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  • The functionality for working with neural networks (detection, estimation and extraction) has been transferred from the Handlers service to the new Remote SDK service. This made it possible to make the Handlers service optional and disable it in the "ADDITIONAL_SERVICE_USAGE" setting when there is no need to work with handlers.

    Now, when working with handlers, the Handlers service redirects requests for detection, estimation and extraction to the Remote SDK service, and then processes the result.

    If the Handlers service is disabled, then:

    • Launching the API service will lead to the unavailability of using the following requests: "detect faces", "extract attributes", "estimator task", all resource requests "/handlers", all resource requests "/verifiers".
    • Launching the Tasks service will lead to the unavailability of performing the tasks "Additional extraction" and "Estimator".
    • Launching the Admin service will lead to the unavailability of performing the task "Additional extraction".

    All neural networks and settings related to detection, estimation and extraction have also been transferred to the Remote SDK service. Now, to select such settings, it is necessary to enter the value "luna-remote-sdk" in the "Service name" field in the Configurator user interface instead of "luna-handlers".

    Requests to resources "/iso", "/sdk", "/liveness" are now performed directly to the Remote SDK service without the participation of Handlers.

    Disabling unused neural networks is now performed by passing the appropriate environment variable (for example, --env=EXTEND_CMD="--enable-all-estimators-by-default=0 --enable-face-detector=0) in the Remote SDK container launch command, not the Handlers container.

    Now, instead of launching Handlers on the GPU, you need to run the Remote SDK on the GPU (flag --gpus device=0).

  • The SDK has been updated to version 5.15.0. Key SDK changes affecting LUNA PLATFORM 5:

    • The following 109, 110 neural network models for extracting body descriptors have been supported.
    • The 105th, 106th, 107th neural network models for extracting body descriptors are considered outdated;
    • The estimator CrowdEstimatorV2 has been built in.

    In this version of LUNA PLATFORM:

    • The 105th model has been removed from the Remote SDK container.
    • The default model was changed from the 107th to the 110th (setting "DEFAULT_HUMAN_DESCRIPTOR_VERSION" of the Remote SDK service).

    Upgrade from the version where the 107th model was used (the default model from versions 5.34.0 and above)

    If you are upgrading from a version where the 107th model was used, then it is recommended to specify the 110th neural network model in the "DEFAULT_HUMAN_DESCRIPTOR_VERSION" setting during the upgrade and execute the "Additional extraction" task after launching the Admin service (see section "Launch Additional extraction task" in the administrator manual) to continue matching by old body descriptors.

    Upgrade from the version where the 105th model was used

    If you are upgrading from a version where the 105th model was used, then launching the Remote SDK service will fail if you do not perform one of the following actions before launching the Remote SDK container:

    • Manually change the setting value "DEFAULT_HUMAN_DESCRIPTOR_VERSION" from "105" to "110". After changing the version of the neural network for extracting body descriptors, you should perform the "Additional extraction" task after starting the Admin service (see "Launch Additional extraction task" section in the administrator manual). Otherwise, search and matching by old descriptors will be unavailable.
    • Disable the use of a neural network to extract the body descriptors by passing the "--enable-body-descriptor-estimator=0" argument when starting the Remote SDK container.
    • Request the 105th neural network model from VisionLabs and transfer it to the Remote SDK container according to the instructions described in the "Use non-delivery neural network model" section in the administrator manual.

    All of the above information has been added to the Upgrade manual in the "Change the neural network model for extracting descriptors" section.

    When launching LUNA PLATFORM from scratch, no additional actions are required.

  • A new parameter "estimate_people_count" has been added to the resources "sdk" and "/handlers/{handler_id}/events", which enables you to estimate the number of people in the image.

    This functionality is licensed separately.

    Note that such estimation cannot be compared in accuracy with individual face or body detectors. It should be used to approximate the number of people. See SDK documentation for more details.

    In the body of the response, the result is returned in a separate field "image_estimations", since this estimation does not apply to faces or bodies of events.

  • The following parameters have been added to the Estimator task for the ZIP archive:

    • "prefix" - Prefix of the file key. It can be used to download images from a specific directory.
    • "postfix" - Postfix of the file key. Can be used to upload images with a specific extension.
    • "recursive" - Recursive retrieval of images from nested directories.
  • The ability to specify the relative time (now-time format) has been added in the parameters "create_time__gte", "create_time__lt", "end_time__gte", "end_time__lt", "insert_time__gte", "insert_time__lt" in the following tasks:

    This can be useful for filtering data for a certain time interval relative to the current time. For example, you can perform the task "Garbage collection" for the last few days.

  • In the containers of the API and Admin services, the Python version has been updated to 3.11.

    Support for older versions of Python has been discontinued.

  • In the Docker Compose script " " the lines concerning the launch of Backport 3, Backport 4, User Interface 3 and User Interface 4 are commented out.

    Now these services will not start when executing the script.

  • Instructions for activating the Guardant license without a graphical interface have been added to the license activation manual.

    To do this, you should additionally install a package intended to run interface applications without physical output to the screen.

Fixed errors

  • Fixed the error that caused the Redis Sentinel connection check to fail the first time.