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Configuration parameters of services#

Configurator configuration#

The section describes the Configurator service parameters.

The Configurator service itself is configured using the configuration file './example-docker/luna_configurator/configs/'.


In this section, the settings for connecting to the database of the service Configurator are set.


The parameter sets the type of database used. The following types are available:

  • "postgres" — PostgreSQL database type
  • "oracle" — Oracle database type

Setting format: string.

Default value: postgres.


The parameter sets the IP address of the server with the database.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets database listener port.

The default port for "postgres" type is 5432

The default port for "oracle" type is 1521

Setting format: string.

Default value: 5432.


The parameter sets the database username.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets the database password.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets the database name for "postgres" and the name of the SID for "oracle" type to connect to.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna_configurator.


The parameter sets the database connection pool size. The actual number of connections may be greater than the value of this setting by 1.

If necessary, in the "max_connections" configuration of the PostgreSQL configuration file, you can set the maximum number of simultaneous connections to the database server. See the section "Advanced PostrgeSQL setting" for more details.

Setting format: string.

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the DSN connection string for connecting to the database.

DSN is a connection string that identifies and points to the data source (database) to which you want to establish a connection.

Settings such as multiple hosts, authentication data, port, and other parameters can be set in the DSN string.

The settings depend on the type of database. Multiple hosts are supported only with PostgreSQL.

By default, the "dsn" parameter is not displayed in the "Settings" tab in the Configurator. You can check the list of all available parameters for a section on the "Limitations" tab.

Below is an example of specifying the "dsn" parameter:

"dsn": "luna:luna@postgres01:5432,postgres02:5432/luna_configurator?some_option=some_value"
"db_settings": {
"connection_pool_size": 5


  • "luna:luna" — Username and password for connecting to PostgreSQL.
  • "@postgres01:5432,postgres02:5432" — Comma-separated list of hosts and ports. This means that the service will try to connect to the first host ("postgres01") on port 5432. If this fails, it will try to connect to the second host ("postgres02") also on port 5432.
  • "/luna_configurator" — Database name.
  • "?some_option=some_value" — Optional parameters for connection.

If necessary, you can combine the DSN string and the classic settings, but the DSN string is a higher priority. You can partially fill in the DSN string (for example, "postgres 01,postgres02/luna_configurator"), and then the missing parameters will be filled in from the values of the parameters "db_host", "db_port", "db_name", "db_user" and "db_password".

At startup, the service will create a pool of connections to one of the available DSN hosts. In case of problems with establishing a connection after several unsuccessful attempts, the service will again try to set up a connection pool to any of the available DSN hosts.


This section sets the logging settings for the logging.


The parameter sets the level of debug printing, by priority: "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO", "DEBUG".

Setting format: string.

Default value: INFO.


The parameter sets the time format used in log entries. The following values are available:

  • "LOCAL" — displays the local time of the system on which the logs are being recorded.
  • "UTC" — displays Coordinated Universal Time, which is a time standard and is not affected by local time zones or seasonal time changes.

Setting format: string.

Default value: LOCAL.


The parameter enables you to send logs to standard output (stdout).

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true


The parameter enables you to save logs to a file. The directory with log files is specified in the "folder_with_logs" parameter.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: false.


The parameter sets the directory in which logs are stored. The relative path starts from the application directory.

To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.

Setting format: string.

Default value: ./


"folder_with_logs": "/srv/logs"


The parameter sets the maximum size of the log file in MB before performing its rotation (0 — do not use rotation).

To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.

If necessary, you can configure Docker log rotation. See the section "Docker log rotation" in the LUNA PLATFORM installation manual.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1024


The parameter enables multi-line stack tracing in logs. When the parameter is enabled, information about the call stack is recorded in the logs so that each stack frame is placed on a separate line, which improves readability. If the parameter is disabled, information about the call stack is recorded on one line, which may make logs less convenient for analysis.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true.


The parameter defines the format of the output logs. The following values are available:

  • "default" — standard output format of the LUNA PLATFORM logs.
  • "json" — output of logs in json format.
  • "ecs" — output of logs in ECS format (Elastic Common Schema).

When using the "ecs" value, the following fields will be used:

  • "http.response.status_code" — contains the HTTP response status code (e.g., 200, 404, 500, etc.).
  • "http.response.execution_time" — contains information about the time taken to execute the request and receive the response.
  • "http.request.method" — contains the HTTP request method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.).
  • "url.path" — contains the path in the request's URL.
  • "error.code" — contains the error code if the request results in an error.

Setting format: string.

Default value: default.


This section contains parameters responsible for process HTTP connections. More detail see here.


The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant when a new open TCP connection is passed to the server, and the instant when the whole HTTP request is received.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant the server passes the HTTP request to the app, and the instant a HTTP response is sent to the client.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 600.


The parameter sets the maximum size of the request.

Setting format: integer (bytes).

Default value: 1073741824.


The parameter sets the timeout for maintaining HTTP activity.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 15.


In this section, settings for monitoring are set.

For more information about monitoring, see "Monitoring" section.


The parameter enables you to enable or disable sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter enables you to use HTTPS to connect to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 0.


The parameter sets InfluxDB workspace.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets InfluxDB authentication token.

Setting format: string.


The parameter sets InfluxDB bucket name.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna_monitoring.


The parameter sets IP address of server with InfluxDB.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets InfluxDB port.

Setting format: string.

Default value: 8086.


The parameter sets frequency of sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 1.


This section enables and configures the collection of metrics in the Prometheus format.

See "Monitoring" for details.


The parameter enables metrics collection.

If metrics collection is disabled, a request to the /metrics resource will return an appropriate message.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: false.


The parameter sets the metrics format.

Currently only the Prometheus format is supported.

See the official Prometheus documentation for more details.

Setting format: string.

Default value: prometheus.


The parameter specifies custom label types.

Setting format: label_name=label_value.

Default value is not set.



The parameter sets the time format used for records in the database. The following values are available:

  • "LOCAL" — displays the local time of the system on which logs are being recorded.
  • "UTC" — displays coordinated universal time, which is a standard time and does not depend on the local time zone or seasonal time changes.

Setting format: string.

Default value: LOCAL.

API service configuration#

The section describes the API service parameters.

You can configure the service using the Configurator service.


This section sets the settings for connecting the API service to the Configurator service.

This section will not be visible in the Configurator service user interface. The parameters can be changed only in the configuration file "config.conf" located in the directory "/srv/luna_api/configs/" of the corresponding container.


The parameter allows you to enable the use of the Configurator service.

Using the Configurator service, the configuration of LP services is simplified. The service stores all the necessary settings for all LP services in one place.

If this parameter is disabled, the settings from the "config.conf" file located in the "/srv/luna_api/configs/" directory of the corresponding container will be used.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Configurator service.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Configurator API service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


In this section, settings for monitoring are set.

For more information about monitoring, see "Monitoring" section.


The parameter enables you to enable or disable sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter enables you to use HTTPS to connect to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 0.


The parameter sets InfluxDB workspace.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets InfluxDB authentication token.

Setting format: string.


The parameter sets InfluxDB bucket name.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna_monitoring.


The parameter sets IP address of server with InfluxDB.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets InfluxDB port.

Setting format: string.

Default value: 8086.


The parameter sets frequency of sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 1.


This section sets the logging settings for the logging.


The parameter sets the level of debug printing, by priority: "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO", "DEBUG".

Setting format: string.

Default value: INFO.


The parameter sets the time format used in log entries. The following values are available:

  • "LOCAL" — displays the local time of the system on which the logs are being recorded.
  • "UTC" — displays Coordinated Universal Time, which is a time standard and is not affected by local time zones or seasonal time changes.

Setting format: string.

Default value: LOCAL.


The parameter enables you to send logs to standard output (stdout).

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true


The parameter enables you to save logs to a file. The directory with log files is specified in the "folder_with_logs" parameter.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: false.


The parameter sets the directory in which logs are stored. The relative path starts from the application directory.

To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.

Setting format: string.

Default value: ./


"folder_with_logs": "/srv/logs"


The parameter sets the maximum size of the log file in MB before performing its rotation (0 — do not use rotation).

To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.

If necessary, you can configure Docker log rotation. See the section "Docker log rotation" in the LUNA PLATFORM installation manual.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1024


The parameter enables multi-line stack tracing in logs. When the parameter is enabled, information about the call stack is recorded in the logs so that each stack frame is placed on a separate line, which improves readability. If the parameter is disabled, information about the call stack is recorded on one line, which may make logs less convenient for analysis.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true.


The parameter defines the format of the output logs. The following values are available:

  • "default" — standard output format of the LUNA PLATFORM logs.
  • "json" — output of logs in json format.
  • "ecs" — output of logs in ECS format (Elastic Common Schema).

When using the "ecs" value, the following fields will be used:

  • "http.response.status_code" — contains the HTTP response status code (e.g., 200, 404, 500, etc.).
  • "http.response.execution_time" — contains information about the time taken to execute the request and receive the response.
  • "http.request.method" — contains the HTTP request method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.).
  • "url.path" — contains the path in the request's URL.
  • "error.code" — contains the error code if the request results in an error.

Setting format: string.

Default value: default.


This section sets the connection settings for the Faces service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Faces service.

The IP address "" means that the Faces service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Faces service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Faces service. The available API version is "3".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 3.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the Faces service.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the Faces service. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 20.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection at the socket level. If the socket level connection is not established at the set time, the operation will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the timeout for reading data from the socket after a successful connection. If the data does not arrive at the set time, the read operation will be interrupted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


In this section, the bucket for storing face samples settings are set.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Image Store service.

The IP address "" means that the Image Store service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Image Store service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Image Store service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the bucket name.

See the detailed description of packages in the "Bucket description" section.

Setting format: string.

Default value: visionlabs-samples.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the bucket with face samples .


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the bucket with face samples. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 30.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


In this section, the bucket for storing body samples settings are set.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Image Store service.

The IP address "" means that the Image Store service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Image Store service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Image Store service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the bucket name.

See the detailed description of packages in the "Bucket description" section.

Setting format: string.

Default value: visionlabs-bodies-samples.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the bucket with body samples .


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the bucket with body samples. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 30.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


In this section, the bucket for storing source images settings are set.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Image Store service.

The IP address "" means that the Image Store service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Image Store service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Image Store service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the bucket name.

See the detailed description of packages in the "Bucket description" section.

Setting format: string.

Default value: visionlabs-image-origin.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the bucket with source images .


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the bucket with source images. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 30.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


In this section, the bucket for storing objects settings are set.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Image Store service.

The IP address "" means that the Image Store service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Image Store service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Image Store service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the bucket name.

See the detailed description of packages in the "Bucket description" section.

Setting format: string.

Default value: visionlabs-objects.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the bucket with objects .


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the bucket with objects. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 30.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


This section sets the connection settings for the Sender service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Sender service.

The IP address "" means that the Sender service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Sender service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Sender service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.



The parameter sets the possibility of using the Events service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Tasks service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Handlers service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Sender service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Python Matcher Proxy service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Image Store service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Lambda service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


This section sets the connection settings for the Events service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Events service.

The IP address "" means that the Events service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Events service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Events service. The available API version is "2".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 2.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the Events service.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the Events service. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 20.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection at the socket level. If the socket level connection is not established at the set time, the operation will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the timeout for reading data from the socket after a successful connection. If the data does not arrive at the set time, the read operation will be interrupted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


This section sets the connection settings for the Handlers service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Handlers service.

The IP address "" means that the Handlers service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Handlers service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Handlers service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the Handlers service.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the Handlers service. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 20.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection at the socket level. If the socket level connection is not established at the set time, the operation will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the timeout for reading data from the socket after a successful connection. If the data does not arrive at the set time, the read operation will be interrupted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


This section sets the connection settings for the Python Matcher service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Python Matcher service.

The IP address "" means that the Python Matcher service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Python Matcher service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Python Matcher service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the Python Matcher service.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the Python Matcher service. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 20.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection at the socket level. If the socket level connection is not established at the set time, the operation will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the timeout for reading data from the socket after a successful connection. If the data does not arrive at the set time, the read operation will be interrupted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


This section sets the connection settings for the Python Matcher Proxy service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Python Matcher Proxy service.

The IP address "" means that the Python Matcher Proxy service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Python Matcher Proxy service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Python Matcher Proxy service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the Python Matcher Proxy service.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the Python Matcher Proxy service. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 20.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection at the socket level. If the socket level connection is not established at the set time, the operation will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the timeout for reading data from the socket after a successful connection. If the data does not arrive at the set time, the read operation will be interrupted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


This section sets the connection settings for the Tasks service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Tasks service.

The IP address "" means that the Tasks service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Tasks service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Tasks service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the Tasks service.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the Tasks service. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 20.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection at the socket level. If the socket level connection is not established at the set time, the operation will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the timeout for reading data from the socket after a successful connection. If the data does not arrive at the set time, the read operation will be interrupted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


This section sets the connection settings for the Licenses service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Licenses service.

The IP address "" means that the Licenses service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Licenses service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Licenses service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets the connection settings for the Accounts service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Accounts service.

The IP address "" means that the Accounts service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Accounts service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Accounts service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the Accounts service.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the Accounts service. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 20.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection at the socket level. If the socket level connection is not established at the set time, the operation will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the timeout for reading data from the socket after a successful connection. If the data does not arrive at the set time, the read operation will be interrupted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


This section sets the connection settings for the Remote SDK service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Remote SDK service.

The IP address "" means that the Remote SDK service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Remote SDK service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Remote SDK service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the Remote SDK service.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the Remote SDK service. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 20.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection at the socket level. If the socket level connection is not established at the set time, the operation will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the timeout for reading data from the socket after a successful connection. If the data does not arrive at the set time, the read operation will be interrupted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


This section sets the connection settings for the Lambda service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Lambda service.

The IP address "" means that the Lambda service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Lambda service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Lambda service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the Lambda service.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the Lambda service. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 20.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection at the socket level. If the socket level connection is not established at the set time, the operation will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the timeout for reading data from the socket after a successful connection. If the data does not arrive at the set time, the read operation will be interrupted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


This section sets the address of the API service, which will be displayed in the "external_url" parameter in the response body to the creation of various objects. As a result, it will be possible to get an absolute reference to the created object.

Example of the response body to list creation:

    "list_id": "3b94d026-2434-4a52-b1e7-da4a97fc0398",
    "url": "/6/lists/3b94d026-2434-4a52-b1e7-da4a97fc0398",
    "external_url": ""


  • "url" is a relative link to the list
  • "external_url" is an absolute link to the list, consisting of the parameters "origin", "api_version" and "url"

This enables you to use the links from the API service responses for your own purposes without knowing the exact address of the service. It also enables you to transmit links in a convenient format, through which you can immediately get their contents.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the API service displayed in the "external_url" parameter in the body of the response to the creation of various objects.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the API version of the API service displayed in the "external_url" parameter in the body of the response to the creation of various objects.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 6.


This section contains parameters responsible for process HTTP connections. More detail see here.


The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant when a new open TCP connection is passed to the server, and the instant when the whole HTTP request is received.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant the server passes the HTTP request to the app, and the instant a HTTP response is sent to the client.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 600.


The parameter sets the maximum size of the request.

Setting format: integer (bytes).

Default value: 1073741824.


The parameter sets the timeout for maintaining HTTP activity.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 15.


This section enables and configures the collection of metrics in the Prometheus format.

See "Monitoring" for details.


The parameter enables metrics collection.

If metrics collection is disabled, a request to the /metrics resource will return an appropriate message.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: false.


The parameter sets the metrics format.

Currently only the Prometheus format is supported.

See the official Prometheus documentation for more details.

Setting format: string.

Default value: prometheus.


The parameter specifies custom label types.

Setting format: label_name=label_value.

Default value is not set.



The parameter sets a list of plugins that the service should use.

The names are given in the following format:


The list should contain file names without the extension (.py).

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the settings for plugins.

At the moment, the settings are available only for the "" plugin. For more information, see the section "Proxying requests to LUNA Streams via LUNA API" in the FaceStream administrator manual.

Important: Plugins must be enabled in the "luna_api_active_plugins" setting.

Setting format: object.

Default value: not set.

Settings for luna-streams plugin

The following settings are available for the "" plugin:

  • "luna-streams-address" > "origin" — Protocol, IP address and port of the LUNA Streams service.
  • "luna-streams-address" > "api_version" — API version of the LUNA Streams service.
  • "luna-streams-timeouts" > "connect" — Timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the LUNA Streams service.
  • "luna-streams-timeouts" > "request" — General timeout for completing the entire HTTP request.
  • "luna-streams-timeouts" > "sock_connect" — Timeout for establishing a connection at the socket level.
  • "luna-streams-timeouts" > "sock_read" — Timeout for reading data from the socket after a successful connection.

Example of setting the "luna_api_plugins_settings" setting for the "" plugin:

     "luna-streams": {
         "luna-streams-address": {
             "origin": "",
             "api_version": 1
         "luna-streams-timeouts": {
             "request": 60,
             "connect": 20,
             "sock_connect": 10,
             "sock_read": 60

If the "luna_api_plugins_settings" setting is not set or any of the above settings for the plugin are not set, the default values will be applied. The default values are shown in the example above.


The parameter enables authorization by the "Luna-Account-Id" header (LunaAccountIdAuth), which specifies the "account_id" generated after account creation.

This authorization was taken as a basis before version 5.30.0 and has the lowest priority compared to other methods.

In OpenAPI specification the "Luna-Account-Id" header is marked with the word Deprecated.

See the detailed information about authorization in the section "Accounts, tokens and authorization types".

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the time format used for records in the database. The following values are available:

  • "LOCAL" — displays the local time of the system on which logs are being recorded.
  • "UTC" — displays coordinated universal time, which is a standard time and does not depend on the local time zone or seasonal time changes.

Setting format: string.

Default value: LOCAL.


The parameter sets the version of the face descriptor to use.

Setting format: string.

Default value: 59.

Note: For more information about descriptor versions, see "Neural networks".

Admin service configuration#

The section describes the Admin service parameters.

You can configure the service using the Configurator service.


This section sets the settings for connecting the Admin service to the Configurator service.

This section will not be visible in the Configurator service user interface. The parameters can be changed only in the configuration file "config.conf" located in the directory "/srv/luna_admin/configs/" of the corresponding container.


The parameter allows you to enable the use of the Configurator service.

Using the Configurator service, the configuration of LP services is simplified. The service stores all the necessary settings for all LP services in one place.

If this parameter is disabled, the settings from the "config.conf" file located in the "/srv/luna_admin/configs/" directory of the corresponding container will be used.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Configurator service.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Configurator API service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


In this section, settings for monitoring are set.

For more information about monitoring, see "Monitoring" section.


The parameter enables you to enable or disable sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter enables you to use HTTPS to connect to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 0.


The parameter sets InfluxDB workspace.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets InfluxDB authentication token.

Setting format: string.


The parameter sets InfluxDB bucket name.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna_monitoring.


The parameter sets IP address of server with InfluxDB.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets InfluxDB port.

Setting format: string.

Default value: 8086.


The parameter sets frequency of sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 1.


This section sets the logging settings for the logging.


The parameter sets the level of debug printing, by priority: "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO", "DEBUG".

Setting format: string.

Default value: INFO.


The parameter sets the time format used in log entries. The following values are available:

  • "LOCAL" — displays the local time of the system on which the logs are being recorded.
  • "UTC" — displays Coordinated Universal Time, which is a time standard and is not affected by local time zones or seasonal time changes.

Setting format: string.

Default value: LOCAL.


The parameter enables you to send logs to standard output (stdout).

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true


The parameter enables you to save logs to a file. The directory with log files is specified in the "folder_with_logs" parameter.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: false.


The parameter sets the directory in which logs are stored. The relative path starts from the application directory.

To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.

Setting format: string.

Default value: ./


"folder_with_logs": "/srv/logs"


The parameter sets the maximum size of the log file in MB before performing its rotation (0 — do not use rotation).

To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.

If necessary, you can configure Docker log rotation. See the section "Docker log rotation" in the LUNA PLATFORM installation manual.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1024


The parameter enables multi-line stack tracing in logs. When the parameter is enabled, information about the call stack is recorded in the logs so that each stack frame is placed on a separate line, which improves readability. If the parameter is disabled, information about the call stack is recorded on one line, which may make logs less convenient for analysis.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true.


The parameter defines the format of the output logs. The following values are available:

  • "default" — standard output format of the LUNA PLATFORM logs.
  • "json" — output of logs in json format.
  • "ecs" — output of logs in ECS format (Elastic Common Schema).

When using the "ecs" value, the following fields will be used:

  • "http.response.status_code" — contains the HTTP response status code (e.g., 200, 404, 500, etc.).
  • "http.response.execution_time" — contains information about the time taken to execute the request and receive the response.
  • "http.request.method" — contains the HTTP request method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.).
  • "url.path" — contains the path in the request's URL.
  • "error.code" — contains the error code if the request results in an error.

Setting format: string.

Default value: default.


This section sets the connection settings for the Accounts service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Accounts service.

The IP address "" means that the Accounts service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Accounts service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Accounts service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets the connection settings for the API service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the API service.

The IP address "" means that the API service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the API service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the API service. The available API version is "6".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 6.


This section sets the connection settings for the Faces service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Faces service.

The IP address "" means that the Faces service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Faces service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Faces service. The available API version is "3".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 3.


In this section, the bucket for storing face samples settings are set.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Image Store service.

The IP address "" means that the Image Store service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Image Store service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Image Store service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the bucket name.

See the detailed description of packages in the "Bucket description" section.

Setting format: string.

Default value: visionlabs-samples.


In this section, the bucket for storing body samples settings are set.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Image Store service.

