual, instructions for launching Grafana Loki and Promtail have been added.
See the "Grafana Loki" section of the administrator manual for more information.
Support for Samba network file system as an image source (the "source_type" parameter) was added to the Estimator task ("/tasks/estimator" resource).
For this type of source, the following parameters can be set in the request body for connecting to the Samba:
- host - Samba IP address (required);
- port - Samba port;
- user, password - authorization data. If there is no authorization data, the connection to Samba will be performed as a guest.
As in Estimator tasks using FTP server, S3-like storage or network disk as image sources, it is possible to set the path to the directory with images, recursively receive images from nested directories, select the type of transferred images, and specify the prefix and postfix.
To obtain correct results of image processing using the Estimator task, all processed images should be either in the source format or in the format of samples.
See the OpenAPI specification for related examples and more information.
The "extract_exif" parameter has been added to the "sdk" resource, which enables extracting EXIF data from an image.
Filters "geo_position" (parameters "origin_longitude", "origin_latitude", "longitude_delta" and "latitude_delta") and "user_data" have been added to the "ws handshake" resource.
Support for filtering candidates by the "meta" field of the event has been added to the "matching faces", "matching bodies" resources and the "match_policy" of the "create handler" request.
A table has been added to the "Upgrade notes" section of the upgrade manual with key changes from previous versions of LUNA PLATFORM that affect the installation and operation of LUNA PLATFORM. This table may be useful when trying to upgrade LUNA PLATFORM from a version other than the previous one.