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Events archive section#

The “Events archive” section is designed to display all events of face and body detection as well as recognition and search for events in archive.

Receiving and displaying new events in the event archive is performed with minimal delays in near real-time.

General view of the “Events archive” section is shown below (Figure 8).

“Events archive” section
Figure 8. “Events archive” section

If there are no filters applied (1), the Interface displays the latest detection and identification events identical to those presented in the “Last events” section, as well as events created earlier.

The number of events displayed on the page is set by the switch in the lower right corner of the page. There can be 10, 25, 50 or 100 events in total on one page (2).

The displayed data is identical to the data in the “Last events” section.

If no filters are set, only events from the last 30 days are displayed.

Click on a line to open a page with event details.

Click on a reference photo of a face from the control list to open a page with face details.

Archived events filtering#

The Interface allows you to filter archived events (1 in Figure 8) to find and display necessary events.

With filters (Figure 9) user can quickly find an event among the last, as well as set a limit for displaying new events on the screen.

Filters for searching archived events
Figure 9. Filters for searching archived events

A short description of the elements and parameters of the block with filters in the "Events archive" section is presented in the table (Table 3).

Table 3. Filters available to the user to search for archived events:




Date from

Start of the search period by date and time of the event;

Date to

End of the search period by date and time of the event;


Event source that recorded the event.

Select one or more sources from the list of available ones;

Handling policies

Handling policy names, according to which the face or body in the image was processed. One or several handling policies can be selected for searching.


Selection of one or more tags.

For example, the "Temperature" tag, is intended for displaying information about the temperature of the human body, filtering events by temperature. "Temperature":

  • Abnormal—very low or very high body temperature of a person, which may indicate an incorrect setting of the thermal imaging camera (the event will be highlighted in red);

  • Normal—normal human body temperature range;

  • Increased—above the specified normal human body temperature range (the event will be highlighted in red);

Event ID

Identifiers of detection and attribute extraction events.Values are separated by commas, for the correct search must be specified in full;

External events ID

External identifiers of events. Values are separated by commas, for the correct search must be specified in full;



Label name (labels are rules by which the comparison is made);


Lower and/or upper limits of similarity for displaying faces identified by the lists;

ID of objects with maximum match result

The ID of the top similar object (event or face) from matching results (match policy, values are separated by commas, for the correct search must be specified in full);

Face attributes and properties


Gender of a person to be detected:

  • Female;

  • Male;

  • Not estimated;

Age category

Lower and/or upper limits of age of a person to be detected:

  • Under 18;

  • From 18 to 44;

  • 45 to 60;

  • Over 60;


Emotion of a person to be detected:

  • Anger;

  • Disgust;

  • Fear;

  • Happiness;

  • Neutral;

  • Sadness;

  • Surprise;

  • Not estimated;

A combination of several values is possible;


Indication of the presence of a mask:

  • Missing;

  • Medical mask;

  • Occluded;

  • Not estimated;

A combination of several values is possible;


Liveness status selection:

  • Spoof;

  • Real;

  • Unknown;

  • Not estimated;

A combination of several values is possible;


Liveness status selection:

  • Fake;

  • Real;

  • Not estimated;

A combination of several values is possible;

Face IDs from events

Face IDs of persons that are created in the LUNA PLATFORM 5 system as a result of a detection event and extraction of attributes. Values are separated by commas, for the correct search must be specified in full;

Body attributes and properties

Upper body colors

Top clothing color specification:

  • Undefined;

  • Black/Blue/Green/Grey/Orange/Purple/Red/White/Yellow/ Pink/Brown/Beige/Khaki/Multicolored;

  • Not estimated;

A combination of several values is possible;

Lower body type

Bottom clothing type specification:

  • Undefined;

  • Trousers;

  • Shorts;

  • Skirt;

  • Not estimated;

A combination of several values is possible;

Lower body colors

Bottom clothing color specification:

  • Undefined;

  • Black/Blue/Green/Grey/Orange/Purple/Red/White/Yellow/ Pink/Brown/Beige/Khaki/Multicolored;

  • Not estimated;

A combination of several values is possible;

Shoes color

Shoe color specification:

  • Undefined;

  • Black;

  • White;

  • Other;

  • Not estimated;

A combination of several values is possible;


Headdress specification:

  • Absent;

  • Present;

  • Undefined;

  • Not estimated;

A combination of several values is possible;

Headwear colors

Headdress color specification:

  • Undefined;

  • Black;

  • White;

  • Other;

  • Not estimated;

A combination of several values is possible;


Backpack presence specification:

  • Absent;

  • Present;

  • Undefined;

  • Not estimated;

A combination of several values is possible;


Sleeve length specification:

  • Short;

  • Long;

  • Undefined;

  • Not estimated;

A combination of several values is possible;

Gender by body

Gender of a person to be detected, determined by the image of a body:

  • Female;

  • Male;

  • Undefined;

  • Not estimated;

A combination of several values is possible;

Age category by body

Age range of a person to be detected, determined by the image of a body:

  • below 18;

  • from 18 to 44;

  • 45 to 60;

  • above 60;






House number


Accuracy (0…90);


Accuracy (0…90);

Event location


Comma-separated track IDs

Specifying track IDs

Add filter by meta***

Allows you to fill in a set of blocks to create a filter by the "meta" field. The number of meta filters is unlimited. The following blocks are required to be filled in when creating a filter by meta:

  • Key—the full path to the required meta field connected with events.

  • Value—any valid value for the meta field.

  • Type—selection of the data type stored in this meta field. The data type displays available operators and converts values into the desired data type when sent to the API.

  • Operator—select operators for a given data type from the list. Operator type depends on the selected data type (for more details see LUNA PLATFORM 5 API, "get events" section)

*Color coding of temperature values:

  • increased temperature values will be marked in yellow;
  • abnormal temperature values will be marked in red;
  • normal temperature values will be marked in green.

See the LUNA Access documentation for more information on setting of temperature ranges.

**Deepfake license required

***For advanced users

The user selects one filter or a combination of filters and clicks on the “Filter” button for the applied filters to be applied.

To reset the applied filters, click on the “Reset” button. To collapse Filters, click on the filter icon on the right side of the page.