The IP address "" means that the Image Store service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Image Store service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Image Store service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the bucket name.

See the detailed description of packages in the "Bucket description" section.

Setting format: string.

Default value: visionlabs-bodies-samples.


In this section, the bucket for storing source images settings are set.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Image Store service.

The IP address "" means that the Image Store service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Image Store service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Image Store service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the bucket name.

See the detailed description of packages in the "Bucket description" section.

Setting format: string.

Default value: visionlabs-image-origin.


In this section, the bucket for storing tasks results settings are set.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Image Store service.

The IP address "" means that the Image Store service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Image Store service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Image Store service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the bucket name.

See the detailed description of packages in the "Bucket description" section.

Setting format: string.

Default value: task-result.


This section sets the connection settings for the Sender service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Sender service.

The IP address "" means that the Sender service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Sender service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Sender service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets the connection settings for the Events service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Events service.

The IP address "" means that the Events service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Events service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Events service. The available API version is "2".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 2.


This section sets the connection settings for the Tasks service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Tasks service.

The IP address "" means that the Tasks service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Tasks service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Tasks service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets the connection settings for the Handlers service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Handlers service.

The IP address "" means that the Handlers service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Handlers service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Handlers service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets the connection settings for the Remote SDK service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Remote SDK service.

The IP address "" means that the Remote SDK service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Remote SDK service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Remote SDK service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets the connection settings for the Python Matcher service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Python Matcher service.

The IP address "" means that the Python Matcher service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Python Matcher service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Python Matcher service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets the connection settings for the Python Matcher Proxy service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Python Matcher Proxy service.

The IP address "" means that the Python Matcher Proxy service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Python Matcher Proxy service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Python Matcher Proxy service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets the connection settings for the Licenses service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Licenses service.

The IP address "" means that the Licenses service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Licenses service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Licenses service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets the connection settings for the Lambda service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Lambda service.

The IP address "" means that the Lambda service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Lambda service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Lambda service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the Admin service.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the Admin service. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 20.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection at the socket level. If the socket level connection is not established at the set time, the operation will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the timeout for reading data from the socket after a successful connection. If the data does not arrive at the set time, the read operation will be interrupted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.



The parameter sets the possibility of using the Events service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Tasks service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Handlers service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Sender service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Python Matcher Proxy service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Image Store service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Lambda service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


This section contains parameters responsible for process HTTP connections. More detail see here.


The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant when a new open TCP connection is passed to the server, and the instant when the whole HTTP request is received.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant the server passes the HTTP request to the app, and the instant a HTTP response is sent to the client.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 600.


The parameter sets the maximum size of the request.

Setting format: integer (bytes).

Default value: 1073741824.


The parameter sets the timeout for maintaining HTTP activity.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 15.


This section enables and configures the collection of metrics in the Prometheus format.

See "Monitoring" for details.


The parameter enables metrics collection.

If metrics collection is disabled, a request to the /metrics resource will return an appropriate message.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: false.


The parameter sets the metrics format.

Currently only the Prometheus format is supported.

See the official Prometheus documentation for more details.

Setting format: string.

Default value: prometheus.


The parameter specifies custom label types.

Setting format: label_name=label_value.

Default value is not set.



The parameter sets a list of plugins that the service should use.

The names are given in the following format:


The list should contain file names without the extension (.py).

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.

Faces service configuration#

The section describes the Faces service parameters.

You can configure the service using the Configurator service.


This section sets the settings for connecting the Faces service to the Configurator service.

This section will not be visible in the Configurator service user interface. The parameters can be changed only in the configuration file "config.conf" located in the directory "/srv/luna_faces/configs/" of the corresponding container.


The parameter allows you to enable the use of the Configurator service.

Using the Configurator service, the configuration of LP services is simplified. The service stores all the necessary settings for all LP services in one place.

If this parameter is disabled, the settings from the "config.conf" file located in the "/srv/luna_faces/configs/" directory of the corresponding container will be used.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Configurator service.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Configurator API service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.

LUNA_FACES_DB section#

In this section, the settings for connecting to the database of the service Faces are set.


The parameter sets the type of database used. The following types are available:

  • "postgres" — PostgreSQL database type
  • "oracle" — Oracle database type

Setting format: string.

Default value: postgres.


The parameter sets the IP address of the server with the database.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets database listener port.

The default port for "postgres" type is 5432

The default port for "oracle" type is 1521

Setting format: string.

Default value: 5432.


The parameter sets the database username.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets the database password.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets the database name for "postgres" and the name of the SID for "oracle" type to connect to.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna_faces.


The parameter sets the database connection pool size. The actual number of connections may be greater than the value of this setting by 1.

If necessary, in the "max_connections" configuration of the PostgreSQL configuration file, you can set the maximum number of simultaneous connections to the database server. See the section "Advanced PostrgeSQL setting" for more details.

Setting format: string.

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the DSN connection string for connecting to the database.

DSN is a connection string that identifies and points to the data source (database) to which you want to establish a connection.

Settings such as multiple hosts, authentication data, port, and other parameters can be set in the DSN string.

The settings depend on the type of database. Multiple hosts are supported only with PostgreSQL.

By default, the "dsn" parameter is not displayed in the "Settings" tab in the Configurator. You can check the list of all available parameters for a section on the "Limitations" tab.

Below is an example of specifying the "dsn" parameter:

"dsn": "luna:luna@postgres01:5432,postgres02:5432/luna_faces?some_option=some_value"
"db_settings": {
"connection_pool_size": 5


  • "luna:luna" — Username and password for connecting to PostgreSQL.
  • "@postgres01:5432,postgres02:5432" — Comma-separated list of hosts and ports. This means that the service will try to connect to the first host ("postgres01") on port 5432. If this fails, it will try to connect to the second host ("postgres02") also on port 5432.
  • "/luna_faces" — Database name.
  • "?some_option=some_value" — Optional parameters for connection.

If necessary, you can combine the DSN string and the classic settings, but the DSN string is a higher priority. You can partially fill in the DSN string (for example, "postgres 01,postgres02/luna_faces"), and then the missing parameters will be filled in from the values of the parameters "db_host", "db_port", "db_name", "db_user" and "db_password".

At startup, the service will create a pool of connections to one of the available DSN hosts. In case of problems with establishing a connection after several unsuccessful attempts, the service will again try to set up a connection pool to any of the available DSN hosts.



The parameter sets the user name of the Redis database.

Setting format: string.

Default value: not specified.


The parameter sets the password of the Redis database.

Setting format: string.

Default value: not specified.


The parameter sets Redis database IP address.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the port number on which Redis waits for incoming network connections and listens for them to execute commands from clients.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 6379.


The parameter sets the number of the Redis database. Each number corresponds to a separate database, which enables you to separate the data.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 0.

sentinel > master_name#

The parameter sets the name of the Redis database master, which is monitored and managed by the Sentinel system.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna_attributes.

sentinel > sentinels#

The parameter sets the list of addresses and ports of Sentinel servers that will be used by clients to detect and monitor the Redis database.

Setting format: list > string.

Default value: [].

sentinel > user#

The parameter sets the user name of the Sentinel server.

Setting format: string.

Default value: Not specified.

sentinel > password#

The parameter sets the password of the Sentinel server user.

Setting format: string.

Default value: Not specified.


This section sets the settings for the Faces service related to storing temporary attributes.


The parameter sets the default lifetime of temporary attributes.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 300.


The parameter sets the maximum time to live of temporary attributes.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 86400.


This section sets the connection settings for the Licenses service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Licenses service.

The IP address "" means that the Licenses service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Licenses service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Licenses service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets the logging settings for the logging.


The parameter sets the level of debug printing, by priority: "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO", "DEBUG".

Setting format: string.

Default value: INFO.


The parameter sets the time format used in log entries. The following values are available:

  • "LOCAL" — displays the local time of the system on which the logs are being recorded.
  • "UTC" — displays Coordinated Universal Time, which is a time standard and is not affected by local time zones or seasonal time changes.

Setting format: string.

Default value: LOCAL.


The parameter enables you to send logs to standard output (stdout).

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true


The parameter enables you to save logs to a file. The directory with log files is specified in the "folder_with_logs" parameter.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: false.


The parameter sets the directory in which logs are stored. The relative path starts from the application directory.

To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.

Setting format: string.

Default value: ./


"folder_with_logs": "/srv/logs"


The parameter sets the maximum size of the log file in MB before performing its rotation (0 — do not use rotation).

To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.

If necessary, you can configure Docker log rotation. See the section "Docker log rotation" in the LUNA PLATFORM installation manual.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1024


The parameter enables multi-line stack tracing in logs. When the parameter is enabled, information about the call stack is recorded in the logs so that each stack frame is placed on a separate line, which improves readability. If the parameter is disabled, information about the call stack is recorded on one line, which may make logs less convenient for analysis.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true.


The parameter defines the format of the output logs. The following values are available:

  • "default" — standard output format of the LUNA PLATFORM logs.
  • "json" — output of logs in json format.
  • "ecs" — output of logs in ECS format (Elastic Common Schema).

When using the "ecs" value, the following fields will be used:

  • "http.response.status_code" — contains the HTTP response status code (e.g., 200, 404, 500, etc.).
  • "http.response.execution_time" — contains information about the time taken to execute the request and receive the response.
  • "http.request.method" — contains the HTTP request method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.).
  • "url.path" — contains the path in the request's URL.
  • "error.code" — contains the error code if the request results in an error.

Setting format: string.

Default value: default.


In this section, settings for monitoring are set.

For more information about monitoring, see "Monitoring" section.


The parameter enables you to enable or disable sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter enables you to use HTTPS to connect to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 0.


The parameter sets InfluxDB workspace.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets InfluxDB authentication token.

Setting format: string.


The parameter sets InfluxDB bucket name.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna_monitoring.


The parameter sets IP address of server with InfluxDB.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets InfluxDB port.

Setting format: string.

Default value: 8086.


The parameter sets frequency of sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 1.


This section contains parameters responsible for process HTTP connections. More detail see here.


The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant when a new open TCP connection is passed to the server, and the instant when the whole HTTP request is received.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant the server passes the HTTP request to the app, and the instant a HTTP response is sent to the client.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 600.


The parameter sets the maximum size of the request.

Setting format: integer (bytes).

Default value: 1073741824.


The parameter sets the timeout for maintaining HTTP activity.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 15.


This section enables and configures the collection of metrics in the Prometheus format.

See "Monitoring" for details.


The parameter enables metrics collection.

If metrics collection is disabled, a request to the /metrics resource will return an appropriate message.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: false.


The parameter sets the metrics format.

Currently only the Prometheus format is supported.

See the official Prometheus documentation for more details.

Setting format: string.

Default value: prometheus.


The parameter specifies custom label types.

Setting format: label_name=label_value.

Default value is not set.



The parameter specifies the Faces database number in the context of the replication setup.

Database replication is the process of creating and maintaining copies of data from one database to another.

The value "0" means that the current Faces database does not participate in replication. In other words, it is not a data source for any other database, and the data in it is not replicated to other databases.

For more information about data replication, see the "Replication" section of the Faces development manual.

Setting format: integer ("0", "1" or "2").

Default value: 0.


The parameter sets the version of the face descriptor to use.

Setting format: string.

Default value: 59.

Note: For more information about descriptor versions, see "Neural networks".


The parameter enables you to use materialized views, which makes it possible to speed up the request to the resource "/lists/linkkeys" of the Faces service.

Materialized views are objects in the database that contain the results of executing a query to one or more tables. Unlike conventional (virtual) views, materialized views actually store data in a table, which allows you to speed up query execution, especially for complex aggregating or computational operations.

See the principle of using this parameter in the "Materialized" section the Faces service development manual.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 0.


This parameter sets the maximum number of database connection checks for each request.

If the database is unavailable, an error is returned. If the value <= 0 is set, the checks are not performed.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 0.


The parameter sets the time format used for records in the database. The following values are available:

  • "LOCAL" — displays the local time of the system on which logs are being recorded.
  • "UTC" — displays coordinated universal time, which is a standard time and does not depend on the local time zone or seasonal time changes.

Setting format: string.

Default value: LOCAL.


The parameter sets a list of plugins that the service should use.

The names are given in the following format:


The list should contain file names without the extension (.py).

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.

Image Store service configuration#

The section describes the Image Store service parameters.

You can configure the service using the Configurator service.


This section sets the settings for connecting the Image Store service to the Configurator service.

This section will not be visible in the Configurator service user interface. The parameters can be changed only in the configuration file "config.conf" located in the directory "/srv/luna_image_store/configs/" of the corresponding container.


The parameter allows you to enable the use of the Configurator service.

Using the Configurator service, the configuration of LP services is simplified. The service stores all the necessary settings for all LP services in one place.

If this parameter is disabled, the settings from the "config.conf" file located in the "/srv/luna_image_store/configs/" directory of the corresponding container will be used.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Configurator service.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Configurator API service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets the logging settings for the logging.


The parameter sets the level of debug printing, by priority: "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO", "DEBUG".

Setting format: string.

Default value: INFO.


The parameter sets the time format used in log entries. The following values are available:

  • "LOCAL" — displays the local time of the system on which the logs are being recorded.
  • "UTC" — displays Coordinated Universal Time, which is a time standard and is not affected by local time zones or seasonal time changes.

Setting format: string.

Default value: LOCAL.


The parameter enables you to send logs to standard output (stdout).

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true


The parameter enables you to save logs to a file. The directory with log files is specified in the "folder_with_logs" parameter.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: false.


The parameter sets the directory in which logs are stored. The relative path starts from the application directory.

To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.

Setting format: string.

Default value: ./


"folder_with_logs": "/srv/logs"


The parameter sets the maximum size of the log file in MB before performing its rotation (0 — do not use rotation).

To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.

If necessary, you can configure Docker log rotation. See the section "Docker log rotation" in the LUNA PLATFORM installation manual.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1024


The parameter enables multi-line stack tracing in logs. When the parameter is enabled, information about the call stack is recorded in the logs so that each stack frame is placed on a separate line, which improves readability. If the parameter is disabled, information about the call stack is recorded on one line, which may make logs less convenient for analysis.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true.


The parameter defines the format of the output logs. The following values are available:

  • "default" — standard output format of the LUNA PLATFORM logs.
  • "json" — output of logs in json format.
  • "ecs" — output of logs in ECS format (Elastic Common Schema).

When using the "ecs" value, the following fields will be used:

  • "http.response.status_code" — contains the HTTP response status code (e.g., 200, 404, 500, etc.).
  • "http.response.execution_time" — contains information about the time taken to execute the request and receive the response.
  • "http.request.method" — contains the HTTP request method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.).
  • "url.path" — contains the path in the request's URL.
  • "error.code" — contains the error code if the request results in an error.

Setting format: string.

Default value: default.


In this section, settings for monitoring are set.

For more information about monitoring, see "Monitoring" section.


The parameter enables you to enable or disable sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter enables you to use HTTPS to connect to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 0.


The parameter sets InfluxDB workspace.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets InfluxDB authentication token.

Setting format: string.


The parameter sets InfluxDB bucket name.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna_monitoring.


The parameter sets IP address of server with InfluxDB.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets InfluxDB port.

Setting format: string.

Default value: 8086.


The parameter sets frequency of sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 1.


This section contains parameters responsible for process HTTP connections. More detail see here.


The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant when a new open TCP connection is passed to the server, and the instant when the whole HTTP request is received.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant the server passes the HTTP request to the app, and the instant a HTTP response is sent to the client.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 600.


The parameter sets the maximum size of the request.

Setting format: integer (bytes).

Default value: 1073741824.


The parameter sets the timeout for maintaining HTTP activity.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 15.


This section contains parameters for interacting with S3 storage.

To use these parameters, you need to enable the use of S3 storage in the "storage_type" parameter.

To use S3, you must specify the following parameters:


The parameter sets the URL address to establish a connection with the S3 storage.

Setting format: string

Default value: http://localhost:7480


The parameter specifies the region to be used when interacting with S3 storage.

The region can affect the availability and performance of various resources in AWS S3.

Setting format: string

Default value: Not specified


The parameter specifies the public access key used for authentication when accessing the S3 storage. This key is provided by AWS and is used to identify the client.

Setting format: string

Default value: Not specified


The parameter sets the secret access key, which, in combination with the public key, provides authentication when accessing the S3 storage.

Setting format: string

Default value: Not specified


The parameter determines the method used to create an authentication signature when performing operations with S3.

Two values can be specified:

  • "s3v4" — using the AWS S3 Version 4 signature algorithm.
  • "s3v2" — using the AWS S3 Version 2 signature algorithm.

Setting format: string

Default value: s3v4


The parameter sets the maximum time within which a request to the S3 storage must be completed. If the request does not complete within this time, it will be canceled.

Setting format: integer (seconds)

Default value: 60


The parameter sets the maximum waiting time for establishing a connection with the S3 storage. If the connection is not established within this time, it will be considered unsuccessful.

Setting format: integer (seconds)

Default value: 30


The parameter determines whether to perform SSL certificate verification when establishing a secure (HTTPS) connection with the S3 storage. If the value is true, the SSL certificate will be verified. If the value is false, verification will be disabled, which may lead to security issues.

Setting format: boolean

Default value: true


This section enables and configures the collection of metrics in the Prometheus format.

See "Monitoring" for details.


The parameter enables metrics collection.

If metrics collection is disabled, a request to the /metrics resource will return an appropriate message.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: false.


The parameter sets the metrics format.

Currently only the Prometheus format is supported.

See the official Prometheus documentation for more details.

Setting format: string.

Default value: prometheus.


The parameter specifies custom label types.

Setting format: label_name=label_value.

Default value is not set.



The parameter sets the type of storage Image Store. There are two types available:

  • "S3" — using S3 cloud storage
  • "LOCAL" — using local storage (SSD or HDD)

When using S3, you must additionally set the settings from the "S3" section.

When using local storage, you must additionally set the path to the directory with images in the "local_storage" setting.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the path and name of the directory for storing images. The relative path starts from the directory with the application.

To use this parameter, you need to enable the use of local storage in the "storage_type" parameter.

Setting format: string.

Default value: ./local_storage.


The parameter sets the image format of the sample obtained after normalization of the source image. Two values are available:

  • "jpg" — save the sample in JPG format
  • "png" — save the sample in PNG format

Note that the format of the transmitted source image does not depend on the format of the sample obtained after processing. If the value of this setting is "jpg", then a sample in JPG format will still be saved for the source PNG image.

Setting format: string.

Default value: jpg.


The parameter sets a list of plugins that the service should use.

The names are given in the following format:


The list should contain file names without the extension (.py).

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.

Tasks service configuration#

The section describes the Tasks service parameters.

You can configure the service using the Configurator service.


This section sets the settings for connecting the Tasks service to the Configurator service.

This section will not be visible in the Configurator service user interface. The parameters can be changed only in the configuration file "config.conf" located in the directory "/srv/luna_tasks/configs/" of the corresponding container.


The parameter allows you to enable the use of the Configurator service.

Using the Configurator service, the configuration of LP services is simplified. The service stores all the necessary settings for all LP services in one place.

If this parameter is disabled, the settings from the "config.conf" file located in the "/srv/luna_tasks/configs/" directory of the corresponding container will be used.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Configurator service.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Configurator API service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.

LUNA_TASKS_DB section#

In this section, the settings for connecting to the database of the service Tasks are set.


The parameter sets the type of database used. The following types are available:

  • "postgres" — PostgreSQL database type
  • "oracle" — Oracle database type

Setting format: string.

Default value: postgres.


The parameter sets the IP address of the server with the database.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets database listener port.

The default port for "postgres" type is 5432

The default port for "oracle" type is 1521

Setting format: string.

Default value: 5432.


The parameter sets the database username.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets the database password.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets the database name for "postgres" and the name of the SID for "oracle" type to connect to.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna_tasks.


The parameter sets the database connection pool size. The actual number of connections may be greater than the value of this setting by 1.

If necessary, in the "max_connections" configuration of the PostgreSQL configuration file, you can set the maximum number of simultaneous connections to the database server. See the section "Advanced PostrgeSQL setting" for more details.

Setting format: string.

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the DSN connection string for connecting to the database.

DSN is a connection string that identifies and points to the data source (database) to which you want to establish a connection.

Settings such as multiple hosts, authentication data, port, and other parameters can be set in the DSN string.

The settings depend on the type of database. Multiple hosts are supported only with PostgreSQL.

By default, the "dsn" parameter is not displayed in the "Settings" tab in the Configurator. You can check the list of all available parameters for a section on the "Limitations" tab.

Below is an example of specifying the "dsn" parameter:

"dsn": "luna:luna@postgres01:5432,postgres02:5432/luna_tasks?some_option=some_value"
"db_settings": {
"connection_pool_size": 5


  • "luna:luna" — Username and password for connecting to PostgreSQL.
  • "@postgres01:5432,postgres02:5432" — Comma-separated list of hosts and ports. This means that the service will try to connect to the first host ("postgres01") on port 5432. If this fails, it will try to connect to the second host ("postgres02") also on port 5432.
  • "/luna_tasks" — Database name.
  • "?some_option=some_value" — Optional parameters for connection.

If necessary, you can combine the DSN string and the classic settings, but the DSN string is a higher priority. You can partially fill in the DSN string (for example, "postgres 01,postgres02/luna_tasks"), and then the missing parameters will be filled in from the values of the parameters "db_host", "db_port", "db_name", "db_user" and "db_password".

At startup, the service will create a pool of connections to one of the available DSN hosts. In case of problems with establishing a connection after several unsuccessful attempts, the service will again try to set up a connection pool to any of the available DSN hosts.


This section sets the logging settings for the logging.


The parameter sets the level of debug printing, by priority: "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO", "DEBUG".

