Lambda monitoring
Data for monitoring
Now we monitor two types of events for monitoring: request and error. First type is all requests, second is failed requests only. Every event is a point in the time series. The point is represented as union of the following data:
series name (now requests and errors)
start request time
tags, indexed data in storage, dictionary: keys - string tag names, values - string, integer, float
fields, non-indexed data in storage, dictionary: keys - string tag names, values - string, integer, float
‘Requests’ series. Triggered on every request. Each point contains data about corresponding request (execution time and etc).
tag name
always “lambda-<lambda-id>”
concatenation of a request method and a request resource (POST:/main)
http status code of response
request id
request execution time
‘Errors’ series. Triggered on failed request. Each point contains error_code of luna error.
tag name
always “lambda-<lambda-id>”
concatenation of a request method and a request resource (POST:/main)
http status code of response
luna error code
request id
Custom Monitoring
For base monitoring usage information see monitoring.
It is possible to create custom monitoring points. For example, there is a need to send data about how long it took to download or process images.
It is possible to specify your own series, tags and fields, but there will always be a mandatory tag “service” with the “lambda-<lambda-id>” value.
For add custom monitoring point follow steps:
Add file to lambda archive with the following content:
monitoring_points.pyfrom luna_lambda_tools.public.monitoring import CustomMonitoringPoint class TestMonitoringPoint(CustomMonitoringPoint): """Test monitoring point""" series = "test_monitoring"There are several rules for this file:
The number of points can be any.
Each point class name may be specify by any unique name.
Each point class must be inherited by CustomMonitoringPoint
Each point class must contain series attribute to specify monitoring series.
Set monitoring points from to and specify tags and fields:
There are several general rules for this file:
Enable monitoring. See INFLUX_MONITORING setting in basic principles of configuration.
If monitoring is unavailable, the points will not be sent without any errors.
Specify tags by set dictionary with tags to pointTags named argument.
Specify fileds by set dictionary with fields to pointFields named argument.
There are diferencies between standalone, handlers and tasks lambda monitoring mechanism. See description below.
Send points using request.sendToMonitoring function for standalone or handlers lambda:
lambda_main.pyimport asyncio from time import time from luna_lambda_tools import StandaloneLambdaRequest from monitoring_points import TestMonitoringPoint async def main(request: StandaloneLambdaRequest) -> dict: # start execution time stt = time() # do some logic await asyncio.sleep(1) # send monitoring point with execution time request.sendToMonitoring( (TestMonitoringPoint(pointTags={"lambda_type": "standalone"}, pointFields={"execution_time": time() - stt}),) ) return {"result": "lambda result"}request examplefrom luna3.luna_lambda.luna_lambda import LambdaApi SERVER_ORIGIN = "http://lambda_address:lambda_port" # Replace by your values before start SERVER_API_VERSION = 1 lambdaApi = LambdaApi(origin=SERVER_ORIGIN, api=SERVER_API_VERSION) lambdaId, accountId = "your_lambda_id", "your_account_id" # Replace by your values before start def makeRequest(): reply = lambdaApi.proxyLambdaPost(lambdaId=lambdaId, path="main", accountId=accountId) return reply if __name__ == "__main__": response = makeRequest() print(response.json)Send points using self.sendToMonitoring function for tasks lambda:
To run lambda tasks example, refer to the task processing description here.
lambda_main.pyimport asyncio from time import time from luna_lambda_tools.public.tasks import BaseLambdaTask from monitoring_points import TestMonitoringPoint class LambdaTask(BaseLambdaTask): """Lambda task""" async def splitTasksContent(self, content: dict) -> list[dict]: """Split task content to sub task contents""" stt = time() # do some logic await asyncio.sleep(0.5) self.sendToMonitoring( ( TestMonitoringPoint( pointTags={"lambda_type": "tasks", "target": "split_content"}, pointFields={"execution_time": time() - stt}, ), ) ) return [content] async def executeSubtask(self, subtaskContent: dict) -> dict | list: """Execute current sub task processing""" stt = time() # do some logic await asyncio.sleep(0.5) self.sendToMonitoring( ( TestMonitoringPoint( pointTags={"lambda_type": "tasks", "target": "execute_subtask"}, pointFields={"execution_time": time() - stt}, ), ) ) return {"result": "Some lambda-tasks result"}request examplefrom luna3.tasks.tasks import TasksApi TASKS_ORIGIN = "http://tasks_address:tasks_port" # Replace by your values before start TASKS_API_VERSION = 2 tasksApi = TasksApi(origin=TASKS_ORIGIN, api=TASKS_API_VERSION) lambdaId, accountId = "your_lambda_id", "your_account_id" # Replace by your values before start def makeRequest(): reply = tasksApi.taskLambda(content={"lambda_id": lambdaId}, accountId=accountId) return reply if __name__ == "__main__": response = makeRequest() print(response.json)
Monitoring is implemented as data sending to an influx database.