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This document describes the Storages utility and how to use it. It is recommended to familiarize yourself with this document before using the utility.

The Storages utility enables you to check and/or prepare the environment for LUNA PLATFORM services before launching them. The preparation of the environment is understood as follows:

  • Preparing buckets in InfluxDB for monitoring work.
  • Preparing buckets for the Image Store service, enabling you to store user data (images, metadata, archives, etc.).
  • Preparing the InfluxDB for collection of aggregated statistics by the Admin service (see "Requests and estimations statistics gathering" section in the administrator manual).
  • Preparing databases, adding VLMatch functionality, creating and managing migration scripts for LUNA PLATFORM databases (PostgreSQL or Oracle).
  • Performing migration/loading settings into the Configurator database.
  • Loading dump files into the Configurator service database.

The main advantage of Storages over manual preparation of the environment is that the utility knows revisions of the Configurator service settings and migration scenarios for LP service databases, which greatly simplifies the process of updating and downgrading LUNA PLATFORM. In addition, using the utility, you can evaluate the current state of the LUNA PLATFORM environment and determine what exactly needs to be updated.

The utility is supplied in a Docker container and can be used as a tool for preparing the LUNA PLATFORM environment deployed in Docker containers, the Docker Compose script, the Kubernetes orchestration system, etc. The main task of the administrator is to indicate to the Storages utility the addresses of databases, buckets, etc. (see "Setting Storages configuration" section).