Setting format: string.

Default value: INFO.


The parameter sets the time format used in log entries. The following values are available:

  • "LOCAL" — displays the local time of the system on which the logs are being recorded.
  • "UTC" — displays Coordinated Universal Time, which is a time standard and is not affected by local time zones or seasonal time changes.

Setting format: string.

Default value: LOCAL.


The parameter enables you to send logs to standard output (stdout).

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true


The parameter enables you to save logs to a file. The directory with log files is specified in the "folder_with_logs" parameter.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: false.


The parameter sets the directory in which logs are stored. The relative path starts from the application directory.

To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.

Setting format: string.

Default value: ./


"folder_with_logs": "/srv/logs"


The parameter sets the maximum size of the log file in MB before performing its rotation (0 — do not use rotation).

To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.

If necessary, you can configure Docker log rotation. See the section "Docker log rotation" in the LUNA PLATFORM installation manual.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1024


The parameter enables multi-line stack tracing in logs. When the parameter is enabled, information about the call stack is recorded in the logs so that each stack frame is placed on a separate line, which improves readability. If the parameter is disabled, information about the call stack is recorded on one line, which may make logs less convenient for analysis.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true.


The parameter defines the format of the output logs. The following values are available:

  • "default" — standard output format of the LUNA PLATFORM logs.
  • "json" — output of logs in json format.
  • "ecs" — output of logs in ECS format (Elastic Common Schema).

When using the "ecs" value, the following fields will be used:

  • "http.response.status_code" — contains the HTTP response status code (e.g., 200, 404, 500, etc.).
  • "http.response.execution_time" — contains information about the time taken to execute the request and receive the response.
  • "http.request.method" — contains the HTTP request method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.).
  • "url.path" — contains the path in the request's URL.
  • "error.code" — contains the error code if the request results in an error.

Setting format: string.

Default value: default.


In this section, settings for monitoring are set.

For more information about monitoring, see "Monitoring" section.


The parameter enables you to enable or disable sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter enables you to use HTTPS to connect to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 0.


The parameter sets InfluxDB workspace.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets InfluxDB authentication token.

Setting format: string.


The parameter sets InfluxDB bucket name.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna_monitoring.


The parameter sets IP address of server with InfluxDB.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets InfluxDB port.

Setting format: string.

Default value: 8086.


The parameter sets frequency of sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 1.


In this section, the bucket for storing face samples settings are set.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Image Store service.

The IP address "" means that the Image Store service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Image Store service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Image Store service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the bucket name.

See the detailed description of packages in the "Bucket description" section.

Setting format: string.

Default value: visionlabs-samples.


In this section, the bucket for storing body samples settings are set.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Image Store service.

The IP address "" means that the Image Store service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Image Store service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Image Store service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the bucket name.

See the detailed description of packages in the "Bucket description" section.

Setting format: string.

Default value: visionlabs-bodies-samples.


In this section, the bucket for storing source images settings are set.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Image Store service.

The IP address "" means that the Image Store service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Image Store service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Image Store service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the bucket name.

See the detailed description of packages in the "Bucket description" section.

Setting format: string.

Default value: visionlabs-image-origin.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the bucket with face samples .


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the bucket with face samples. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 30.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the bucket with body samples .


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the bucket with body samples. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 30.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the bucket with source images .


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the bucket with source images. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 30.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


In this section, the bucket for storing tasks results settings are set.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Image Store service.

The IP address "" means that the Image Store service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Image Store service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Image Store service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the bucket name.

See the detailed description of packages in the "Bucket description" section.

Setting format: string.

Default value: task-result.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the bucket with tasks results .


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the bucket with tasks results. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 30.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


This section sets timeouts for executing HTTP requests to external resources for downloading archives. Each parameter defines the maximum amount of time that is expected to perform a certain operation within an HTTP request.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection to an external resource. If the connection is not established at the set time, the operation will be interrupted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 20.


The parameter sets the timeout for waiting for a response to an HTTP request that is sent to get an archive from an external resource.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 100.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection at the socket level. If the socket level connection is not established at the set time, the operation will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the timeout for reading data from the socket after a successful connection. If the data does not arrive at the set time, the read operation will be interrupted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 100.


This section sets the connection settings for the Faces service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Faces service.

The IP address "" means that the Faces service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Faces service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Faces service. The available API version is "3".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 3.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the Faces service.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the Faces service. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 20.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection at the socket level. If the socket level connection is not established at the set time, the operation will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the timeout for reading data from the socket after a successful connection. If the data does not arrive at the set time, the read operation will be interrupted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


This section sets the connection settings for the Python Matcher service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Python Matcher service.

The IP address "" means that the Python Matcher service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Python Matcher service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Python Matcher service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets the connection settings for the Python Matcher Proxy service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Python Matcher Proxy service.

The IP address "" means that the Python Matcher Proxy service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Python Matcher Proxy service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Python Matcher Proxy service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the Tasks service.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the Tasks service. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 20.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection at the socket level. If the socket level connection is not established at the set time, the operation will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the timeout for reading data from the socket after a successful connection. If the data does not arrive at the set time, the read operation will be interrupted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


This section sets the connection settings for the Events service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Events service.

The IP address "" means that the Events service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Events service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Events service. The available API version is "2".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 2.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the Events service.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the Events service. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 20.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection at the socket level. If the socket level connection is not established at the set time, the operation will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the timeout for reading data from the socket after a successful connection. If the data does not arrive at the set time, the read operation will be interrupted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


This section sets the connection settings for the Handlers service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Handlers service.

The IP address "" means that the Handlers service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Handlers service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Handlers service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the Handlers service.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the Handlers service. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 20.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection at the socket level. If the socket level connection is not established at the set time, the operation will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the timeout for reading data from the socket after a successful connection. If the data does not arrive at the set time, the read operation will be interrupted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


This section defines restrictions associated with matching operations between faces, events, or attributes. These parameters control the number of objects that can be included in a matching operation and also limit the number of results returned in the response.

These settings are useful for balancing performance and resource usage.

Parameters from the "match" subsection define restrictions associated with matching operations.

Parameters from the "cross_match" subsection define restrictions associated with cross-matching operations (see "Cross-matching" task description).

For the Tasks service, the "match" subsection is not used. The matching limit settings for regular matching operations are set in the "PLATFORM_LIMITS" section of the Python Matcher service.

cross_match > short_array_filter_limit#

The parameter sets the maximum number of objects (maximum array size) specified in all filters, except for the filters "face_ids", "event_ids" and "attribute_ids" in the Cross-matching task.

For example, the maximum array size for the filters "sources", "tags", "cities", etc. In the OpenAPI specification, such filters are marked with the example [ 1 .. 1000 ] items.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1000.

cross_match > array_filter_limit#

The parameter sets the maximum number of objects (maximum array size) specified in the filters "face_ids", "event_ids" and "attribute_ids" in the Cross-matching task.

In the OpenAPI specification, such filters are marked with the example [ 1 .. 20000 ] items.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 20000.

cross_match > result_candidate_limit#

The parameter sets the maximum number of matching results (maximum array size) for the list of candidates returned in the response of the request to get the result of the Cross-matching task.

In the matching request body, you can also limit the number of candidates returned in the response using the "limit" parameter, but the "result_candidate_limit" parameter takes precedence. This means that if the value "result_candidate_limit" = 4 and "limit" = 6, an error with code "31007" will be returned.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 20000.

cross_match > general_limit#

The parameter sets a general limit on the number of cross-matchings. It is applied to the product of the number of candidates and references that participate in the matching operation, taking into account filters. If the product exceeds the value "general_limit", the request will fail.

For example, if the value of "general_limit" is "20", the number of candidate faces in the array "face_ids" is "7", the number of reference faces in the array "face_ids" is "5" and all other filters do not reduce the actual number of candidate faces, the cross-matching request will not be executed, because the total number of cross-matchings will be equal to "35" (5 x 7). If some filter reduces the total number of candidate faces by "3", then the request will be executed successfully, because the total number of cross-matchings will be equal to "20" (5 x (7 - 3)).

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 100000.


This section is intended for correct processing of references to objects created using the "/images" and "/objects" resources in the API service. This section specifies the address and API version of the API service.

If the "content" > "source" > "reference" parameter of the resource "/tasks/estimator" specifies the URL and version of the API service of the "object" (ZIP archive) type object that matches the address and version of the API from the section "EXTERNAL_LUNA_API_ADDRESS" of the Tasks service settings, then this object will be loaded using the Image Store service directly, rather than sending a request to the API service with subsequent redirection to the Image Store service.

Format example: "", where "" must match the value from the "origin" setting ", and the value "6" must match the value of the "api_version" setting in the "EXTERNAL_LUNA_API_ADDRESS" section.

To avoid errors, you must configure this section in the Tasks settings before using URLs to objects of type "objects" or "images" as an input data source.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the API service.

See the description of the operating logic in the "EXTERNAL_LUNA_API_ADDRESS section" section.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the API version of the API service.

See the description of the operating logic in the "EXTERNAL_LUNA_API_ADDRESS section" section.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 6.


This section contains parameters responsible for process HTTP connections. More detail see here.


The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant when a new open TCP connection is passed to the server, and the instant when the whole HTTP request is received.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant the server passes the HTTP request to the app, and the instant a HTTP response is sent to the client.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 600.


The parameter sets the maximum size of the request.

Setting format: integer (bytes).

Default value: 1073741824.


The parameter sets the timeout for maintaining HTTP activity.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 15.



The parameter sets the user name of the Redis database.

Setting format: string.

Default value: not specified.


The parameter sets the password of the Redis database.

Setting format: string.

Default value: not specified.


The parameter sets Redis database IP address.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the port number on which Redis waits for incoming network connections and listens for them to execute commands from clients.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 6379.


The parameter sets the number of the Redis database. Each number corresponds to a separate database, which enables you to separate the data.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 0.

sentinel > master_name#

The parameter sets the name of the Redis database master, which is monitored and managed by the Sentinel system.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna_tasks.

sentinel > sentinels#

The parameter sets the list of addresses and ports of Sentinel servers that will be used by clients to detect and monitor the Redis database.

Setting format: list > string.

Default value: [].

sentinel > user#

The parameter sets the user name of the Sentinel server.

Setting format: string.

Default value: Not specified.

sentinel > password#

The parameter sets the password of the Sentinel server user.

Setting format: string.

Default value: Not specified.



The parameter sets the possibility of using the Events service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Handlers service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Sender service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Python Matcher Proxy service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Image Store service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Lambda service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


This section enables and configures the collection of metrics in the Prometheus format.

See "Monitoring" for details.


The parameter enables metrics collection.

If metrics collection is disabled, a request to the /metrics resource will return an appropriate message.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: false.


The parameter sets the metrics format.

Currently only the Prometheus format is supported.

See the official Prometheus documentation for more details.

Setting format: string.

Default value: prometheus.


The parameter specifies custom label types.

Setting format: label_name=label_value.

Default value is not set.



The parameter sets the time format used for records in the database. The following values are available:

  • "LOCAL" — displays the local time of the system on which logs are being recorded.
  • "UTC" — displays coordinated universal time, which is a standard time and does not depend on the local time zone or seasonal time changes.

Setting format: string.

Default value: LOCAL.


The parameter sets the maximum number of errors for each saved task.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 100000.


The parameter sets the maximum number of simultaneous requests (parallel operations) from the Tasks worker(s) to the Faces service at one time.

This is a limit on the number of requests that can be processed at the same time.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 5.


The parameter sets the maximum number of simultaneous requests (parallel operations) from the Tasks worker(s) to the Image-Store service at one time.

This is a limit on the number of requests that can be processed at the same time.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 100.


The parameter sets the maximum number of simultaneous requests (parallel operations) from the Tasks worker(s) to the Handlers service at one time.

This is a limit on the number of requests that can be processed at the same time.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 8.


The parameter sets a list of plugins that the service should use.

The names are given in the following format:


The list should contain file names without the extension (.py).

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.

Events service configuration#

The section describes the Events service parameters.

You can configure the service using the Configurator service.


This section sets the settings for connecting the Events service to the Configurator service.

This section will not be visible in the Configurator service user interface. The parameters can be changed only in the configuration file "config.conf" located in the directory "/srv/luna_events/configs/" of the corresponding container.


The parameter allows you to enable the use of the Configurator service.

Using the Configurator service, the configuration of LP services is simplified. The service stores all the necessary settings for all LP services in one place.

If this parameter is disabled, the settings from the "config.conf" file located in the "/srv/luna_events/configs/" directory of the corresponding container will be used.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Configurator service.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Configurator API service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets the logging settings for the logging.


The parameter sets the level of debug printing, by priority: "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO", "DEBUG".

Setting format: string.

Default value: INFO.


The parameter sets the time format used in log entries. The following values are available:

  • "LOCAL" — displays the local time of the system on which the logs are being recorded.
  • "UTC" — displays Coordinated Universal Time, which is a time standard and is not affected by local time zones or seasonal time changes.

Setting format: string.

Default value: LOCAL.


The parameter enables you to send logs to standard output (stdout).

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true


The parameter enables you to save logs to a file. The directory with log files is specified in the "folder_with_logs" parameter.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: false.


The parameter sets the directory in which logs are stored. The relative path starts from the application directory.

To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.

Setting format: string.

Default value: ./


"folder_with_logs": "/srv/logs"


The parameter sets the maximum size of the log file in MB before performing its rotation (0 — do not use rotation).

To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.

If necessary, you can configure Docker log rotation. See the section "Docker log rotation" in the LUNA PLATFORM installation manual.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1024


The parameter enables multi-line stack tracing in logs. When the parameter is enabled, information about the call stack is recorded in the logs so that each stack frame is placed on a separate line, which improves readability. If the parameter is disabled, information about the call stack is recorded on one line, which may make logs less convenient for analysis.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true.


The parameter defines the format of the output logs. The following values are available:

  • "default" — standard output format of the LUNA PLATFORM logs.
  • "json" — output of logs in json format.
  • "ecs" — output of logs in ECS format (Elastic Common Schema).

When using the "ecs" value, the following fields will be used:

  • "http.response.status_code" — contains the HTTP response status code (e.g., 200, 404, 500, etc.).
  • "http.response.execution_time" — contains information about the time taken to execute the request and receive the response.
  • "http.request.method" — contains the HTTP request method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.).
  • "url.path" — contains the path in the request's URL.
  • "error.code" — contains the error code if the request results in an error.

Setting format: string.

Default value: default.


In this section, the settings for connecting to the database of the service Events are set.


The parameter sets the type of database used. The following types are available:

  • "postgres" — PostgreSQL database type
  • "oracle" — Oracle database type

Setting format: string.

Default value: postgres.


The parameter sets the IP address of the server with the database.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets database listener port.

The default port for "postgres" type is 5432

The default port for "oracle" type is 1521

Setting format: string.

Default value: 5432.


The parameter sets the database username.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets the database password.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets the database name for "postgres" and the name of the SID for "oracle" type to connect to.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna_events.


The parameter sets the database connection pool size. The actual number of connections may be greater than the value of this setting by 1.

If necessary, in the "max_connections" configuration of the PostgreSQL configuration file, you can set the maximum number of simultaneous connections to the database server. See the section "Advanced PostrgeSQL setting" for more details.

Setting format: string.

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the DSN connection string for connecting to the database.

DSN is a connection string that identifies and points to the data source (database) to which you want to establish a connection.

Settings such as multiple hosts, authentication data, port, and other parameters can be set in the DSN string.

The settings depend on the type of database. Multiple hosts are supported only with PostgreSQL.

By default, the "dsn" parameter is not displayed in the "Settings" tab in the Configurator. You can check the list of all available parameters for a section on the "Limitations" tab.

Below is an example of specifying the "dsn" parameter:

"dsn": "luna:luna@postgres01:5432,postgres02:5432/luna_events?some_option=some_value"
"db_settings": {
"connection_pool_size": 5


  • "luna:luna" — Username and password for connecting to PostgreSQL.
  • "@postgres01:5432,postgres02:5432" — Comma-separated list of hosts and ports. This means that the service will try to connect to the first host ("postgres01") on port 5432. If this fails, it will try to connect to the second host ("postgres02") also on port 5432.
  • "/luna_events" — Database name.
  • "?some_option=some_value" — Optional parameters for connection.

If necessary, you can combine the DSN string and the classic settings, but the DSN string is a higher priority. You can partially fill in the DSN string (for example, "postgres 01,postgres02/luna_events"), and then the missing parameters will be filled in from the values of the parameters "db_host", "db_port", "db_name", "db_user" and "db_password".

At startup, the service will create a pool of connections to one of the available DSN hosts. In case of problems with establishing a connection after several unsuccessful attempts, the service will again try to set up a connection pool to any of the available DSN hosts.


In this section, settings for monitoring are set.

For more information about monitoring, see "Monitoring" section.


The parameter enables you to enable or disable sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter enables you to use HTTPS to connect to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 0.


The parameter sets InfluxDB workspace.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets InfluxDB authentication token.

Setting format: string.


The parameter sets InfluxDB bucket name.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna_monitoring.


The parameter sets IP address of server with InfluxDB.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets InfluxDB port.

Setting format: string.

Default value: 8086.


The parameter sets frequency of sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 1.


This section contains parameters responsible for process HTTP connections. More detail see here.


The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant when a new open TCP connection is passed to the server, and the instant when the whole HTTP request is received.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant the server passes the HTTP request to the app, and the instant a HTTP response is sent to the client.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 600.


The parameter sets the maximum size of the request.

Setting format: integer (bytes).

Default value: 1073741824.


The parameter sets the timeout for maintaining HTTP activity.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 15.


This section enables and configures the collection of metrics in the Prometheus format.

See "Monitoring" for details.


The parameter enables metrics collection.

If metrics collection is disabled, a request to the /metrics resource will return an appropriate message.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: false.


The parameter sets the metrics format.

Currently only the Prometheus format is supported.

See the official Prometheus documentation for more details.

Setting format: string.

Default value: prometheus.


The parameter specifies custom label types.

Setting format: label_name=label_value.

Default value is not set.



The parameter sets the time format used for records in the database. The following values are available:

  • "LOCAL" — displays the local time of the system on which logs are being recorded.
  • "UTC" — displays coordinated universal time, which is a standard time and does not depend on the local time zone or seasonal time changes.

Setting format: string.

Default value: LOCAL.


The parameter sets the version of the face descriptor to use.

Setting format: string.

Default value: 59.

Note: For more information about descriptor versions, see "Neural networks".


The parameter sets the version of the body descriptor to use.

For more information about descriptor version, see "Neural networks".

Setting format: string.

Default value: 110.

Note: For more information about descriptor versions, see "Neural networks".


This parameter sets the timeout for events to be saved in the Events database.

Values of "0" or negative mean that the service will save events without any waiting time limits.

Using this parameter prevents excessive use of computing resources.

Setting format: float (seconds).

Default value: 2.


The parameter sets a list of plugins that the service should use.

The names are given in the following format:


The list should contain file names without the extension (.py).

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.

Sender service configuration#

The section describes the Sender service parameters.

You can configure the service using the Configurator service.


This section sets the settings for connecting the Sender service to the Configurator service.

This section will not be visible in the Configurator service user interface. The parameters can be changed only in the configuration file "config.conf" located in the directory "/srv/luna_sender/configs/" of the corresponding container.


The parameter allows you to enable the use of the Configurator service.

Using the Configurator service, the configuration of LP services is simplified. The service stores all the necessary settings for all LP services in one place.

If this parameter is disabled, the settings from the "config.conf" file located in the "/srv/luna_sender/configs/" directory of the corresponding container will be used.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Configurator service.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Configurator API service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets the logging settings for the logging.


The parameter sets the level of debug printing, by priority: "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO", "DEBUG".

Setting format: string.

Default value: INFO.


The parameter sets the time format used in log entries. The following values are available:

  • "LOCAL" — displays the local time of the system on which the logs are being recorded.
  • "UTC" — displays Coordinated Universal Time, which is a time standard and is not affected by local time zones or seasonal time changes.

Setting format: string.

Default value: LOCAL.


The parameter enables you to send logs to standard output (stdout).

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true


The parameter enables you to save logs to a file. The directory with log files is specified in the "folder_with_logs" parameter.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: false.


The parameter sets the directory in which logs are stored. The relative path starts from the application directory.

To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.

Setting format: string.

Default value: ./


"folder_with_logs": "/srv/logs"


The parameter sets the maximum size of the log file in MB before performing its rotation (0 — do not use rotation).

To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.

If necessary, you can configure Docker log rotation. See the section "Docker log rotation" in the LUNA PLATFORM installation manual.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1024


The parameter enables multi-line stack tracing in logs. When the parameter is enabled, information about the call stack is recorded in the logs so that each stack frame is placed on a separate line, which improves readability. If the parameter is disabled, information about the call stack is recorded on one line, which may make logs less convenient for analysis.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true.


The parameter defines the format of the output logs. The following values are available:

  • "default" — standard output format of the LUNA PLATFORM logs.
  • "json" — output of logs in json format.
  • "ecs" — output of logs in ECS format (Elastic Common Schema).

When using the "ecs" value, the following fields will be used:

  • "http.response.status_code" — contains the HTTP response status code (e.g., 200, 404, 500, etc.).
  • "http.response.execution_time" — contains information about the time taken to execute the request and receive the response.
  • "http.request.method" — contains the HTTP request method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.).
  • "url.path" — contains the path in the request's URL.
  • "error.code" — contains the error code if the request results in an error.

Setting format: string.

Default value: default.



The parameter sets the user name of the Redis database.

Setting format: string.

Default value: not specified.


The parameter sets the password of the Redis database.

Setting format: string.

Default value: not specified.


