

  1. Updated logging:

    • added log file for info level

    • added log rotation (MAX_LOG_FILE_SIZE parameter in config)

    • added process pid to logs

    • added print filename and line number where logger was called for stdout log and debug log file

    • added ability set suffix for log files (see help of run.py)

    • log message to a log file with level x if log level <= x.

  2. Add support for application/zip and application/pdf objects.

  3. Add possibility to get objects without accept header. If there is not Accept header, luna-image-store returns object content type if it is one of “application/json”, “text/plain”, “application/zip”, “application/pdf” or “application/octet-stream” if cannot guess object’s content type

Bugs fixed:

How to update from previous version:

To update from previous version simply replace all folders with files and update dependencies from requirements.txt.