Source code for configs.config

"""Module for parsing config file

Module set values in global variables.

import os
from enum import Enum

# How big a request may be (bytes), 100GB
REQUEST_MAX_SIZE = 2 ** (10 + 10 + 10 + 7)
# luna-image-store default port
LIS_PORT = 5020

#: Object lifetime options, in days
[docs] class ObjectLifetimeSupported(Enum): """ Object lifetime supported enum. """ NOTSET = None FOREVER = "-1" ONE_DAY = "1" TWO_DAYS = "2" THREE_DAYS = "3" FOUR_DAYS = "4" FIVE_DAYS = "5" SIX_DAYS = "6" ONE_WEEK = "7" TWO_WEEKS = "14" ONE_MONTH = "30" TWO_MONTHS = "60" THREE_MONTHS = "90" SIX_MONTHS = "180" ONE_YEAR = "365"
#: Local storage bucket info cache ttl, in seconds LOCAL_BUCKET_CACHE_TTL = os.environ.get("LOCAL_BUCKET_CACHE_TTL", 60) # sub directories names limit as decimal number SUBDIR_NAME_LIMIT = 65535 # from 0 to ffff # TTL cleanup concurrency CLEANUP_CONCURRENCY = 10