The parameter sets Redis database IP address.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the port number on which Redis waits for incoming network connections and listens for them to execute commands from clients.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 6379.


The parameter sets the number of the Redis database. Each number corresponds to a separate database, which enables you to separate the data.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 0.


The parameter sets the Redis channel to which the service subscribes.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: luna-sender.

sentinel > master_name#

The parameter sets the name of the Redis database master, which is monitored and managed by the Sentinel system.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna_sender_master.


This section enables and configures the collection of metrics in the Prometheus format.

See "Monitoring" for details.


The parameter enables metrics collection.

If metrics collection is disabled, a request to the /metrics resource will return an appropriate message.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: false.


The parameter sets the metrics format.

Currently only the Prometheus format is supported.

See the official Prometheus documentation for more details.

Setting format: string.

Default value: prometheus.


The parameter specifies custom label types.

Setting format: label_name=label_value.

Default value is not set.

sentinel > sentinels#

The parameter sets the list of addresses and ports of Sentinel servers that will be used by clients to detect and monitor the Redis database.

Setting format: list > string.

Default value: [].

sentinel > user#

The parameter sets the user name of the Sentinel server.

Setting format: string.

Default value: Not specified.

sentinel > password#

The parameter sets the password of the Sentinel server user.

Setting format: string.

Default value: Not specified.


In this section, settings for monitoring are set.

For more information about monitoring, see "Monitoring" section.


The parameter enables you to enable or disable sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter enables you to use HTTPS to connect to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 0.


The parameter sets InfluxDB workspace.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets InfluxDB authentication token.

Setting format: string.


The parameter sets InfluxDB bucket name.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna_monitoring.


The parameter sets IP address of server with InfluxDB.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets InfluxDB port.

Setting format: string.

Default value: 8086.


The parameter sets frequency of sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 1.


This section contains parameters responsible for process HTTP connections. More detail see here.


The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant when a new open TCP connection is passed to the server, and the instant when the whole HTTP request is received.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant the server passes the HTTP request to the app, and the instant a HTTP response is sent to the client.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 600.


The parameter sets the maximum size of the request.

Setting format: integer (bytes).

Default value: 1073741824.


The parameter sets the timeout for maintaining HTTP activity.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 15.



The parameter sets a list of plugins that the service should use.

The names are given in the following format:


The list should contain file names without the extension (.py).

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.

Licenses service configuration#

The section describes the Licenses service parameters.

You can configure the service using the Configurator service.


This section sets the settings for connecting the Licenses service to the Configurator service.

This section will not be visible in the Configurator service user interface. The parameters can be changed only in the configuration file "config.conf" located in the directory "/srv/luna_licenses/configs/" of the corresponding container.


The parameter allows you to enable the use of the Configurator service.

Using the Configurator service, the configuration of LP services is simplified. The service stores all the necessary settings for all LP services in one place.

If this parameter is disabled, the settings from the "config.conf" file located in the "/srv/luna_licenses/configs/" directory of the corresponding container will be used.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Configurator service.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Configurator API service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets the logging settings for the logging.


The parameter sets the level of debug printing, by priority: "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO", "DEBUG".

Setting format: string.

Default value: INFO.


The parameter sets the time format used in log entries. The following values are available:

  • "LOCAL" — displays the local time of the system on which the logs are being recorded.
  • "UTC" — displays Coordinated Universal Time, which is a time standard and is not affected by local time zones or seasonal time changes.

Setting format: string.

Default value: LOCAL.


The parameter enables you to send logs to standard output (stdout).

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true


The parameter enables you to save logs to a file. The directory with log files is specified in the "folder_with_logs" parameter.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: false.


The parameter sets the directory in which logs are stored. The relative path starts from the application directory.

To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.

Setting format: string.

Default value: ./


"folder_with_logs": "/srv/logs"


The parameter sets the maximum size of the log file in MB before performing its rotation (0 — do not use rotation).

To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.

If necessary, you can configure Docker log rotation. See the section "Docker log rotation" in the LUNA PLATFORM installation manual.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1024


The parameter enables multi-line stack tracing in logs. When the parameter is enabled, information about the call stack is recorded in the logs so that each stack frame is placed on a separate line, which improves readability. If the parameter is disabled, information about the call stack is recorded on one line, which may make logs less convenient for analysis.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true.


The parameter defines the format of the output logs. The following values are available:

  • "default" — standard output format of the LUNA PLATFORM logs.
  • "json" — output of logs in json format.
  • "ecs" — output of logs in ECS format (Elastic Common Schema).

When using the "ecs" value, the following fields will be used:

  • "http.response.status_code" — contains the HTTP response status code (e.g., 200, 404, 500, etc.).
  • "http.response.execution_time" — contains information about the time taken to execute the request and receive the response.
  • "http.request.method" — contains the HTTP request method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.).
  • "url.path" — contains the path in the request's URL.
  • "error.code" — contains the error code if the request results in an error.

Setting format: string.

Default value: default.


In this section, settings for monitoring are set.

For more information about monitoring, see "Monitoring" section.


The parameter enables you to enable or disable sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter enables you to use HTTPS to connect to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 0.


The parameter sets InfluxDB workspace.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets InfluxDB authentication token.

Setting format: string.


The parameter sets InfluxDB bucket name.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna_monitoring.


The parameter sets IP address of server with InfluxDB.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets InfluxDB port.

Setting format: string.

Default value: 8086.


The parameter sets frequency of sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 1.


This section sets licensing settings.

See the detailed license activation information in the installation manual and in the activation manual.

For more information about the license, see "License information".


This parameter determines which license vendor will be used. Two options are available:

  • "hasp"
  • "guardant"

Setting format: string.

Default value: hasp.


The parameter sets the IP address at which the Licenses service will search for a server for license management.

The address must be specified without protocol and port.

The value "" means that the server is located on the local computer. If you are using an external server for licensing, you should change this value to your server address.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


Note: The parameter is used only for the vendor "guardant" additionally with the parameters "server_address" and "vendor". If the vendor "hasp" is used, then this parameter must be disabled.

The parameter sets the license ID in the format 0x<your_license_id>. The license ID can be found in the Guardant user interface at http://<your_host_address>:3189/ on the "Dongles" tab.

Setting format: string.

Default value: not specified.


This section contains parameters responsible for process HTTP connections. More detail see here.


The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant when a new open TCP connection is passed to the server, and the instant when the whole HTTP request is received.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant the server passes the HTTP request to the app, and the instant a HTTP response is sent to the client.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 600.


The parameter sets the maximum size of the request.

Setting format: integer (bytes).

Default value: 1073741824.


The parameter sets the timeout for maintaining HTTP activity.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 15.


This section enables and configures the collection of metrics in the Prometheus format.

See "Monitoring" for details.


The parameter enables metrics collection.

If metrics collection is disabled, a request to the /metrics resource will return an appropriate message.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: false.


The parameter sets the metrics format.

Currently only the Prometheus format is supported.

See the official Prometheus documentation for more details.

Setting format: string.

Default value: prometheus.


The parameter specifies custom label types.

Setting format: label_name=label_value.

Default value is not set.



The parameter sets a list of plugins that the service should use.

The names are given in the following format:


The list should contain file names without the extension (.py).

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.

Python Matcher service configuration#

The section describes the Python Matcher service parameters.

You can configure the service using the Configurator service.


This section sets the settings for connecting the Python Matcher service to the Configurator service.

This section will not be visible in the Configurator service user interface. The parameters can be changed only in the configuration file "config.conf" located in the directory "/srv/luna_python_matcher/configs/" of the corresponding container.


The parameter allows you to enable the use of the Configurator service.

Using the Configurator service, the configuration of LP services is simplified. The service stores all the necessary settings for all LP services in one place.

If this parameter is disabled, the settings from the "config.conf" file located in the "/srv/luna_python_matcher/configs/" directory of the corresponding container will be used.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Configurator service.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Configurator API service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets the logging settings for the logging.


The parameter sets the level of debug printing, by priority: "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO", "DEBUG".

Setting format: string.

Default value: INFO.


The parameter sets the time format used in log entries. The following values are available:

  • "LOCAL" — displays the local time of the system on which the logs are being recorded.
  • "UTC" — displays Coordinated Universal Time, which is a time standard and is not affected by local time zones or seasonal time changes.

Setting format: string.

Default value: LOCAL.


The parameter enables you to send logs to standard output (stdout).

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true


The parameter enables you to save logs to a file. The directory with log files is specified in the "folder_with_logs" parameter.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: false.


The parameter sets the directory in which logs are stored. The relative path starts from the application directory.

To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.

Setting format: string.

Default value: ./


"folder_with_logs": "/srv/logs"


The parameter sets the maximum size of the log file in MB before performing its rotation (0 — do not use rotation).

To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.

If necessary, you can configure Docker log rotation. See the section "Docker log rotation" in the LUNA PLATFORM installation manual.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1024


The parameter enables multi-line stack tracing in logs. When the parameter is enabled, information about the call stack is recorded in the logs so that each stack frame is placed on a separate line, which improves readability. If the parameter is disabled, information about the call stack is recorded on one line, which may make logs less convenient for analysis.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true.


The parameter defines the format of the output logs. The following values are available:

  • "default" — standard output format of the LUNA PLATFORM logs.
  • "json" — output of logs in json format.
  • "ecs" — output of logs in ECS format (Elastic Common Schema).

When using the "ecs" value, the following fields will be used:

  • "http.response.status_code" — contains the HTTP response status code (e.g., 200, 404, 500, etc.).
  • "http.response.execution_time" — contains information about the time taken to execute the request and receive the response.
  • "http.request.method" — contains the HTTP request method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.).
  • "url.path" — contains the path in the request's URL.
  • "error.code" — contains the error code if the request results in an error.

Setting format: string.

Default value: default.


In this section, settings for monitoring are set.

For more information about monitoring, see "Monitoring" section.


The parameter enables you to enable or disable sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter enables you to use HTTPS to connect to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 0.


The parameter sets InfluxDB workspace.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets InfluxDB authentication token.

Setting format: string.


The parameter sets InfluxDB bucket name.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna_monitoring.


The parameter sets IP address of server with InfluxDB.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets InfluxDB port.

Setting format: string.

Default value: 8086.


The parameter sets frequency of sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 1.

LUNA_FACES_DB section#

In this section, the settings for connecting to the database of the service Faces are set.


The parameter sets the type of database used. The following types are available:

  • "postgres" — PostgreSQL database type
  • "oracle" — Oracle database type

Setting format: string.

Default value: postgres.


The parameter sets the IP address of the server with the database.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets database listener port.

The default port for "postgres" type is 5432

The default port for "oracle" type is 1521

Setting format: string.

Default value: 5432.


The parameter sets the database username.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets the database password.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets the database name for "postgres" and the name of the SID for "oracle" type to connect to.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna_faces.


The parameter sets the database connection pool size. The actual number of connections may be greater than the value of this setting by 1.

If necessary, in the "max_connections" configuration of the PostgreSQL configuration file, you can set the maximum number of simultaneous connections to the database server. See the section "Advanced PostrgeSQL setting" for more details.

Setting format: string.

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the DSN connection string for connecting to the database.

DSN is a connection string that identifies and points to the data source (database) to which you want to establish a connection.

Settings such as multiple hosts, authentication data, port, and other parameters can be set in the DSN string.

The settings depend on the type of database. Multiple hosts are supported only with PostgreSQL.

By default, the "dsn" parameter is not displayed in the "Settings" tab in the Configurator. You can check the list of all available parameters for a section on the "Limitations" tab.

Below is an example of specifying the "dsn" parameter:

"dsn": "luna:luna@postgres01:5432,postgres02:5432/luna_faces?some_option=some_value"
"db_settings": {
"connection_pool_size": 5


  • "luna:luna" — Username and password for connecting to PostgreSQL.
  • "@postgres01:5432,postgres02:5432" — Comma-separated list of hosts and ports. This means that the service will try to connect to the first host ("postgres01") on port 5432. If this fails, it will try to connect to the second host ("postgres02") also on port 5432.
  • "/luna_faces" — Database name.
  • "?some_option=some_value" — Optional parameters for connection.

If necessary, you can combine the DSN string and the classic settings, but the DSN string is a higher priority. You can partially fill in the DSN string (for example, "postgres 01,postgres02/luna_faces"), and then the missing parameters will be filled in from the values of the parameters "db_host", "db_port", "db_name", "db_user" and "db_password".

At startup, the service will create a pool of connections to one of the available DSN hosts. In case of problems with establishing a connection after several unsuccessful attempts, the service will again try to set up a connection pool to any of the available DSN hosts.



The parameter sets the user name of the Redis database.

Setting format: string.

Default value: not specified.


The parameter sets the password of the Redis database.

Setting format: string.

Default value: not specified.


The parameter sets Redis database IP address.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the port number on which Redis waits for incoming network connections and listens for them to execute commands from clients.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 6379.


The parameter sets the number of the Redis database. Each number corresponds to a separate database, which enables you to separate the data.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 0.

sentinel > master_name#

The parameter sets the name of the Redis database master, which is monitored and managed by the Sentinel system.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna_attributes.

sentinel > sentinels#

The parameter sets the list of addresses and ports of Sentinel servers that will be used by clients to detect and monitor the Redis database.

Setting format: list > string.

Default value: [].

sentinel > user#

The parameter sets the user name of the Sentinel server.

Setting format: string.

Default value: Not specified.

sentinel > password#

The parameter sets the password of the Sentinel server user.

Setting format: string.

Default value: Not specified.



The parameter sets the possibility of using the Events service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Handlers service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Sender service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Python Matcher Proxy service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Image Store service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Lambda service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


In this section, the settings for connecting to the database of the service Events are set.


The parameter sets the type of database used. The following types are available:

  • "postgres" — PostgreSQL database type
  • "oracle" — Oracle database type

Setting format: string.

Default value: postgres.


The parameter sets the IP address of the server with the database.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets database listener port.

The default port for "postgres" type is 5432

The default port for "oracle" type is 1521

Setting format: string.

Default value: 5432.


The parameter sets the database username.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets the database password.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets the database name for "postgres" and the name of the SID for "oracle" type to connect to.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna_events.


The parameter sets the database connection pool size. The actual number of connections may be greater than the value of this setting by 1.

If necessary, in the "max_connections" configuration of the PostgreSQL configuration file, you can set the maximum number of simultaneous connections to the database server. See the section "Advanced PostrgeSQL setting" for more details.

Setting format: string.

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the DSN connection string for connecting to the database.

DSN is a connection string that identifies and points to the data source (database) to which you want to establish a connection.

Settings such as multiple hosts, authentication data, port, and other parameters can be set in the DSN string.

The settings depend on the type of database. Multiple hosts are supported only with PostgreSQL.

By default, the "dsn" parameter is not displayed in the "Settings" tab in the Configurator. You can check the list of all available parameters for a section on the "Limitations" tab.

Below is an example of specifying the "dsn" parameter:

"dsn": "luna:luna@postgres01:5432,postgres02:5432/luna_events?some_option=some_value"
"db_settings": {
"connection_pool_size": 5


  • "luna:luna" — Username and password for connecting to PostgreSQL.
  • "@postgres01:5432,postgres02:5432" — Comma-separated list of hosts and ports. This means that the service will try to connect to the first host ("postgres01") on port 5432. If this fails, it will try to connect to the second host ("postgres02") also on port 5432.
  • "/luna_events" — Database name.
  • "?some_option=some_value" — Optional parameters for connection.

If necessary, you can combine the DSN string and the classic settings, but the DSN string is a higher priority. You can partially fill in the DSN string (for example, "postgres 01,postgres02/luna_events"), and then the missing parameters will be filled in from the values of the parameters "db_host", "db_port", "db_name", "db_user" and "db_password".

At startup, the service will create a pool of connections to one of the available DSN hosts. In case of problems with establishing a connection after several unsuccessful attempts, the service will again try to set up a connection pool to any of the available DSN hosts.


This section sets the connection settings for the Python Matcher service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Python Matcher service.

The IP address "" means that the Python Matcher service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Python Matcher service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Python Matcher service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section contains parameters responsible for process HTTP connections. More detail see here.


The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant when a new open TCP connection is passed to the server, and the instant when the whole HTTP request is received.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant the server passes the HTTP request to the app, and the instant a HTTP response is sent to the client.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 600.


The parameter sets the maximum size of the request.

Setting format: integer (bytes).

Default value: 1073741824.


The parameter sets the timeout for maintaining HTTP activity.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 15.


This section defines restrictions associated with matching operations between faces, events, or attributes. These parameters control the number of objects that can be included in a matching operation and also limit the number of results returned in the response.

These settings are useful for balancing performance and resource usage.

Parameters from the "match" subsection define restrictions associated with matching operations.

Parameters from the "cross_match" subsection define restrictions associated with cross-matching operations (see "Cross-matching" task description).

match > array_filter_limit#

The parameter sets the maximum number of objects (maximum array size) specified in the "face_ids", "event_ids" and "attribute_ids" filters.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1000.

match > reference_limit#

The parameter sets the maximum number of references (maximum array size) that can be specified in a matching request.

You must select the value of this parameter in accordance with your business cases, because it consumes system resources significantly. For example, you should not use the default value of "30" if you only need to work with three references. See "Resource optimization" for more tips on optimizing resources.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 30.

match > candidate_limit#

The parameter sets the maximum number of candidates (maximum array size) that can be specified in a matching request.

You must select the value of this parameter in accordance with your business cases, because it consumes system resources significantly. For example, you should not use the default value of "30" if you only need to work with three candidates. See "Resource optimization" for more tips on optimizing resources.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 30.

match > result_candidate_limit#

The parameter sets the maximum number of matching results (maximum array size) for the list of candidates returned in the matching request response.

In the matching request body, you can also limit the number of candidates returned in the response using the "limit" parameter, but the "result_candidate_limit" parameter takes precedence. This means that if the value "result_candidate_limit" = 4 and "limit" = 6, an error with code "31007" will be returned.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 100.

cross_match > short_array_filter_limit#

The parameter sets the maximum number of objects (maximum array size) specified in all filters, except for the filters "face_ids", "event_ids" and "attribute_ids" in the Cross-matching task.

For example, the maximum array size for the filters "sources", "tags", "cities", etc. In the OpenAPI specification, such filters are marked with the example [ 1 .. 1000 ] items.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1000.

cross_match > array_filter_limit#

The parameter sets the maximum number of objects (maximum array size) specified in the filters "face_ids", "event_ids" and "attribute_ids" in the Cross-matching task.

In the OpenAPI specification, such filters are marked with the example [ 1 .. 20000 ] items.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 20000.

cross_match > result_candidate_limit#

The parameter sets the maximum number of matching results (maximum array size) for the list of candidates returned in the response of the request to get the result of the Cross-matching task.

In the matching request body, you can also limit the number of candidates returned in the response using the "limit" parameter, but the "result_candidate_limit" parameter takes precedence. This means that if the value "result_candidate_limit" = 4 and "limit" = 6, an error with code "31007" will be returned.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 20000.

cross_match > general_limit#

The parameter sets a general limit on the number of cross-matchings. It is applied to the product of the number of candidates and references that participate in the matching operation, taking into account filters. If the product exceeds the value "general_limit", the request will fail.

For example, if the value of "general_limit" is "20", the number of candidate faces in the array "face_ids" is "7", the number of reference faces in the array "face_ids" is "5" and all other filters do not reduce the actual number of candidate faces, the cross-matching request will not be executed, because the total number of cross-matchings will be equal to "35" (5 x 7). If some filter reduces the total number of candidate faces by "3", then the request will be executed successfully, because the total number of cross-matchings will be equal to "20" (5 x (7 - 3)).

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 100000.


This section sets the list caching settings when performing a list matching.

Using caching increases matching performance.

For more information, see "List caching".


The parameter enables list caching.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true.


The parameter sets the cache update interval. All new descriptors will be added in one iteration after the specified time.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 2.

matching_settings > thread_count#

The parameter sets the number of threads that will be used to match cache data.

If the value is set to "0", the automatic method of selecting the number of threads will be selected.

Setting format: integer (non-negative value).

Default value: 0.

matching_settings > tasks_count#

The parameter sets the number of workers processing the queue for sending matching requests to Cached Matcher.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 10.

matching_settings > batch_size#

The parameter sets the maximum number of matching requests in Cached Matcher within a single batch.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 20.

rpc_settings > timeouts > connect_timeout#

The parameter sets the maximum waiting time for establishing a connection with Cached Matcher. If the connection is not established within this time, it will be considered unsuccessful.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 20.

rpc_settings > timeouts > request_timeout#

The parameter sets the maximum time during which the request to Cached Matcher should be executed. If the request does not complete within this time, it will be canceled.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.

rpc_settings > timeouts > response_timeout#

The parameter sets the maximum waiting time for a response from Cached Matcher. If the response is not received within this time, the operation will be considered unsuccessful.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.

rpc_settings > pool_size#

The parameter sets the number of connections between the Python Matcher and Cached Matcher services.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 100.

cached_data > faces_lists > exclude#

The parameter sets the lists that will not be cached.

To disable the setting, you need to set the value "[]".

Setting format: string.

Default value: [].

cached_data > faces_lists > include#

The parameter sets the lists to be cached.

Setting format: string.

The default value is not set, which means that all existing lists will be processed.


This section enables and configures the collection of metrics in the Prometheus format.

See "Monitoring" for details.


The parameter enables metrics collection.

If metrics collection is disabled, a request to the /metrics resource will return an appropriate message.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: false.


The parameter sets the metrics format.

Currently only the Prometheus format is supported.

See the official Prometheus documentation for more details.

Setting format: string.

Default value: prometheus.


The parameter specifies custom label types.

Setting format: label_name=label_value.

Default value is not set.



