The internal mechanism of interaction of the Tasks service with workers has been updated.
Now, instead of sending HTTP requests to workers, the Tasks service will interact with them using Redis.
A new section "TASKS_REDIS_DB_ADDRESS" has been added to the Tasks service settings, where:
- "host" - Redis IP address
- "port" - Redis port
- "password" - password for authorization in Redis
- "number" - the number of the Redis database (from 0 to 15). Each number corresponds to a separate database, which enables you to separate the data.
When upgrading to the current version of the LUNA PLATFORM, the values of the above settings will be filled in according to the "LUNA_ATTRIBUTES_DB" section of the Faces service. This will enable you to use the same Redis instance for the Tasks service that is used for the Faces service. If it is necessary to separate the data of the Faces and Tasks services in Redis, you can specify user settings in the "TASKS_REDIS_DB_ADDRESS" section after launching the service (for example, specify the database number of the current Redis instance or specify the address of another Redis instance).
Also, the Tasks workers now do not have access to the Tasks database.
See the updated Tasks service sequence diagram in the "Tasks diagrams" section.
In the containers of the Events and Licenses services, the Python version has been updated to 3.11.
Support for older versions of Python has been discontinued.
Fixed errors
Fixed the error in Python Matcher, Handlers, Sender and Backport 3 services, due to which the connection check to Redis Sentinel did not pass the first time.
Fixed the error due to which the Sender service did not restore the connection with Redis after a restart.