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This document describes the general steps for upgrading from LUNA PLATFORM 4 distribution (version 4.5.4) to LUNA PLATFORM 5 with Backport 4 service. See the "Backports" section in administrator manual for information about the Backport 4 service.

Note: This document has been tested on version v.5.64.0.

This document includes an example of LUNA PLATFORM deployment. It implements LUNA PLATFORM minimum power operating for demonstration purposes and cannot be used for the production system.

You should update LUNA PLATFORM to the version 4.5.4 if you have an earlier version. Then you should perform the migration.

This document describes migration from LUNA PLATFORM 4.5.4 installed in the default configuration. Note that your LUNA PLATFORM configuration and scaling may differ. In this case, use this manual as an example of the general approach to LUNA PLATFORM migration.

The document describes installation of all the services on a single service.

A network license is required to use the LUNA PLATFORM in Docker containers. The license is provided by VisionLabs on request separately from the delivery. The license key is created using the fingerprint of the system. This fingerprint is created based on information about the hardware characteristics of the server. Thus, the received license key will work only on the same server from which the system fingerprint was obtained. LUNA PLATFORM can be activated using one of two utilities — HASP or Guardant. The section "License update" provides useful links to instructions for activating the license key for each method.

The instructions provide an example of launching the PostgreSQL 16 database in a Docker container from the VisionLabs registry. The LUNA PLATFORM 4.5.4 installation documentation provided an example of using PostgreSQL version 3.3.8. PostgreSQL database migration is not described in this documentation.

To deploy the LUNA PLATFORM, follow the steps in the following sections:

  • "Before upgrade" — Actions for unpacking archives, preparing directories, configuring licenses, etc. Some actions may be optional.
  • "Services launch" — Actions to migrate databases and launch Docker containers with LUNA PLATFORM services.

The "Additional Information" section provides useful information on describing service launch parameters, Docker commands, enabling Grafana for monitoring visualization, etc.

A license file is required for LUNA PLATFORM activation. The file is provided by VisionLabs separately upon request.

All actions described in this manual must be performed by the root user. This document does not describe the creation of the user with administrator privileges and the following installation by this user.