

  1. [LUNA-6249] The service allows store an arbitrary files as object now. Following object types was allowed for storing before: json, text, zip, pdf.

    The service accepts a request for storing a file: POST:/objects. The file bytes should be set as request body and Content-Type header should be contains a file mimetype.

  2. [LUNA-6249] A request response to resource GET:/objects/{object_id} contains Content-Disposition header now. This header contains an attachment object filename. This feature allows browsers to save objects to PC as files with correct extensions. Filename is generated based on object_id and object mimetype.

    See get object.

  3. [LUNA-6249] An Accept header is ignored for a request GET:/objects/{object_id} now. Service returned error 12023, Content type is unacceptable with status code 406 before if object content type did not match with an object mimetype.

    See get object.

  4. [LUNA-6231] Add record to log that the account made the request to endpoints.
    • Add account_id to record if requests with authorization:

    Request invoked by user (account_id: '270531af-e52e-4538-9181-628d9900a0db')
    • Add account_id with null value if request without authorization:

    Request invoked by user (account_id: null)
    • Add token_id to record if authorization with token:

    Request invoked by user (account_id: '270531af-e52e-4538-9181-628d9900a0db' token_id: 'd57e16f5-e243-47d2-aa85-8b200c12d86f')

Bugs fixed:

  1. [LUNA-6276] The default values (policies/detect_policy/detect_face and policies/extract_policy/extract_face_descriptor) in OpenAPI documentation were fixed. See handler creation for details.


See a migration manual.