
General information

The Licenses service implements the following features:

  • checks license conditions (expiration date, faces limit, liveness feature availability)

  • returns the information about available features (see “Information returned by the service”)

  • sends notifications about the license expiry

The API service checks the current status of the licensed features in the Licenses service and processes requests according to the available features.

Expiration date

By default, the notification about the end of the license is sent two weeks before the expiration date. When the license ends, the API service returns the message “License has expired. Please contact VisionLabs for license extension.” and you cannot use LUNA PLATFORM.

Faces limit

The Licenses service receives information about the count of faces from the Faces service and checks the number of faces left. The faces with linked attributes are counted only. The information about available faces is updated according to “Licensing routine”

You start receiving notifications when there are 15% of available faces left. When you exceed the number of available faces, the message “License limit exceeded. Please contact VisionLabs for license upgrade or delete redundant faces” appears in logs. You cannot attach attributes to faces if the number of faces exceeds 110%.

Licensing routine

Licensing routine is triggered when the Licenses service is launched and by schedule at midnight.

The following steps are implemented:

  • checking availability and getting values for HASP License features (expiration date, faces limit, liveness)

  • checking the count of faces from the Faces service. The percentage of available license limit used is calculated and cached in the service

  • checking the license expiration date. The number of days before the license expires is calculated and cached in the service

If an error occurs during the licensing routine or during the processing of the request with method GET on resource /license, the existing cache will be dropped. The next attempt to calculate these values will be performed at the next request or by schedule at midnight.

All the license information is shown in logs of the Licenses service and is sent to the monitoring database (if monitoring is enabled). You can manage monitoring and received notifications according to your needs.

Information returned by the service

The following information is returned upon request to the Licenses service:

  • license expiration date. If the license period has expired, feature availability is set to false

  • the maximum number of faces to be created. If the face limit has exceeded, feature availability is set to false

  • availability of the liveness feature