The parameter sets the time format used for records in the database. The following values are available:

  • "LOCAL" — displays the local time of the system on which logs are being recorded.
  • "UTC" — displays coordinated universal time, which is a standard time and does not depend on the local time zone or seasonal time changes.

Setting format: string.

Default value: LOCAL.


The parameter sets a list of plugins that the service should use.

The names are given in the following format:


The list should contain file names without the extension (.py).

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the version of the face descriptor to use.

Setting format: string.

Default value: 59.

Note: For more information about descriptor versions, see "Neural networks".


The parameter sets the version of the body descriptor to use.

For more information about descriptor version, see "Neural networks".

Setting format: string.

Default value: 110.

Note: For more information about descriptor versions, see "Neural networks".

Python Matcher Proxy service configuration#

The section describes the Python Matcher Proxy service parameters.

You can configure the service using the Configurator service.


This section sets the settings for connecting the Python Matcher Proxy service to the Configurator service.

This section will not be visible in the Configurator service user interface. The parameters can be changed only in the configuration file "config.conf" located in the directory "/srv/luna_python_matcher/configs/" of the corresponding container.


The parameter allows you to enable the use of the Configurator service.

Using the Configurator service, the configuration of LP services is simplified. The service stores all the necessary settings for all LP services in one place.

If this parameter is disabled, the settings from the "config.conf" file located in the "/srv/luna_python_matcher/configs/" directory of the corresponding container will be used.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Configurator service.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Configurator API service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets the logging settings for the logging.


The parameter sets the level of debug printing, by priority: "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO", "DEBUG".

Setting format: string.

Default value: INFO.


The parameter sets the time format used in log entries. The following values are available:

  • "LOCAL" — displays the local time of the system on which the logs are being recorded.
  • "UTC" — displays Coordinated Universal Time, which is a time standard and is not affected by local time zones or seasonal time changes.

Setting format: string.

Default value: LOCAL.


The parameter enables you to send logs to standard output (stdout).

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true


The parameter enables you to save logs to a file. The directory with log files is specified in the "folder_with_logs" parameter.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: false.


The parameter sets the directory in which logs are stored. The relative path starts from the application directory.

To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.

Setting format: string.

Default value: ./


"folder_with_logs": "/srv/logs"


The parameter sets the maximum size of the log file in MB before performing its rotation (0 — do not use rotation).

To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.

If necessary, you can configure Docker log rotation. See the section "Docker log rotation" in the LUNA PLATFORM installation manual.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1024


The parameter enables multi-line stack tracing in logs. When the parameter is enabled, information about the call stack is recorded in the logs so that each stack frame is placed on a separate line, which improves readability. If the parameter is disabled, information about the call stack is recorded on one line, which may make logs less convenient for analysis.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true.


The parameter defines the format of the output logs. The following values are available:

  • "default" — standard output format of the LUNA PLATFORM logs.
  • "json" — output of logs in json format.
  • "ecs" — output of logs in ECS format (Elastic Common Schema).

When using the "ecs" value, the following fields will be used:

  • "http.response.status_code" — contains the HTTP response status code (e.g., 200, 404, 500, etc.).
  • "http.response.execution_time" — contains information about the time taken to execute the request and receive the response.
  • "http.request.method" — contains the HTTP request method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.).
  • "url.path" — contains the path in the request's URL.
  • "error.code" — contains the error code if the request results in an error.

Setting format: string.

Default value: default.


In this section, settings for monitoring are set.

For more information about monitoring, see "Monitoring" section.


The parameter enables you to enable or disable sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter enables you to use HTTPS to connect to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 0.


The parameter sets InfluxDB workspace.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets InfluxDB authentication token.

Setting format: string.


The parameter sets InfluxDB bucket name.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna_monitoring.


The parameter sets IP address of server with InfluxDB.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets InfluxDB port.

Setting format: string.

Default value: 8086.


The parameter sets frequency of sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 1.


This section defines restrictions associated with matching operations between faces, events, or attributes. These parameters control the number of objects that can be included in a matching operation and also limit the number of results returned in the response.

These settings are useful for balancing performance and resource usage.

Parameters from the "match" subsection define restrictions associated with matching operations.

Parameters from the "cross_match" subsection define restrictions associated with cross-matching operations (see "Cross-matching" task description).

match > array_filter_limit#

The parameter sets the maximum number of objects (maximum array size) specified in the "face_ids", "event_ids" and "attribute_ids" filters.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1000.

match > reference_limit#

The parameter sets the maximum number of references (maximum array size) that can be specified in a matching request.

You must select the value of this parameter in accordance with your business cases, because it consumes system resources significantly. For example, you should not use the default value of "30" if you only need to work with three references. See "Resource optimization" for more tips on optimizing resources.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 30.

match > candidate_limit#

The parameter sets the maximum number of candidates (maximum array size) that can be specified in a matching request.

You must select the value of this parameter in accordance with your business cases, because it consumes system resources significantly. For example, you should not use the default value of "30" if you only need to work with three candidates. See "Resource optimization" for more tips on optimizing resources.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 30.

match > result_candidate_limit#

The parameter sets the maximum number of matching results (maximum array size) for the list of candidates returned in the matching request response.

In the matching request body, you can also limit the number of candidates returned in the response using the "limit" parameter, but the "result_candidate_limit" parameter takes precedence. This means that if the value "result_candidate_limit" = 4 and "limit" = 6, an error with code "31007" will be returned.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 100.

cross_match > short_array_filter_limit#

The parameter sets the maximum number of objects (maximum array size) specified in all filters, except for the filters "face_ids", "event_ids" and "attribute_ids" in the Cross-matching task.

For example, the maximum array size for the filters "sources", "tags", "cities", etc. In the OpenAPI specification, such filters are marked with the example [ 1 .. 1000 ] items.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1000.

cross_match > array_filter_limit#

The parameter sets the maximum number of objects (maximum array size) specified in the filters "face_ids", "event_ids" and "attribute_ids" in the Cross-matching task.

In the OpenAPI specification, such filters are marked with the example [ 1 .. 20000 ] items.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 20000.

cross_match > result_candidate_limit#

The parameter sets the maximum number of matching results (maximum array size) for the list of candidates returned in the response of the request to get the result of the Cross-matching task.

In the matching request body, you can also limit the number of candidates returned in the response using the "limit" parameter, but the "result_candidate_limit" parameter takes precedence. This means that if the value "result_candidate_limit" = 4 and "limit" = 6, an error with code "31007" will be returned.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 20000.

cross_match > general_limit#

The parameter sets a general limit on the number of cross-matchings. It is applied to the product of the number of candidates and references that participate in the matching operation, taking into account filters. If the product exceeds the value "general_limit", the request will fail.

For example, if the value of "general_limit" is "20", the number of candidate faces in the array "face_ids" is "7", the number of reference faces in the array "face_ids" is "5" and all other filters do not reduce the actual number of candidate faces, the cross-matching request will not be executed, because the total number of cross-matchings will be equal to "35" (5 x 7). If some filter reduces the total number of candidate faces by "3", then the request will be executed successfully, because the total number of cross-matchings will be equal to "20" (5 x (7 - 3)).

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 100000.


In this section, the settings for connecting to the database of the service Python-Matcher are set.


The parameter sets the type of database used. The following types are available:

  • "postgres" — PostgreSQL database type
  • "oracle" — Oracle database type

Setting format: string.

Default value: postgres.


The parameter sets the IP address of the server with the database.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets database listener port.

The default port for "postgres" type is 5432

The default port for "oracle" type is 1521

Setting format: string.

Default value: 5432.


The parameter sets the database username.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets the database password.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets the database name for "postgres" and the name of the SID for "oracle" type to connect to.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna_python_matcher.


The parameter sets the database connection pool size. The actual number of connections may be greater than the value of this setting by 1.

If necessary, in the "max_connections" configuration of the PostgreSQL configuration file, you can set the maximum number of simultaneous connections to the database server. See the section "Advanced PostrgeSQL setting" for more details.

Setting format: string.

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the DSN connection string for connecting to the database.

DSN is a connection string that identifies and points to the data source (database) to which you want to establish a connection.

Settings such as multiple hosts, authentication data, port, and other parameters can be set in the DSN string.

The settings depend on the type of database. Multiple hosts are supported only with PostgreSQL.

By default, the "dsn" parameter is not displayed in the "Settings" tab in the Configurator. You can check the list of all available parameters for a section on the "Limitations" tab.

Below is an example of specifying the "dsn" parameter:

"dsn": "luna:luna@postgres01:5432,postgres02:5432/luna_python_matcher?some_option=some_value"
"db_settings": {
"connection_pool_size": 5


  • "luna:luna" — Username and password for connecting to PostgreSQL.
  • "@postgres01:5432,postgres02:5432" — Comma-separated list of hosts and ports. This means that the service will try to connect to the first host ("postgres01") on port 5432. If this fails, it will try to connect to the second host ("postgres02") also on port 5432.
  • "/luna_python_matcher" — Database name.
  • "?some_option=some_value" — Optional parameters for connection.

If necessary, you can combine the DSN string and the classic settings, but the DSN string is a higher priority. You can partially fill in the DSN string (for example, "postgres 01,postgres02/luna_python_matcher"), and then the missing parameters will be filled in from the values of the parameters "db_host", "db_port", "db_name", "db_user" and "db_password".

At startup, the service will create a pool of connections to one of the available DSN hosts. In case of problems with establishing a connection after several unsuccessful attempts, the service will again try to set up a connection pool to any of the available DSN hosts.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the Python Matcher Proxy service.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the Python Matcher Proxy service. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 30.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 300.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection at the socket level. If the socket level connection is not established at the set time, the operation will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the timeout for reading data from the socket after a successful connection. If the data does not arrive at the set time, the read operation will be interrupted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 300.


This section contains parameters responsible for process HTTP connections. More detail see here.


The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant when a new open TCP connection is passed to the server, and the instant when the whole HTTP request is received.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant the server passes the HTTP request to the app, and the instant a HTTP response is sent to the client.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 600.


The parameter sets the maximum size of the request.

Setting format: integer (bytes).

Default value: 1073741824.


The parameter sets the timeout for maintaining HTTP activity.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 15.


The parameter sets a list of plugins that the service should use.

The names are given in the following format:


The list should contain file names without the extension (.py).

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.

LUNA_FACES_DB section#

In this section, the settings for connecting to the database of the service Faces are set.


The parameter sets the type of database used. The following types are available:

  • "postgres" — PostgreSQL database type
  • "oracle" — Oracle database type

Setting format: string.

Default value: postgres.


The parameter sets the IP address of the server with the database.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets database listener port.

The default port for "postgres" type is 5432

The default port for "oracle" type is 1521

Setting format: string.

Default value: 5432.


The parameter sets the database username.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets the database password.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets the database name for "postgres" and the name of the SID for "oracle" type to connect to.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna_faces.


The parameter sets the database connection pool size. The actual number of connections may be greater than the value of this setting by 1.

If necessary, in the "max_connections" configuration of the PostgreSQL configuration file, you can set the maximum number of simultaneous connections to the database server. See the section "Advanced PostrgeSQL setting" for more details.

Setting format: string.

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the DSN connection string for connecting to the database.

DSN is a connection string that identifies and points to the data source (database) to which you want to establish a connection.

Settings such as multiple hosts, authentication data, port, and other parameters can be set in the DSN string.

The settings depend on the type of database. Multiple hosts are supported only with PostgreSQL.

By default, the "dsn" parameter is not displayed in the "Settings" tab in the Configurator. You can check the list of all available parameters for a section on the "Limitations" tab.

Below is an example of specifying the "dsn" parameter:

"dsn": "luna:luna@postgres01:5432,postgres02:5432/luna_faces?some_option=some_value"
"db_settings": {
"connection_pool_size": 5


  • "luna:luna" — Username and password for connecting to PostgreSQL.
  • "@postgres01:5432,postgres02:5432" — Comma-separated list of hosts and ports. This means that the service will try to connect to the first host ("postgres01") on port 5432. If this fails, it will try to connect to the second host ("postgres02") also on port 5432.
  • "/luna_faces" — Database name.
  • "?some_option=some_value" — Optional parameters for connection.

If necessary, you can combine the DSN string and the classic settings, but the DSN string is a higher priority. You can partially fill in the DSN string (for example, "postgres 01,postgres02/luna_faces"), and then the missing parameters will be filled in from the values of the parameters "db_host", "db_port", "db_name", "db_user" and "db_password".

At startup, the service will create a pool of connections to one of the available DSN hosts. In case of problems with establishing a connection after several unsuccessful attempts, the service will again try to set up a connection pool to any of the available DSN hosts.


In this section, the settings for connecting to the database of the service Events are set.


The parameter sets the type of database used. The following types are available:

  • "postgres" — PostgreSQL database type
  • "oracle" — Oracle database type

Setting format: string.

Default value: postgres.


The parameter sets the IP address of the server with the database.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets database listener port.

The default port for "postgres" type is 5432

The default port for "oracle" type is 1521

Setting format: string.

Default value: 5432.


The parameter sets the database username.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets the database password.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets the database name for "postgres" and the name of the SID for "oracle" type to connect to.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna_events.


The parameter sets the database connection pool size. The actual number of connections may be greater than the value of this setting by 1.

If necessary, in the "max_connections" configuration of the PostgreSQL configuration file, you can set the maximum number of simultaneous connections to the database server. See the section "Advanced PostrgeSQL setting" for more details.

Setting format: string.

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the DSN connection string for connecting to the database.

DSN is a connection string that identifies and points to the data source (database) to which you want to establish a connection.

Settings such as multiple hosts, authentication data, port, and other parameters can be set in the DSN string.

The settings depend on the type of database. Multiple hosts are supported only with PostgreSQL.

By default, the "dsn" parameter is not displayed in the "Settings" tab in the Configurator. You can check the list of all available parameters for a section on the "Limitations" tab.

Below is an example of specifying the "dsn" parameter:

"dsn": "luna:luna@postgres01:5432,postgres02:5432/luna_events?some_option=some_value"
"db_settings": {
"connection_pool_size": 5


  • "luna:luna" — Username and password for connecting to PostgreSQL.
  • "@postgres01:5432,postgres02:5432" — Comma-separated list of hosts and ports. This means that the service will try to connect to the first host ("postgres01") on port 5432. If this fails, it will try to connect to the second host ("postgres02") also on port 5432.
  • "/luna_events" — Database name.
  • "?some_option=some_value" — Optional parameters for connection.

If necessary, you can combine the DSN string and the classic settings, but the DSN string is a higher priority. You can partially fill in the DSN string (for example, "postgres 01,postgres02/luna_events"), and then the missing parameters will be filled in from the values of the parameters "db_host", "db_port", "db_name", "db_user" and "db_password".

At startup, the service will create a pool of connections to one of the available DSN hosts. In case of problems with establishing a connection after several unsuccessful attempts, the service will again try to set up a connection pool to any of the available DSN hosts.



The parameter sets the user name of the Redis database.

Setting format: string.

Default value: not specified.


The parameter sets the password of the Redis database.

Setting format: string.

Default value: not specified.


The parameter sets Redis database IP address.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the port number on which Redis waits for incoming network connections and listens for them to execute commands from clients.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 6379.


The parameter sets the number of the Redis database. Each number corresponds to a separate database, which enables you to separate the data.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 0.

sentinel > master_name#

The parameter sets the name of the Redis database master, which is monitored and managed by the Sentinel system.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna_attributes.

sentinel > sentinels#

The parameter sets the list of addresses and ports of Sentinel servers that will be used by clients to detect and monitor the Redis database.

Setting format: list > string.

Default value: [].

sentinel > user#

The parameter sets the user name of the Sentinel server.

Setting format: string.

Default value: Not specified.

sentinel > password#

The parameter sets the password of the Sentinel server user.

Setting format: string.

Default value: Not specified.



The parameter sets the possibility of using the Events service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Handlers service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Sender service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Python Matcher Proxy service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Image Store service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Lambda service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


This section enables and configures the collection of metrics in the Prometheus format.

See "Monitoring" for details.


The parameter enables metrics collection.

If metrics collection is disabled, a request to the /metrics resource will return an appropriate message.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: false.


The parameter sets the metrics format.

Currently only the Prometheus format is supported.

See the official Prometheus documentation for more details.

Setting format: string.

Default value: prometheus.


The parameter specifies custom label types.

Setting format: label_name=label_value.

Default value is not set.



The parameter sets the time format used for records in the database. The following values are available:

  • "LOCAL" — displays the local time of the system on which logs are being recorded.
  • "UTC" — displays coordinated universal time, which is a standard time and does not depend on the local time zone or seasonal time changes.

Setting format: string.

Default value: LOCAL.


The parameter sets the version of the face descriptor to use.

Setting format: string.

Default value: 59.

Note: For more information about descriptor versions, see "Neural networks".


The parameter sets the version of the body descriptor to use.

For more information about descriptor version, see "Neural networks".

Setting format: string.

Default value: 110.

Note: For more information about descriptor versions, see "Neural networks".

Handlers service configuration#

The section describes the Handlers service parameters.

You can configure the service using the Configurator service.


This section sets the settings for connecting the Handlers service to the Configurator service.

This section will not be visible in the Configurator service user interface. The parameters can be changed only in the configuration file "config.conf" located in the directory "/srv/luna_handlers/configs/" of the corresponding container.


The parameter allows you to enable the use of the Configurator service.

Using the Configurator service, the configuration of LP services is simplified. The service stores all the necessary settings for all LP services in one place.

If this parameter is disabled, the settings from the "config.conf" file located in the "/srv/luna_handlers/configs/" directory of the corresponding container will be used.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Configurator service.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Configurator API service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


In this section, the settings for connecting to the database of the service Handlers are set.


The parameter sets the type of database used. The following types are available:

  • "postgres" — PostgreSQL database type
  • "oracle" — Oracle database type

Setting format: string.

Default value: postgres.


The parameter sets the IP address of the server with the database.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets database listener port.

The default port for "postgres" type is 5432

The default port for "oracle" type is 1521

Setting format: string.

Default value: 5432.


The parameter sets the database username.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets the database password.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets the database name for "postgres" and the name of the SID for "oracle" type to connect to.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna_handlers.


The parameter sets the database connection pool size. The actual number of connections may be greater than the value of this setting by 1.

If necessary, in the "max_connections" configuration of the PostgreSQL configuration file, you can set the maximum number of simultaneous connections to the database server. See the section "Advanced PostrgeSQL setting" for more details.

Setting format: string.

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the DSN connection string for connecting to the database.

DSN is a connection string that identifies and points to the data source (database) to which you want to establish a connection.

Settings such as multiple hosts, authentication data, port, and other parameters can be set in the DSN string.

The settings depend on the type of database. Multiple hosts are supported only with PostgreSQL.

By default, the "dsn" parameter is not displayed in the "Settings" tab in the Configurator. You can check the list of all available parameters for a section on the "Limitations" tab.

Below is an example of specifying the "dsn" parameter:

"dsn": "luna:luna@postgres01:5432,postgres02:5432/luna_handlers?some_option=some_value"
"db_settings": {
"connection_pool_size": 5


  • "luna:luna" — Username and password for connecting to PostgreSQL.
  • "@postgres01:5432,postgres02:5432" — Comma-separated list of hosts and ports. This means that the service will try to connect to the first host ("postgres01") on port 5432. If this fails, it will try to connect to the second host ("postgres02") also on port 5432.
  • "/luna_handlers" — Database name.
  • "?some_option=some_value" — Optional parameters for connection.

If necessary, you can combine the DSN string and the classic settings, but the DSN string is a higher priority. You can partially fill in the DSN string (for example, "postgres 01,postgres02/luna_handlers"), and then the missing parameters will be filled in from the values of the parameters "db_host", "db_port", "db_name", "db_user" and "db_password".

At startup, the service will create a pool of connections to one of the available DSN hosts. In case of problems with establishing a connection after several unsuccessful attempts, the service will again try to set up a connection pool to any of the available DSN hosts.


In this section, settings for monitoring are set.

For more information about monitoring, see "Monitoring" section.


The parameter enables you to enable or disable sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter enables you to use HTTPS to connect to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 0.


The parameter sets InfluxDB workspace.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets InfluxDB authentication token.

Setting format: string.


The parameter sets InfluxDB bucket name.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna_monitoring.


The parameter sets IP address of server with InfluxDB.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets InfluxDB port.

Setting format: string.

Default value: 8086.


The parameter sets frequency of sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 1.


This section sets the logging settings for the logging.


The parameter sets the level of debug printing, by priority: "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO", "DEBUG".

Setting format: string.

Default value: INFO.


The parameter sets the time format used in log entries. The following values are available:

  • "LOCAL" — displays the local time of the system on which the logs are being recorded.
  • "UTC" — displays Coordinated Universal Time, which is a time standard and is not affected by local time zones or seasonal time changes.

Setting format: string.

Default value: LOCAL.


The parameter enables you to send logs to standard output (stdout).

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true


The parameter enables you to save logs to a file. The directory with log files is specified in the "folder_with_logs" parameter.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: false.


The parameter sets the directory in which logs are stored. The relative path starts from the application directory.

To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.

Setting format: string.

Default value: ./


"folder_with_logs": "/srv/logs"


The parameter sets the maximum size of the log file in MB before performing its rotation (0 — do not use rotation).

To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.

If necessary, you can configure Docker log rotation. See the section "Docker log rotation" in the LUNA PLATFORM installation manual.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1024


The parameter enables multi-line stack tracing in logs. When the parameter is enabled, information about the call stack is recorded in the logs so that each stack frame is placed on a separate line, which improves readability. If the parameter is disabled, information about the call stack is recorded on one line, which may make logs less convenient for analysis.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true.


