

  1. Added Influx monitoring, see monitoring.

  2. Added user_data to list creation in linker task, see create_linker_task.

  3. Used keep-alive for all internal requests.

  4. Used four request timeouts (see timeouts and configuration file).

  5. Added script for uploading images from folder.

  6. Return possibility to get service settings from luna-configurator (see configurator).

  7. Added possibility to send sample ids to /detector and /handlers/{handler_id}/events. Now the following format is acceptable - {“urls”: [“url1”, “url2”]} or {“samples”: [“uuid4_1”, “uuid4_2”]} - if “Content-Type: application/json” header is set.

  8. Fastjsonschema is now used to validate input json.

  9. Renamed query parameters for /events requests: time__gte -> create_time__gte, time__lt -> create_time__lt.

  10. Added support for the matching by the face external ID as reference, see matching.

Bugs fixed:

  1. Fix error with POST at /extractor with empty body.

How to update from previous version:

To update from previous version simply replace all folders with files and update dependencies from requirements.txt.