

  1. [LUNA-5957] Body attributes estimation was updated. A Lower body was added to body attributes.

    The Lower body contains two features now (lower garment and shoes). Service can to estimate

    a lower garment type (shorts, skirt, … ), lower garment colors and shoes apparent color now.

    Set up estimate_lower_body in detect policy for estimation lower body features if you use handlers or

    set estimate_lower_body query parameter if you use resource /sdk. lower body estimation is disabled by


    A Feature headwear apparent color was added to headwear attribute of upper body.

    All new features is stored to events (in the service Luna Events). Also new matching by events filters

    was added to matching policy: lower_garment_types, shoes_apparent_colors,


    Updated resources:

  2. [LUNA-5957] Generated event structure extended with new body attributes. Several resources were updated:

  3. [LUNA-5965] All the SDK estimators can be enabled/disabled via command line arguments. By default, all estimators are enabled. See run for details.

Bugs fixed:

  1. [LUNA-5993] Fixed bug with incorrect urls in response examples for detectFaces, extractAttributes, upgradeAttributes, generateEvents and postVerifier


See a migration manual.

[LUNA-5957] See a migration manual.