The parameter defines the format of the output logs. The following values are available:

  • "default" — standard output format of the LUNA PLATFORM logs.
  • "json" — output of logs in json format.
  • "ecs" — output of logs in ECS format (Elastic Common Schema).

When using the "ecs" value, the following fields will be used:

  • "http.response.status_code" — contains the HTTP response status code (e.g., 200, 404, 500, etc.).
  • "http.response.execution_time" — contains information about the time taken to execute the request and receive the response.
  • "http.request.method" — contains the HTTP request method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.).
  • "url.path" — contains the path in the request's URL.
  • "error.code" — contains the error code if the request results in an error.

Setting format: string.

Default value: default.


This section sets the connection settings for the Remote SDK service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Remote SDK service.

The IP address "" means that the Remote SDK service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Remote SDK service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Remote SDK service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the Remote SDK service.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the Remote SDK service. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 20.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection at the socket level. If the socket level connection is not established at the set time, the operation will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the timeout for reading data from the socket after a successful connection. If the data does not arrive at the set time, the read operation will be interrupted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


This section sets the connection settings for the Faces service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Faces service.

The IP address "" means that the Faces service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Faces service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Faces service. The available API version is "3".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 3.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the Faces service.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the Faces service. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 20.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection at the socket level. If the socket level connection is not established at the set time, the operation will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the timeout for reading data from the socket after a successful connection. If the data does not arrive at the set time, the read operation will be interrupted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the Lambda Unit service.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the Lambda Unit service. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 20.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection at the socket level. If the socket level connection is not established at the set time, the operation will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the timeout for reading data from the socket after a successful connection. If the data does not arrive at the set time, the read operation will be interrupted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


In this section, the bucket for storing face samples settings are set.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Image Store service.

The IP address "" means that the Image Store service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Image Store service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Image Store service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the bucket name.

See the detailed description of packages in the "Bucket description" section.

Setting format: string.

Default value: visionlabs-samples.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the bucket with face samples .


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the bucket with face samples. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 30.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


In this section, the bucket for storing body samples settings are set.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Image Store service.

The IP address "" means that the Image Store service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Image Store service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Image Store service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the bucket name.

See the detailed description of packages in the "Bucket description" section.

Setting format: string.

Default value: visionlabs-bodies-samples.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the bucket with body samples .


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the bucket with body samples. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 30.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


In this section, the bucket for storing source images settings are set.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Image Store service.

The IP address "" means that the Image Store service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Image Store service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Image Store service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the bucket name.

See the detailed description of packages in the "Bucket description" section.

Setting format: string.

Default value: visionlabs-image-origin.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the bucket with source images .


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the bucket with source images. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 30.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.



The parameter sets the possibility of using the Events service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Handlers service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Sender service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Python Matcher Proxy service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Image Store service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Lambda service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


This section sets the connection settings for the Events service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Events service.

The IP address "" means that the Events service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Events service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Events service. The available API version is "2".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 2.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the Events service.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the Events service. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 20.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection at the socket level. If the socket level connection is not established at the set time, the operation will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the timeout for reading data from the socket after a successful connection. If the data does not arrive at the set time, the read operation will be interrupted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


This section sets the connection settings for the Python Matcher service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Python Matcher service.

The IP address "" means that the Python Matcher service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Python Matcher service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Python Matcher service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the Python Matcher service.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the Python Matcher service. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 20.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection at the socket level. If the socket level connection is not established at the set time, the operation will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the timeout for reading data from the socket after a successful connection. If the data does not arrive at the set time, the read operation will be interrupted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


This section sets the connection settings for the Python Matcher Proxy service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Python Matcher Proxy service.

The IP address "" means that the Python Matcher Proxy service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Python Matcher Proxy service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Python Matcher Proxy service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the Python Matcher Proxy service.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the Python Matcher Proxy service. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 20.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection at the socket level. If the socket level connection is not established at the set time, the operation will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the timeout for reading data from the socket after a successful connection. If the data does not arrive at the set time, the read operation will be interrupted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.



The parameter sets the user name of the Redis database.

Setting format: string.

Default value: not specified.


The parameter sets the password of the Redis database.

Setting format: string.

Default value: not specified.


The parameter sets Redis database IP address.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the port number on which Redis waits for incoming network connections and listens for them to execute commands from clients.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 6379.


The parameter sets the number of the Redis database. Each number corresponds to a separate database, which enables you to separate the data.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 0.


The parameter sets the Redis channel to which the service subscribes.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: luna-sender.

sentinel > master_name#

The parameter sets the name of the Redis database master, which is monitored and managed by the Sentinel system.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna_sender_master.

sentinel > sentinels#

The parameter sets the list of addresses and ports of Sentinel servers that will be used by clients to detect and monitor the Redis database.

Setting format: list > string.

Default value: [].

sentinel > user#

The parameter sets the user name of the Sentinel server.

Setting format: string.

Default value: Not specified.

sentinel > password#

The parameter sets the password of the Sentinel server user.

Setting format: string.

Default value: Not specified.


This section represents a set of parameters for setting timeouts during the execution of HTTP requests to external resources for uploading images. Each of the parameters in this setting determines the maximum waiting time for a specific operation during the execution of the request.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection to an external resource. If the connection is not established at the set time, the operation will be interrupted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the timeout for waiting for a response to an HTTP request that is sent to get an image from an external resource.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection at the socket level. If the socket level connection is not established at the set time, the operation will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the timeout for reading data from the socket after a successful connection. If the data does not arrive at the set time, the read operation will be interrupted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 10.


This section sets the settings for the Handlers service related to storing temporary attributes.


The parameter sets the default lifetime of temporary attributes.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 300.


The parameter sets the maximum time to live of temporary attributes.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 86400.


This section sets restrictions for some operations performed using the Handlers service.

Increasing these limits may lead to a decrease in performance.


The parameter sets the maximum number of images that can be specified in the requests "generate events", "detect faces" and "perform verification" using the "multipart/form-data" scheme.

For batch image processing, you need to use Estimator task.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 8.


The parameter sets the maximum number of detections that can be specified in the "save event" request.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 100.


The parameter sets the maximum length of arrays in the "save event" request body.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 30.


The parameter sets the maximum number of descriptor matching results in the "generate events" request.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 100.


This section is intended for correct processing of references to objects created using the "/images" and "/objects" resources in the API service. This section specifies the address and API version of the API service.

If as input for resources "/detector", "handlers/{handler_id}/events" and "verifiers/{verifier_id}/verification" specifies the URL and version of the API service of the "images" type object that matches the address and version of the API from the "EXTERNAL_LUNA_API_ADDRESS" section of the Handlers service settings, then these objects will be loaded using the Image Store service directly, and not send a request to the API service from subsequent redirection to the Image Store service.

Format example: "", where "" must match the value from the "origin" setting ", and the value "6" must match the value of the "api_version" setting in the "EXTERNAL_LUNA_API_ADDRESS" section.

To avoid errors, you must configure this section in the Tasks settings before using URLs to objects of type "objects" or "images" as an input data source.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the API service.

See the description of the operating logic in the "EXTERNAL_LUNA_API_ADDRESS section" section.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the API version of the API service.

See the description of the operating logic in the "EXTERNAL_LUNA_API_ADDRESS section" section.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 6.


This section contains parameters responsible for process HTTP connections. More detail see here.


The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant when a new open TCP connection is passed to the server, and the instant when the whole HTTP request is received.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant the server passes the HTTP request to the app, and the instant a HTTP response is sent to the client.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 600.


The parameter sets the maximum size of the request.

Setting format: integer (bytes).

Default value: 1073741824.


The parameter sets the timeout for maintaining HTTP activity.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 15.


This section enables and configures the collection of metrics in the Prometheus format.

See "Monitoring" for details.


The parameter enables metrics collection.

If metrics collection is disabled, a request to the /metrics resource will return an appropriate message.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: false.


The parameter sets the metrics format.

Currently only the Prometheus format is supported.

See the official Prometheus documentation for more details.

Setting format: string.

Default value: prometheus.


The parameter specifies custom label types.

Setting format: label_name=label_value.

Default value is not set.



The parameter sets a list of plugins that the service should use.

The names are given in the following format:


The list should contain file names without the extension (.py).

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the time format used for records in the database. The following values are available:

  • "LOCAL" — displays the local time of the system on which logs are being recorded.
  • "UTC" — displays coordinated universal time, which is a standard time and does not depend on the local time zone or seasonal time changes.

Setting format: string.

Default value: LOCAL.


The parameter sets the version of the face descriptor to use.

Setting format: string.

Default value: 59.

Note: For more information about descriptor versions, see "Neural networks".


The parameter sets the version of the body descriptor to use.

For more information about descriptor version, see "Neural networks".

Setting format: string.

Default value: 110.

Note: For more information about descriptor versions, see "Neural networks".

Backport 3 service configuration#

The section describes the Backport 3 service parameters.

You can configure the service using the Configurator service.


This section sets the settings for connecting the Backport 3 service to the Configurator service.

This section will not be visible in the Configurator service user interface. The parameters can be changed only in the configuration file "config.conf" located in the directory "/srv/luna_backport3/configs/" of the corresponding container.


The parameter allows you to enable the use of the Configurator service.

Using the Configurator service, the configuration of LP services is simplified. The service stores all the necessary settings for all LP services in one place.

If this parameter is disabled, the settings from the "config.conf" file located in the "/srv/luna_backport3/configs/" directory of the corresponding container will be used.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Configurator service.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Configurator API service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


In this section, the settings for connecting to the database of the service Backport3 are set.


The parameter sets the type of database used. The following types are available:

  • "postgres" — PostgreSQL database type
  • "oracle" — Oracle database type

Setting format: string.

Default value: postgres.


The parameter sets the IP address of the server with the database.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets database listener port.

The default port for "postgres" type is 5432

The default port for "oracle" type is 1521

Setting format: string.

Default value: 5432.


The parameter sets the database username.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets the database password.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets the database name for "postgres" and the name of the SID for "oracle" type to connect to.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna_backport3.


The parameter sets the database connection pool size. The actual number of connections may be greater than the value of this setting by 1.

If necessary, in the "max_connections" configuration of the PostgreSQL configuration file, you can set the maximum number of simultaneous connections to the database server. See the section "Advanced PostrgeSQL setting" for more details.

Setting format: string.

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the DSN connection string for connecting to the database.

DSN is a connection string that identifies and points to the data source (database) to which you want to establish a connection.

Settings such as multiple hosts, authentication data, port, and other parameters can be set in the DSN string.

The settings depend on the type of database. Multiple hosts are supported only with PostgreSQL.

By default, the "dsn" parameter is not displayed in the "Settings" tab in the Configurator. You can check the list of all available parameters for a section on the "Limitations" tab.

Below is an example of specifying the "dsn" parameter:

"dsn": "luna:luna@postgres01:5432,postgres02:5432/luna_backport3?some_option=some_value"
"db_settings": {
"connection_pool_size": 5


  • "luna:luna" — Username and password for connecting to PostgreSQL.
  • "@postgres01:5432,postgres02:5432" — Comma-separated list of hosts and ports. This means that the service will try to connect to the first host ("postgres01") on port 5432. If this fails, it will try to connect to the second host ("postgres02") also on port 5432.
  • "/luna_backport3" — Database name.
  • "?some_option=some_value" — Optional parameters for connection.

If necessary, you can combine the DSN string and the classic settings, but the DSN string is a higher priority. You can partially fill in the DSN string (for example, "postgres 01,postgres02/luna_backport3"), and then the missing parameters will be filled in from the values of the parameters "db_host", "db_port", "db_name", "db_user" and "db_password".

At startup, the service will create a pool of connections to one of the available DSN hosts. In case of problems with establishing a connection after several unsuccessful attempts, the service will again try to set up a connection pool to any of the available DSN hosts.


In this section, settings for monitoring are set.

For more information about monitoring, see "Monitoring" section.


The parameter enables you to enable or disable sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter enables you to use HTTPS to connect to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 0.


The parameter sets InfluxDB workspace.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets InfluxDB authentication token.

Setting format: string.


The parameter sets InfluxDB bucket name.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna_monitoring.


The parameter sets IP address of server with InfluxDB.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets InfluxDB port.

Setting format: string.

Default value: 8086.


The parameter sets frequency of sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 1.


This section sets the logging settings for the logging.


The parameter sets the level of debug printing, by priority: "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO", "DEBUG".

Setting format: string.

Default value: INFO.


The parameter sets the time format used in log entries. The following values are available:

  • "LOCAL" — displays the local time of the system on which the logs are being recorded.
  • "UTC" — displays Coordinated Universal Time, which is a time standard and is not affected by local time zones or seasonal time changes.

Setting format: string.

Default value: LOCAL.


The parameter enables you to send logs to standard output (stdout).

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true


The parameter enables you to save logs to a file. The directory with log files is specified in the "folder_with_logs" parameter.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: false.


The parameter sets the directory in which logs are stored. The relative path starts from the application directory.

To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.

Setting format: string.

Default value: ./


"folder_with_logs": "/srv/logs"


The parameter sets the maximum size of the log file in MB before performing its rotation (0 — do not use rotation).

To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.

If necessary, you can configure Docker log rotation. See the section "Docker log rotation" in the LUNA PLATFORM installation manual.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1024


The parameter enables multi-line stack tracing in logs. When the parameter is enabled, information about the call stack is recorded in the logs so that each stack frame is placed on a separate line, which improves readability. If the parameter is disabled, information about the call stack is recorded on one line, which may make logs less convenient for analysis.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true.


The parameter defines the format of the output logs. The following values are available:

  • "default" — standard output format of the LUNA PLATFORM logs.
  • "json" — output of logs in json format.
  • "ecs" — output of logs in ECS format (Elastic Common Schema).

When using the "ecs" value, the following fields will be used:

  • "http.response.status_code" — contains the HTTP response status code (e.g., 200, 404, 500, etc.).
  • "http.response.execution_time" — contains information about the time taken to execute the request and receive the response.
  • "http.request.method" — contains the HTTP request method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.).
  • "url.path" — contains the path in the request's URL.
  • "error.code" — contains the error code if the request results in an error.

Setting format: string.

Default value: default.


This section sets the connection settings for the API service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the API service.

The IP address "" means that the API service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the API service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the API service. The available API version is "6".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 6.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the API service.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the API service. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 20.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection at the socket level. If the socket level connection is not established at the set time, the operation will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the timeout for reading data from the socket after a successful connection. If the data does not arrive at the set time, the read operation will be interrupted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


In this section, the bucket for storing portraits settings are set.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Image Store service.

The IP address "" means that the Image Store service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Image Store service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Image Store service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the bucket name.

See the detailed description of packages in the "Bucket description" section.

Setting format: string.

Default value: portraits.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the bucket with portraits .


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the bucket with portraits. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 30.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.



The parameter sets the user name of the Redis database.

Setting format: string.

Default value: not specified.


The parameter sets the password of the Redis database.

Setting format: string.

Default value: not specified.


The parameter sets Redis database IP address.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the port number on which Redis waits for incoming network connections and listens for them to execute commands from clients.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 6379.


The parameter sets the number of the Redis database. Each number corresponds to a separate database, which enables you to separate the data.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 0.


The parameter sets the Redis channel to which the service subscribes.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: luna-backport3.

sentinel > master_name#

The parameter sets the name of the Redis database master, which is monitored and managed by the Sentinel system.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna_backport3_master.

sentinel > sentinels#

The parameter sets the list of addresses and ports of Sentinel servers that will be used by clients to detect and monitor the Redis database.

Setting format: list > string.

Default value: [].

sentinel > user#

The parameter sets the user name of the Sentinel server.

Setting format: string.

Default value: Not specified.

sentinel > password#

The parameter sets the password of the Sentinel server user.

Setting format: string.

Default value: Not specified.


This section contains parameters responsible for process HTTP connections. More detail see here.


The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant when a new open TCP connection is passed to the server, and the instant when the whole HTTP request is received.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant the server passes the HTTP request to the app, and the instant a HTTP response is sent to the client.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 600.


The parameter sets the maximum size of the request.

Setting format: integer (bytes).

Default value: 1073741824.


The parameter sets the timeout for maintaining HTTP activity.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 15.


This section enables and configures the collection of metrics in the Prometheus format.

See "Monitoring" for details.


The parameter enables metrics collection.

If metrics collection is disabled, a request to the /metrics resource will return an appropriate message.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: false.


The parameter sets the metrics format.

Currently only the Prometheus format is supported.

See the official Prometheus documentation for more details.

Setting format: string.

Default value: prometheus.


The parameter specifies custom label types.

Setting format: label_name=label_value.

Default value is not set.



The parameter sets the time format used for records in the database. The following values are available:

  • "LOCAL" — displays the local time of the system on which logs are being recorded.
  • "UTC" — displays coordinated universal time, which is a standard time and does not depend on the local time zone or seasonal time changes.

Setting format: string.

Default value: LOCAL.


The parameter sets a list of plugins that the service should use.

The names are given in the following format:


The list should contain file names without the extension (.py).

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter enables you to use samples instead of portraits in order not to store both types of entities.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true.


The parameter enables you to disable the possibility of using portraits, but leave the possibility of using the rest of the functionality of the Image Store service. If the use of the Image Store service is disabled in the "ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_USAGE" setting, then this setting should also be disabled.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true.


The parameter enables web sockets support for Backport3.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true.


The parameter sets the maximum number of candidates in responses to matching requests.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 5.

Backport 4 service configuration#

The section describes the Backport 4 service parameters.

You can configure the service using the Configurator service.


This section sets the settings for connecting the Backport 4 service to the Configurator service.

This section will not be visible in the Configurator service user interface. The parameters can be changed only in the configuration file "config.conf" located in the directory "/srv/luna_backport4/configs/" of the corresponding container.


The parameter allows you to enable the use of the Configurator service.

Using the Configurator service, the configuration of LP services is simplified. The service stores all the necessary settings for all LP services in one place.

If this parameter is disabled, the settings from the "config.conf" file located in the "/srv/luna_backport4/configs/" directory of the corresponding container will be used.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Configurator service.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Configurator API service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


In this section, the settings for connecting to the database of the service Backport4 are set.


The parameter sets the type of database used. The following types are available:

  • "postgres" — PostgreSQL database type
  • "oracle" — Oracle database type

Setting format: string.

Default value: postgres.


The parameter sets the IP address of the server with the database.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets database listener port.

The default port for "postgres" type is 5432

The default port for "oracle" type is 1521

Setting format: string.

Default value: 5432.


The parameter sets the database username.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets the database password.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets the database name for "postgres" and the name of the SID for "oracle" type to connect to.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna_backport3.


The parameter sets the database connection pool size. The actual number of connections may be greater than the value of this setting by 1.

If necessary, in the "max_connections" configuration of the PostgreSQL configuration file, you can set the maximum number of simultaneous connections to the database server. See the section "Advanced PostrgeSQL setting" for more details.

Setting format: string.

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the DSN connection string for connecting to the database.

DSN is a connection string that identifies and points to the data source (database) to which you want to establish a connection.

Settings such as multiple hosts, authentication data, port, and other parameters can be set in the DSN string.

The settings depend on the type of database. Multiple hosts are supported only with PostgreSQL.

By default, the "dsn" parameter is not displayed in the "Settings" tab in the Configurator. You can check the list of all available parameters for a section on the "Limitations" tab.

Below is an example of specifying the "dsn" parameter:

"dsn": "luna:luna@postgres01:5432,postgres02:5432/luna_backport3?some_option=some_value"
"db_settings": {
"connection_pool_size": 5


  • "luna:luna" — Username and password for connecting to PostgreSQL.
  • "@postgres01:5432,postgres02:5432" — Comma-separated list of hosts and ports. This means that the service will try to connect to the first host ("postgres01") on port 5432. If this fails, it will try to connect to the second host ("postgres02") also on port 5432.
  • "/luna_backport3" — Database name.
  • "?some_option=some_value" — Optional parameters for connection.

If necessary, you can combine the DSN string and the classic settings, but the DSN string is a higher priority. You can partially fill in the DSN string (for example, "postgres 01,postgres02/luna_backport3"), and then the missing parameters will be filled in from the values of the parameters "db_host", "db_port", "db_name", "db_user" and "db_password".

At startup, the service will create a pool of connections to one of the available DSN hosts. In case of problems with establishing a connection after several unsuccessful attempts, the service will again try to set up a connection pool to any of the available DSN hosts.


In this section, settings for monitoring are set.

For more information about monitoring, see "Monitoring" section.


The parameter enables you to enable or disable sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter enables you to use HTTPS to connect to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 0.


The parameter sets InfluxDB workspace.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets InfluxDB authentication token.

Setting format: string.


The parameter sets InfluxDB bucket name.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna_monitoring.


The parameter sets IP address of server with InfluxDB.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets InfluxDB port.

Setting format: string.

Default value: 8086.


The parameter sets frequency of sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 1.


This section sets the logging settings for the logging.


The parameter sets the level of debug printing, by priority: "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO", "DEBUG".

Setting format: string.

Default value: INFO.


The parameter sets the time format used in log entries. The following values are available:

  • "LOCAL" — displays the local time of the system on which the logs are being recorded.
  • "UTC" — displays Coordinated Universal Time, which is a time standard and is not affected by local time zones or seasonal time changes.

Setting format: string.

Default value: LOCAL.


The parameter enables you to send logs to standard output (stdout).

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true


The parameter enables you to save logs to a file. The directory with log files is specified in the "folder_with_logs" parameter.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: false.


The parameter sets the directory in which logs are stored. The relative path starts from the application directory.

To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.

Setting format: string.

Default value: ./


"folder_with_logs": "/srv/logs"


The parameter sets the maximum size of the log file in MB before performing its rotation (0 — do not use rotation).

