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Term Description
Descriptor Set of unique features received from the sample. It is used for matching of faces. Descriptor is not considered personal data.
Index LUNA Index Module (LIM) entity containing set of received from user-provided images and deployed together for approximate matching. The index is generated by the Indexer service after receiving the task from the Index Manager service.
Matching The process of comparing descriptor with some descriptor batch that results in similarity scores. Its purpose is to search most similar descriptors to a given one over some user-provided set of descriptors.
Matching label LIM entity that contains the ID of a list of faces.
Relevant index Last built index for the list, since the index can be rebuilt if the task is created automatically.
Sample Image containing a face and corresponding to VisionLabs and other standards.
Abbreviation Full form
DB Database
LIM VisionLabs LP5 Index, LUNA Index Module