To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.

If necessary, you can configure Docker log rotation. See the section "Docker log rotation" in the LUNA PLATFORM installation manual.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1024


The parameter enables multi-line stack tracing in logs. When the parameter is enabled, information about the call stack is recorded in the logs so that each stack frame is placed on a separate line, which improves readability. If the parameter is disabled, information about the call stack is recorded on one line, which may make logs less convenient for analysis.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true.


The parameter defines the format of the output logs. The following values are available:

  • "default" — standard output format of the LUNA PLATFORM logs.
  • "json" — output of logs in json format.
  • "ecs" — output of logs in ECS format (Elastic Common Schema).

When using the "ecs" value, the following fields will be used:

  • "http.response.status_code" — contains the HTTP response status code (e.g., 200, 404, 500, etc.).
  • "http.response.execution_time" — contains information about the time taken to execute the request and receive the response.
  • "http.request.method" — contains the HTTP request method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.).
  • "url.path" — contains the path in the request's URL.
  • "error.code" — contains the error code if the request results in an error.

Setting format: string.

Default value: default.


This section sets the connection settings for the API service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the API service.

The IP address "" means that the API service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the API service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the API service. The available API version is "6".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 6.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the API service.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the API service. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 20.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection at the socket level. If the socket level connection is not established at the set time, the operation will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the timeout for reading data from the socket after a successful connection. If the data does not arrive at the set time, the read operation will be interrupted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


This section sets the connection settings for the Faces service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Faces service.

The IP address "" means that the Faces service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Faces service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Faces service. The available API version is "3".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 3.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the Faces service.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the Faces service. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 20.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection at the socket level. If the socket level connection is not established at the set time, the operation will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the timeout for reading data from the socket after a successful connection. If the data does not arrive at the set time, the read operation will be interrupted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


This section sets the settings for the Backport4 service related to storing temporary attributes.


The parameter sets the default lifetime of temporary attributes.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 300.


The parameter sets the maximum time to live of temporary attributes.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 86400.


This section contains parameters responsible for process HTTP connections. More detail see here.


The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant when a new open TCP connection is passed to the server, and the instant when the whole HTTP request is received.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant the server passes the HTTP request to the app, and the instant a HTTP response is sent to the client.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 600.


The parameter sets the maximum size of the request.

Setting format: integer (bytes).

Default value: 1073741824.


The parameter sets the timeout for maintaining HTTP activity.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 15.


This section enables and configures the collection of metrics in the Prometheus format.

See "Monitoring" for details.


The parameter enables metrics collection.

If metrics collection is disabled, a request to the /metrics resource will return an appropriate message.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: false.


The parameter sets the metrics format.

Currently only the Prometheus format is supported.

See the official Prometheus documentation for more details.

Setting format: string.

Default value: prometheus.


The parameter specifies custom label types.

Setting format: label_name=label_value.

Default value is not set.



The parameter sets a list of plugins that the service should use.

The names are given in the following format:


The list should contain file names without the extension (.py).

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.

Accounts service configuration#

The section describes the Accounts service parameters.

You can configure the service using the Configurator service.


This section sets the settings for connecting the Accounts service to the Configurator service.

This section will not be visible in the Configurator service user interface. The parameters can be changed only in the configuration file "config.conf" located in the directory "/srv/luna_accounts/configs/" of the corresponding container.


The parameter allows you to enable the use of the Configurator service.

Using the Configurator service, the configuration of LP services is simplified. The service stores all the necessary settings for all LP services in one place.

If this parameter is disabled, the settings from the "config.conf" file located in the "/srv/luna_accounts/configs/" directory of the corresponding container will be used.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Configurator service.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Configurator API service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


In this section, the settings for connecting to the database of the service Accounts are set.


The parameter sets the type of database used. The following types are available:

  • "postgres" — PostgreSQL database type
  • "oracle" — Oracle database type

Setting format: string.

Default value: postgres.


The parameter sets the IP address of the server with the database.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets database listener port.

The default port for "postgres" type is 5432

The default port for "oracle" type is 1521

Setting format: string.

Default value: 5432.


The parameter sets the database username.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets the database password.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets the database name for "postgres" and the name of the SID for "oracle" type to connect to.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna_accounts.


The parameter sets the database connection pool size. The actual number of connections may be greater than the value of this setting by 1.

If necessary, in the "max_connections" configuration of the PostgreSQL configuration file, you can set the maximum number of simultaneous connections to the database server. See the section "Advanced PostrgeSQL setting" for more details.

Setting format: string.

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the DSN connection string for connecting to the database.

DSN is a connection string that identifies and points to the data source (database) to which you want to establish a connection.

Settings such as multiple hosts, authentication data, port, and other parameters can be set in the DSN string.

The settings depend on the type of database. Multiple hosts are supported only with PostgreSQL.

By default, the "dsn" parameter is not displayed in the "Settings" tab in the Configurator. You can check the list of all available parameters for a section on the "Limitations" tab.

Below is an example of specifying the "dsn" parameter:

"dsn": "luna:luna@postgres01:5432,postgres02:5432/luna_accounts?some_option=some_value"
"db_settings": {
"connection_pool_size": 5


  • "luna:luna" — Username and password for connecting to PostgreSQL.
  • "@postgres01:5432,postgres02:5432" — Comma-separated list of hosts and ports. This means that the service will try to connect to the first host ("postgres01") on port 5432. If this fails, it will try to connect to the second host ("postgres02") also on port 5432.
  • "/luna_accounts" — Database name.
  • "?some_option=some_value" — Optional parameters for connection.

If necessary, you can combine the DSN string and the classic settings, but the DSN string is a higher priority. You can partially fill in the DSN string (for example, "postgres 01,postgres02/luna_accounts"), and then the missing parameters will be filled in from the values of the parameters "db_host", "db_port", "db_name", "db_user" and "db_password".

At startup, the service will create a pool of connections to one of the available DSN hosts. In case of problems with establishing a connection after several unsuccessful attempts, the service will again try to set up a connection pool to any of the available DSN hosts.


In this section, settings for monitoring are set.

For more information about monitoring, see "Monitoring" section.


The parameter enables you to enable or disable sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter enables you to use HTTPS to connect to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 0.


The parameter sets InfluxDB workspace.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets InfluxDB authentication token.

Setting format: string.


The parameter sets InfluxDB bucket name.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna_monitoring.


The parameter sets IP address of server with InfluxDB.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets InfluxDB port.

Setting format: string.

Default value: 8086.


The parameter sets frequency of sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 1.


This section sets the logging settings for the logging.


The parameter sets the level of debug printing, by priority: "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO", "DEBUG".

Setting format: string.

Default value: INFO.


The parameter sets the time format used in log entries. The following values are available:

  • "LOCAL" — displays the local time of the system on which the logs are being recorded.
  • "UTC" — displays Coordinated Universal Time, which is a time standard and is not affected by local time zones or seasonal time changes.

Setting format: string.

Default value: LOCAL.


The parameter enables you to send logs to standard output (stdout).

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true


The parameter enables you to save logs to a file. The directory with log files is specified in the "folder_with_logs" parameter.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: false.


The parameter sets the directory in which logs are stored. The relative path starts from the application directory.

To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.

Setting format: string.

Default value: ./


"folder_with_logs": "/srv/logs"


The parameter sets the maximum size of the log file in MB before performing its rotation (0 — do not use rotation).

To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.

If necessary, you can configure Docker log rotation. See the section "Docker log rotation" in the LUNA PLATFORM installation manual.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1024


The parameter enables multi-line stack tracing in logs. When the parameter is enabled, information about the call stack is recorded in the logs so that each stack frame is placed on a separate line, which improves readability. If the parameter is disabled, information about the call stack is recorded on one line, which may make logs less convenient for analysis.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true.


The parameter defines the format of the output logs. The following values are available:

  • "default" — standard output format of the LUNA PLATFORM logs.
  • "json" — output of logs in json format.
  • "ecs" — output of logs in ECS format (Elastic Common Schema).

When using the "ecs" value, the following fields will be used:

  • "http.response.status_code" — contains the HTTP response status code (e.g., 200, 404, 500, etc.).
  • "http.response.execution_time" — contains information about the time taken to execute the request and receive the response.
  • "http.request.method" — contains the HTTP request method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.).
  • "url.path" — contains the path in the request's URL.
  • "error.code" — contains the error code if the request results in an error.

Setting format: string.

Default value: default.


This section contains parameters responsible for process HTTP connections. More detail see here.


The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant when a new open TCP connection is passed to the server, and the instant when the whole HTTP request is received.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant the server passes the HTTP request to the app, and the instant a HTTP response is sent to the client.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 600.


The parameter sets the maximum size of the request.

Setting format: integer (bytes).

Default value: 1073741824.


The parameter sets the timeout for maintaining HTTP activity.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 15.


This section enables and configures the collection of metrics in the Prometheus format.

See "Monitoring" for details.


The parameter enables metrics collection.

If metrics collection is disabled, a request to the /metrics resource will return an appropriate message.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: false.


The parameter sets the metrics format.

Currently only the Prometheus format is supported.

See the official Prometheus documentation for more details.

Setting format: string.

Default value: prometheus.


The parameter specifies custom label types.

Setting format: label_name=label_value.

Default value is not set.



The parameter sets a list of plugins that the service should use.

The names are given in the following format:


The list should contain file names without the extension (.py).

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the time format used for records in the database. The following values are available:

  • "LOCAL" — displays the local time of the system on which logs are being recorded.
  • "UTC" — displays coordinated universal time, which is a standard time and does not depend on the local time zone or seasonal time changes.

Setting format: string.

Default value: LOCAL.

Remote SDK service configuration#

The section describes the Remote SDK service parameters.

You can configure the service using the Configurator service.


This section sets the settings for connecting the Remote SDK service to the Configurator service.

This section will not be visible in the Configurator service user interface. The parameters can be changed only in the configuration file "config.conf" located in the directory "/srv/luna_remote_sdk/configs/" of the corresponding container.


The parameter allows you to enable the use of the Configurator service.

Using the Configurator service, the configuration of LP services is simplified. The service stores all the necessary settings for all LP services in one place.

If this parameter is disabled, the settings from the "config.conf" file located in the "/srv/luna_remote_sdk/configs/" directory of the corresponding container will be used.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Configurator service.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Configurator API service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


In this section, settings for monitoring are set.

For more information about monitoring, see "Monitoring" section.


The parameter enables you to enable or disable sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter enables you to use HTTPS to connect to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 0.


The parameter sets InfluxDB workspace.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets InfluxDB authentication token.

Setting format: string.


The parameter sets InfluxDB bucket name.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna_monitoring.


The parameter sets IP address of server with InfluxDB.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets InfluxDB port.

Setting format: string.

Default value: 8086.


The parameter sets frequency of sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 1.


This section sets the logging settings for the logging.


The parameter sets the level of debug printing, by priority: "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO", "DEBUG".

Setting format: string.

Default value: INFO.


The parameter sets the time format used in log entries. The following values are available:

  • "LOCAL" — displays the local time of the system on which the logs are being recorded.
  • "UTC" — displays Coordinated Universal Time, which is a time standard and is not affected by local time zones or seasonal time changes.

Setting format: string.

Default value: LOCAL.


The parameter enables you to send logs to standard output (stdout).

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true


The parameter enables you to save logs to a file. The directory with log files is specified in the "folder_with_logs" parameter.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: false.


The parameter sets the directory in which logs are stored. The relative path starts from the application directory.

To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.

Setting format: string.

Default value: ./


"folder_with_logs": "/srv/logs"


The parameter sets the maximum size of the log file in MB before performing its rotation (0 — do not use rotation).

To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.

If necessary, you can configure Docker log rotation. See the section "Docker log rotation" in the LUNA PLATFORM installation manual.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1024


The parameter enables multi-line stack tracing in logs. When the parameter is enabled, information about the call stack is recorded in the logs so that each stack frame is placed on a separate line, which improves readability. If the parameter is disabled, information about the call stack is recorded on one line, which may make logs less convenient for analysis.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true.


The parameter defines the format of the output logs. The following values are available:

  • "default" — standard output format of the LUNA PLATFORM logs.
  • "json" — output of logs in json format.
  • "ecs" — output of logs in ECS format (Elastic Common Schema).

When using the "ecs" value, the following fields will be used:

  • "http.response.status_code" — contains the HTTP response status code (e.g., 200, 404, 500, etc.).
  • "http.response.execution_time" — contains information about the time taken to execute the request and receive the response.
  • "http.request.method" — contains the HTTP request method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.).
  • "url.path" — contains the path in the request's URL.
  • "error.code" — contains the error code if the request results in an error.

Setting format: string.

Default value: default.


This section sets the connection settings for the Licenses service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Licenses service.

The IP address "" means that the Licenses service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Licenses service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Licenses service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


In this section, the bucket for storing face samples settings are set.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Image Store service.

The IP address "" means that the Image Store service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Image Store service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Image Store service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the bucket name.

See the detailed description of packages in the "Bucket description" section.

Setting format: string.

Default value: visionlabs-samples.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the bucket with face samples .


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the bucket with face samples. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 30.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


In this section, the bucket for storing body samples settings are set.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Image Store service.

The IP address "" means that the Image Store service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Image Store service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Image Store service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the bucket name.

See the detailed description of packages in the "Bucket description" section.

Setting format: string.

Default value: visionlabs-bodies-samples.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the bucket with body samples .


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the bucket with body samples. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 30.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


In this section, the bucket for storing source images settings are set.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Image Store service.

The IP address "" means that the Image Store service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Image Store service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Image Store service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the bucket name.

See the detailed description of packages in the "Bucket description" section.

Setting format: string.

Default value: visionlabs-image-origin.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the bucket with source images .


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the bucket with source images. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 30.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.



The parameter sets the possibility of using the Events service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Handlers service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Sender service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Python Matcher Proxy service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Image Store service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Lambda service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


This section sets global settings for all estimators/detectors.


The parameter sets the device type ("cpu" or "gpu") for all estimators/detectors with the parameter value "device_class" = "global".

Setting format: string.

Default value: cpu.


The parameter sets the number of CPU processor threads to be used by the service when performing estimation/detection. It is desirable that the value of this parameter corresponds to the number of physical CPU cores to maximise performance. However, too many threads may cause performance degradation due to additional overhead.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 4.


The parameter sets the number of computation threads on the GPU processor that will be used by the service when performing estimation/detection. It is recommended to choose the value corresponding to the characteristics of a particular GPU and the task. It should be taken into account that NVIDIA may change the behaviour of this parameter in different software versions, so it is recommended to perform testing to determine the optimal value.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 6.


This section sets individual operation settings for face detector.

runtime_settings > device_class#

The parameter sets the type of device to perform the estimation ("cpu", "gpu" or "global")

Setting format: string.

Default value: cpu.

runtime_settings > num_threads#

The parameter sets the size of the batch to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 10.

runtime_settings > num_compute_streams#

The parameter sets the number of workers to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.

estimator_settings > min_face_size#

The parameter sets the minimum face size in pixels.

The maximum face size is equal to the minimum face size multiplied by 32.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 50.

estimator_settings > redetect_face_target_size#

The parameter sets the target face size for redetection.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 80.

estimator_settings > redetect_tensor_size#

The parameter sets the target face size for redetection after preprocessing.

Detection is considered unsuccessful if the score is below the specified value.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 64.

estimator_settings > redetect_score_threshold#

The parameter sets the redetection estimating threshold.

Redetection is considered unsuccessful if the score is below the specified value.

Setting format: number.

Default value: 0.3.

estimator_settings > score_threshold#

The parameter sets the estimation threshold.

Detection is considered unsuccessful if the score is below the specified value.

Setting format: number.

Default value: 0.5.


This section sets individual operation settings for gaze estimator.

runtime_settings > device_class#

The parameter sets the type of device to perform the estimation ("cpu", "gpu" or "global")

Setting format: string.

Default value: cpu.

runtime_settings > num_threads#

The parameter sets the size of the batch to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 10.

runtime_settings > num_compute_streams#

The parameter sets the number of workers to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets individual operation settings for image quality estimator.

runtime_settings > device_class#

The parameter sets the type of device to perform the estimation ("cpu", "gpu" or "global")

Setting format: string.

Default value: cpu.

runtime_settings > num_threads#

The parameter sets the size of the batch to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 10.

runtime_settings > num_compute_streams#

The parameter sets the number of workers to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets individual operation settings for mouth attributes estimator.

runtime_settings > device_class#

The parameter sets the type of device to perform the estimation ("cpu", "gpu" or "global")

Setting format: string.

Default value: cpu.

runtime_settings > num_threads#

The parameter sets the size of the batch to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 10.

runtime_settings > num_compute_streams#

The parameter sets the number of workers to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets individual operation settings for emotions estimator.

runtime_settings > device_class#

The parameter sets the type of device to perform the estimation ("cpu", "gpu" or "global")

Setting format: string.

Default value: cpu.

runtime_settings > num_threads#

The parameter sets the size of the batch to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 10.

runtime_settings > num_compute_streams#

The parameter sets the number of workers to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets individual operation settings for basic attributes estimator.

runtime_settings > device_class#

The parameter sets the type of device to perform the estimation ("cpu", "gpu" or "global")

Setting format: string.

Default value: cpu.

runtime_settings > num_threads#

The parameter sets the size of the batch to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 10.

runtime_settings > num_compute_streams#

The parameter sets the number of workers to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets individual operation settings for eyes attributes estimator.

runtime_settings > device_class#

The parameter sets the type of device to perform the estimation ("cpu", "gpu" or "global")

Setting format: string.

Default value: cpu.

runtime_settings > num_threads#

The parameter sets the size of the batch to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 10.

runtime_settings > num_compute_streams#

The parameter sets the number of workers to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets individual operation settings for head pose estimator.

runtime_settings > device_class#

The parameter sets the type of device to perform the estimation ("cpu", "gpu" or "global")

Setting format: string.

Default value: cpu.

runtime_settings > num_threads#

The parameter sets the size of the batch to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 10.

runtime_settings > num_compute_streams#

The parameter sets the number of workers to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets individual operation settings for face descriptor estimator.

runtime_settings > device_class#

The parameter sets the type of device to perform the estimation ("cpu", "gpu" or "global")

Setting format: string.

Default value: cpu.

runtime_settings > num_threads#

The parameter sets the size of the batch to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 10.

runtime_settings > num_compute_streams#

The parameter sets the number of workers to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets individual operation settings for mask estimator.

runtime_settings > device_class#

The parameter sets the type of device to perform the estimation ("cpu", "gpu" or "global")

Setting format: string.

Default value: cpu.

runtime_settings > num_threads#

The parameter sets the size of the batch to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 10.

runtime_settings > num_compute_streams#

The parameter sets the number of workers to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets individual operation settings for Liveness estimator.

runtime_settings > device_class#

The parameter sets the type of device to perform the estimation ("cpu", "gpu" or "global")

Setting format: string.

Default value: cpu.

runtime_settings > num_threads#

The parameter sets the size of the batch to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 10.

runtime_settings > num_compute_streams#

The parameter sets the number of workers to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.

estimator_settings > real_threshold#

The parameter sets the "Liveness threshold", below which the system will consider the result an attack on biometric presentation and the result will be "spoof".

Setting format: float.

Default value: 0.5.

estimator_settings > quality_threshold#

The parameter sets the "Quality threshold", below which no check will be performed and the result will be "unknown".

Setting format: float.

Default value: 0.5.


This section sets individual operation settings for glasses estimator.

runtime_settings > device_class#

The parameter sets the type of device to perform the estimation ("cpu", "gpu" or "global")

Setting format: string.

Default value: cpu.

runtime_settings > num_threads#

The parameter sets the size of the batch to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 10.

runtime_settings > num_compute_streams#

The parameter sets the number of workers to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets individual operation settings for face sample estimator.

runtime_settings > device_class#

The parameter sets the type of device to perform the estimation ("cpu", "gpu" or "global")

Setting format: string.

Default value: cpu.

runtime_settings > num_threads#

The parameter sets the size of the batch to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 10.

runtime_settings > num_compute_streams#

The parameter sets the number of workers to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets individual operation settings for 68 landmarks estimator.

runtime_settings > device_class#

The parameter sets the type of device to perform the estimation ("cpu", "gpu" or "global")

Setting format: string.

Default value: cpu.

runtime_settings > num_threads#

The parameter sets the size of the batch to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 10.

runtime_settings > num_compute_streams#

The parameter sets the number of workers to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets individual operation settings for 5 landmarks estimator.

runtime_settings > device_class#

The parameter sets the type of device to perform the estimation ("cpu", "gpu" or "global")

Setting format: string.

Default value: cpu.

runtime_settings > num_threads#

The parameter sets the size of the batch to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 10.

runtime_settings > num_compute_streams#

The parameter sets the number of workers to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets individual operation settings for face color type estimator.

runtime_settings > device_class#

The parameter sets the type of device to perform the estimation ("cpu", "gpu" or "global")

Setting format: string.

Default value: cpu.

runtime_settings > num_threads#

The parameter sets the size of the batch to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 10.

runtime_settings > num_compute_streams#

The parameter sets the number of workers to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets individual operation settings for headwear estimator.

runtime_settings > device_class#

The parameter sets the type of device to perform the estimation ("cpu", "gpu" or "global")

Setting format: string.

Default value: cpu.

runtime_settings > num_threads#

The parameter sets the size of the batch to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 10.

runtime_settings > num_compute_streams#

The parameter sets the number of workers to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets individual operation settings for natural light estimator.

runtime_settings > device_class#

The parameter sets the type of device to perform the estimation ("cpu", "gpu" or "global")

Setting format: string.

Default value: cpu.

runtime_settings > num_threads#

The parameter sets the size of the batch to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 10.

runtime_settings > num_compute_streams#

The parameter sets the number of workers to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets individual operation settings for FishEye effect estimator.

runtime_settings > device_class#

The parameter sets the type of device to perform the estimation ("cpu", "gpu" or "global")

Setting format: string.

Default value: cpu.

runtime_settings > num_threads#

The parameter sets the size of the batch to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 10.

runtime_settings > num_compute_streams#

The parameter sets the number of workers to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets individual operation settings for eyebrow estimator.

runtime_settings > device_class#

The parameter sets the type of device to perform the estimation ("cpu", "gpu" or "global")

Setting format: string.

Default value: cpu.

runtime_settings > num_threads#

The parameter sets the size of the batch to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 10.

runtime_settings > num_compute_streams#

The parameter sets the number of workers to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets individual operation settings for red eyes effect estimator.

runtime_settings > device_class#

The parameter sets the type of device to perform the estimation ("cpu", "gpu" or "global")

Setting format: string.

Default value: cpu.

runtime_settings > num_threads#

The parameter sets the size of the batch to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 10.

runtime_settings > num_compute_streams#

The parameter sets the number of workers to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets individual operation settings for image background estimator.

runtime_settings > device_class#

The parameter sets the type of device to perform the estimation ("cpu", "gpu" or "global")

Setting format: string.

Default value: cpu.

runtime_settings > num_threads#

The parameter sets the size of the batch to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 10.

runtime_settings > num_compute_streams#

The parameter sets the number of workers to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets individual operation settings for image orientation estimator.

runtime_settings > device_class#

The parameter sets the type of device to perform the estimation ("cpu", "gpu" or "global")

Setting format: string.

Default value: cpu.

runtime_settings > num_threads#

The parameter sets the size of the batch to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 10.

runtime_settings > num_compute_streams#

The parameter sets the number of workers to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets individual operation settings for shoulders position estimator.

runtime_settings > device_class#

The parameter sets the type of device to perform the estimation ("cpu", "gpu" or "global")

Setting format: string.

Default value: cpu.

runtime_settings > num_threads#

The parameter sets the size of the batch to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 10.

runtime_settings > num_compute_streams#

The parameter sets the number of workers to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets individual operation settings for human body detector.

runtime_settings > device_class#

The parameter sets the type of device to perform the estimation ("cpu", "gpu" or "global")

Setting format: string.

Default value: cpu.

runtime_settings > num_threads#

The parameter sets the size of the batch to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 10.

runtime_settings > num_compute_streams#

The parameter sets the number of workers to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.

estimator_settings > image_size#

The parameter sets the maximum frame size in pixels after scaling along the largest side of the frame.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 640.

estimator_settings > redetect_score_threshold#

The parameter sets the redetection estimating threshold.

Redetection is considered unsuccessful if the score is below the specified value.

Setting format: number.

Default value: 0.12.

estimator_settings > score_threshold#

The parameter sets the estimating threshold.

Detection is considered unsuccessful if the score is below the specified value.

Setting format: number.

Default value: 0.5.


This section sets individual operation settings for human body descriptor estimator.

runtime_settings > device_class#

The parameter sets the type of device to perform the estimation ("cpu", "gpu" or "global")

Setting format: string.

Default value: cpu.

runtime_settings > num_threads#

The parameter sets the size of the batch to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 10.

runtime_settings > num_compute_streams#

The parameter sets the number of workers to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets individual operation settings for human body sample estimator.

runtime_settings > device_class#

The parameter sets the type of device to perform the estimation ("cpu", "gpu" or "global")

Setting format: string.

Default value: cpu.

runtime_settings > num_threads#

The parameter sets the size of the batch to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 10.

runtime_settings > num_compute_streams#

The parameter sets the number of workers to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets individual operation settings for body landmarks estimator.

runtime_settings > device_class#

The parameter sets the type of device to perform the estimation ("cpu", "gpu" or "global")

Setting format: string.

Default value: cpu.

runtime_settings > num_threads#

The parameter sets the size of the batch to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 10.

runtime_settings > num_compute_streams#

The parameter sets the number of workers to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets individual operation settings for body parameters estimator.

runtime_settings > device_class#

The parameter sets the type of device to perform the estimation ("cpu", "gpu" or "global")

Setting format: string.

Default value: cpu.

runtime_settings > num_threads#

The parameter sets the size of the batch to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 10.

runtime_settings > num_compute_streams#

The parameter sets the number of workers to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets individual operation settings for face and body detector.

runtime_settings > device_class#

The parameter sets the type of device to perform the estimation ("cpu", "gpu" or "global")

Setting format: string.

Default value: cpu.

runtime_settings > num_threads#

The parameter sets the size of the batch to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 10.

runtime_settings > num_compute_streams#

The parameter sets the number of workers to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets individual operation settings for people count estimator.

runtime_settings > device_class#

The parameter sets the type of device to perform the estimation ("cpu", "gpu" or "global")

Setting format: string.

Default value: cpu.

runtime_settings > num_threads#

The parameter sets the size of the batch to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 10.

runtime_settings > num_compute_streams#

The parameter sets the number of workers to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets individual operation settings for Deepfake estimator.

runtime_settings > device_class#

The parameter sets the type of device to perform the estimation ("cpu", "gpu" or "global")

Setting format: string.

Default value: cpu.

runtime_settings > num_threads#

The parameter sets the size of the batch to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 10.

runtime_settings > num_compute_streams#

The parameter sets the number of workers to perform the estimation.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section represents a set of parameters for setting timeouts during the execution of HTTP requests to external resources for uploading images. Each of the parameters in this setting determines the maximum waiting time for a specific operation during the execution of the request.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection to an external resource. If the connection is not established at the set time, the operation will be interrupted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the timeout for waiting for a response to an HTTP request that is sent to get an image from an external resource.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection at the socket level. If the socket level connection is not established at the set time, the operation will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the timeout for reading data from the socket after a successful connection. If the data does not arrive at the set time, the read operation will be interrupted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 10.


This section is intended for correct processing of references to objects created using the "/images" and "/objects" resources in the API service. This section specifies the address and API version of the API service.

If as input for resources "/iso" and "/sdk" specifies the URL and version of the API service of the "images" type object that matches the address and version of the API from the "EXTERNAL_LUNA_API_ADDRESS" section of the Remote SDK service settings, then these objects will be loaded using the Image Store service directly, and not send a request to the API service from subsequent redirection to the Image Store service.

Format example: "", where "" must match the value from the "origin" setting ", and the value "6" must match the value of the "api_version" setting in the "EXTERNAL_LUNA_API_ADDRESS" section.

To avoid errors, you must configure this section in the Tasks settings before using URLs to objects of type "objects" or "images" as an input data source.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the API service.

See the description of the operating logic in the "EXTERNAL_LUNA_API_ADDRESS section" section.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the API version of the API service.

See the description of the operating logic in the "EXTERNAL_LUNA_API_ADDRESS section" section.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 6.


This section sets restrictions for some operations performed using the Remote SDK service.

Increasing these limits may lead to a decrease in performance.


The parameter sets the maximum number of images that can be specified in the "sdk" and "iso" requests using the "multipart/form-data" scheme.

For batch image processing, you need to use Estimator task.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 8.


This section sets the video processing settings for performing video analytics.


The parameter sets the type of video decoder device. The following options are available:

  • "cpu"
  • "gpu" (in priority)
  • "auto"

Setting format: string.

Default value: auto.


The parameter sets the number of workers of the video decoder.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets a temporary directory in the Remote SDK container where the video will be saved to perform video analysis.

After performing the video analysis, the video will be deleted.

Setting format: string.

Default value: ./videos.


The parameter sets the maximum video size for performing video analytics.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1024 (megabytes).


This section enables and configures the collection of metrics in the Prometheus format.

See "Monitoring" for details.


The parameter enables metrics collection.

If metrics collection is disabled, a request to the /metrics resource will return an appropriate message.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: false.


The parameter sets the metrics format.

Currently only the Prometheus format is supported.

See the official Prometheus documentation for more details.

Setting format: string.

Default value: prometheus.


The parameter specifies custom label types.

Setting format: label_name=label_value.

Default value is not set.


This section specifies the thresholds at which LUNA PLATFORM will consider that the check has passed.

For Natural Light, Fish Eye, Color Type and Red Eyes estimators, you can also set a threshold that interprets the estimator's response.

See "Image check" for details.

Important: These thresholds are default. Setting thresholds in the "face_quality" parameter group overrides the value of these thresholds.


The parameter sets standard thresholds for checking image format.

Setting format: array.

Default value:

"threshold": [


The parameter sets standard thresholds for checking degree of lighting uniformity.

Setting format: object.

Default value:

"threshold": {
     "min": 0.3,
     "max": 1


The parameter sets standard thresholds for checking degree of specularity absence.

Setting format: object.

Default value:

"threshold": {
     "min": 0.3,
     "max": 1


The parameter sets standard thresholds for checking degree of blurring.

Setting format: object.

Default value:

"threshold": {
     "min": 0.61,
     "max": 1


The parameter sets standard thresholds for checking degree to which the photo is not darkened.

Setting format: object.

Default value:

"threshold": {
     "min": 0.5,
     "max": 1


The parameter sets standard thresholds for checking degree to which the photo is not overexposed.

Setting format: object.

Default value:

"threshold": {
     "min": 0.57,
     "max": 1


The parameter sets standard thresholds for checking head pose yaw angle.

Setting format: object.

Default value:

"threshold": {
     "min": -5,
     "max": 5


The parameter sets standard thresholds for checking head pose pitch angle.

Setting format: object.

Default value:

"threshold": {
     "min": -5,
     "max": 5


The parameter sets standard thresholds for checking head pose roll angle.

Setting format: object.

Default value:

"threshold": {
     "min": -8,
     "max": 8


The parameter sets standard thresholds for checking gaze yaw angle.

Setting format: object.

Default value:

"threshold": {
     "min": -5,
     "max": 5


The parameter sets standard thresholds for checking gaze pitch angle.

Setting format: object.

Default value:

"threshold": {
     "min": -5,
     "max": 5


The parameter sets standard thresholds for checking degree of the presence of a smile.

Setting format: object.

Default value:

"threshold": {
     "min": 0,
     "max": 0.5


The parameter sets standard thresholds for checking degree of presence of mouth occlusion.

Setting format: object.

Default value:

"threshold": {
     "min": 0,
     "max": 0.5


The parameter sets standard thresholds for checking degree of presence of an open mouth.

Setting format: object.

Default value:

"threshold": {
     "min": 0,
     "max": 0.5


The parameter sets standard thresholds for checking the most likely state of glasses.

Setting format: array.

Default value:

"threshold": [


The parameter sets standard thresholds for checking the position of each eye.

Setting format: array.

Default value:

"threshold": [


The parameter sets standard thresholds for checking horizontal face position.

Setting format: object.

Default value:

"threshold": {
     "min": 0.45,
     "max": 0.55


The parameter sets standard thresholds for checking vertical face position.

Setting format: object.

Default value:

"threshold": {
     "min": 0.3,
     "max": 0.5


The parameter sets standard thresholds for checking head width.

Setting format: object.

Default value:

"threshold": {
     "min": 0.5,
     "max": 0.75


The parameter sets standard thresholds for checking head height.

Setting format: object.

Default value:

"threshold": {
     "min": 0.6,
     "max": 0.9


The parameter sets standard thresholds for checking distance between eyes.

Setting format: object.

Default value:

"threshold": {
     "min": 90


The parameter sets standard thresholds for checking image width.

Setting format: object.

Default value:

"threshold": {
     "min": 180,
     "max": 1920


The parameter sets standard thresholds for checking image height.

Setting format: object.

Default value:

"threshold": {
     "min": 180,
     "max": 1080


The parameter sets standard thresholds for checking aspect ratio.

Setting format: object.

Default value:

"threshold": {
     "min": 0.74,
     "max": 0.8


The parameter sets standard thresholds for checking face width.

Setting format: object.

Default value:

"threshold": {
     "min": 180


The parameter sets standard thresholds for checking face height.

Setting format: object.

Default value:

"threshold": {
     "min": 180


The parameter sets standard thresholds for checking indents from the left edge of the image.

Setting format: object.

Default value:

"threshold": {
     "min": 20


The parameter sets standard thresholds for checking indents from the right edge of the image.

Setting format: object.

Default value:

"threshold": {
     "min": 20


The parameter sets standard thresholds for checking indents from the top edge of the image.

Setting format: object.

Default value:

"threshold": {
     "min": 20


The parameter sets standard thresholds for checking indents from the bottom edge of the image.

Setting format: object.

Default value:

"threshold": {
     "min": 20


The parameter sets standard thresholds for checking image size.

Setting format: object.

Default value:

"threshold": {
     "min": 5120,
     "max": 2097152


The parameter sets standard thresholds for checking illumination uniformity according to the ICAO standard.

Setting format: object.

Default value:

"threshold": {
     "min": 0.5


The parameter specifies standard thresholds for checking dynamic range.

Setting format: object.

Default value:

"threshold": {
     "min": 0.5


The parameter sets standard thresholds for checking eyebrow condition.

Setting format: array.

Default value:

"threshold": [


The parameter sets standard thresholds for checking shoulders-position.

Setting format: array.

Default value:

"threshold": [


The parameter sets standard thresholds for checking smile state.

Setting format: array.

Default value:

"threshold": [


The parameter sets standard thresholds for checking headwear condition.

Setting format: array.

Default value:

"threshold": [


The parameter sets standard thresholds for checking naturalness of lighting.

Default threshold value at which LUNA PLATFORM will consider the check completed:

"threshold": 1

Default threshold value that interprets the estimator response:

"min": 0.5


The parameter sets standard thresholds for checking the presence of fisheye effect.

Default threshold value at which LUNA PLATFORM will consider the check completed:

"threshold": 0

Default threshold value that interprets the estimator response:

"min": 0.5


The parameter sets standard thresholds for checking the presence of red-eye effect.

Default threshold value at which LUNA PLATFORM will consider the check completed:

"threshold": 0

Default threshold value that interprets the estimator response:

"min": 0.5


The parameter specifies standard thresholds for checking face-based image color type.

Default threshold value at which LUNA PLATFORM will consider the check completed:

"threshold": [

Default threshold value that interprets the estimator response:

"infrared": {
     "threshold": {
         "min": 0.5
"color": {
     "threshold": {
         "min": 0.5


The parameter sets standard thresholds for checking background brightness.

Setting format: object.

Default value:

"threshold": {
     "min": 0.2


The parameter sets standard thresholds for checking background uniformity.

Setting format: object.

Default value:

"threshold": {
     "min": 0.5



The parameter sets a list of plugins that the service should use.

The names are given in the following format:


The list should contain file names without the extension (.py).

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the time format used for records in the database. The following values are available:

  • "LOCAL" — displays the local time of the system on which logs are being recorded.
  • "UTC" — displays coordinated universal time, which is a standard time and does not depend on the local time zone or seasonal time changes.

Setting format: string.

Default value: LOCAL.


The parameter sets the version of the face descriptor to use.

Setting format: string.

Default value: 59.

Note: For more information about descriptor versions, see "Neural networks".


The parameter sets the version of the body descriptor to use.

For more information about descriptor version, see "Neural networks".

Setting format: string.

Default value: 110.

Note: For more information about descriptor versions, see "Neural networks".


The parameter sets the type of detector used.

Currently, only one type of detector is available — "FACE_DET_V3".

Setting format: string.

Default value: FACE_DET_V3.


This parameter allows you to enable auto-orientation of the rotated image.

See the description of auto-orientation in the "Auto-orientation of rotated image" section.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true.

Lambda service configuration#

The section describes the Lambda service parameters.

You can configure the service using the Configurator service.


This section sets the settings for connecting the Lambda service to the Configurator service.

This section will not be visible in the Configurator service user interface. The parameters can be changed only in the configuration file "config.conf" located in the directory "/srv/luna_lambda/configs/" of the corresponding container.


The parameter allows you to enable the use of the Configurator service.

Using the Configurator service, the configuration of LP services is simplified. The service stores all the necessary settings for all LP services in one place.

If this parameter is disabled, the settings from the "config.conf" file located in the "/srv/luna_lambda/configs/" directory of the corresponding container will be used.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Configurator service.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Configurator API service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


In this section, the settings for connecting to the database of the service Lambda are set.


The parameter sets the type of database used. The following types are available:

  • "postgres" — PostgreSQL database type
  • "oracle" — Oracle database type

Setting format: string.

Default value: postgres.


The parameter sets the IP address of the server with the database.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets database listener port.

The default port for "postgres" type is 5432

The default port for "oracle" type is 1521

Setting format: string.

Default value: 5432.


The parameter sets the database username.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets the database password.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets the database name for "postgres" and the name of the SID for "oracle" type to connect to.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna_lambda.


The parameter sets the database connection pool size. The actual number of connections may be greater than the value of this setting by 1.

If necessary, in the "max_connections" configuration of the PostgreSQL configuration file, you can set the maximum number of simultaneous connections to the database server. See the section "Advanced PostrgeSQL setting" for more details.

Setting format: string.

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the DSN connection string for connecting to the database.

DSN is a connection string that identifies and points to the data source (database) to which you want to establish a connection.

Settings such as multiple hosts, authentication data, port, and other parameters can be set in the DSN string.

The settings depend on the type of database. Multiple hosts are supported only with PostgreSQL.

By default, the "dsn" parameter is not displayed in the "Settings" tab in the Configurator. You can check the list of all available parameters for a section on the "Limitations" tab.

Below is an example of specifying the "dsn" parameter:

"dsn": "luna:luna@postgres01:5432,postgres02:5432/luna_lambda?some_option=some_value"
"db_settings": {
"connection_pool_size": 5


  • "luna:luna" — Username and password for connecting to PostgreSQL.
  • "@postgres01:5432,postgres02:5432" — Comma-separated list of hosts and ports. This means that the service will try to connect to the first host ("postgres01") on port 5432. If this fails, it will try to connect to the second host ("postgres02") also on port 5432.
  • "/luna_lambda" — Database name.
  • "?some_option=some_value" — Optional parameters for connection.

If necessary, you can combine the DSN string and the classic settings, but the DSN string is a higher priority. You can partially fill in the DSN string (for example, "postgres 01,postgres02/luna_lambda"), and then the missing parameters will be filled in from the values of the parameters "db_host", "db_port", "db_name", "db_user" and "db_password".

At startup, the service will create a pool of connections to one of the available DSN hosts. In case of problems with establishing a connection after several unsuccessful attempts, the service will again try to set up a connection pool to any of the available DSN hosts.


In this section, settings for monitoring are set.

For more information about monitoring, see "Monitoring" section.


The parameter enables you to enable or disable sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter enables you to use HTTPS to connect to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 0.


The parameter sets InfluxDB workspace.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets InfluxDB authentication token.

Setting format: string.


The parameter sets InfluxDB bucket name.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna_monitoring.


The parameter sets IP address of server with InfluxDB.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets InfluxDB port.

Setting format: string.

Default value: 8086.


The parameter sets frequency of sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 1.


This section sets the logging settings for the logging.


The parameter sets the level of debug printing, by priority: "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO", "DEBUG".

Setting format: string.

Default value: INFO.


The parameter sets the time format used in log entries. The following values are available:

  • "LOCAL" — displays the local time of the system on which the logs are being recorded.
  • "UTC" — displays Coordinated Universal Time, which is a time standard and is not affected by local time zones or seasonal time changes.

Setting format: string.

Default value: LOCAL.


The parameter enables you to send logs to standard output (stdout).

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true


The parameter enables you to save logs to a file. The directory with log files is specified in the "folder_with_logs" parameter.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: false.


The parameter sets the directory in which logs are stored. The relative path starts from the application directory.

To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.

Setting format: string.

Default value: ./


"folder_with_logs": "/srv/logs"


The parameter sets the maximum size of the log file in MB before performing its rotation (0 — do not use rotation).

To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.

If necessary, you can configure Docker log rotation. See the section "Docker log rotation" in the LUNA PLATFORM installation manual.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1024


The parameter enables multi-line stack tracing in logs. When the parameter is enabled, information about the call stack is recorded in the logs so that each stack frame is placed on a separate line, which improves readability. If the parameter is disabled, information about the call stack is recorded on one line, which may make logs less convenient for analysis.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true.


The parameter defines the format of the output logs. The following values are available:

  • "default" — standard output format of the LUNA PLATFORM logs.
  • "json" — output of logs in json format.
  • "ecs" — output of logs in ECS format (Elastic Common Schema).

When using the "ecs" value, the following fields will be used:

  • "http.response.status_code" — contains the HTTP response status code (e.g., 200, 404, 500, etc.).
  • "http.response.execution_time" — contains information about the time taken to execute the request and receive the response.
  • "http.request.method" — contains the HTTP request method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.).
  • "url.path" — contains the path in the request's URL.
  • "error.code" — contains the error code if the request results in an error.

Setting format: string.

Default value: default.



The parameter sets the possibility of using the Events service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Handlers service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Sender service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Python Matcher Proxy service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Image Store service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Lambda service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


This section contains parameters responsible for process HTTP connections. More detail see here.


The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant when a new open TCP connection is passed to the server, and the instant when the whole HTTP request is received.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant the server passes the HTTP request to the app, and the instant a HTTP response is sent to the client.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 600.


The parameter sets the maximum size of the request.

Setting format: integer (bytes).

Default value: 1073741824.


The parameter sets the timeout for maintaining HTTP activity.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 15.

LAMBDA_S3 section#

This section contains parameters for interaction with S3-storage, in which modified archives with lambda should be stored.

To use S3, you must specify the following parameters:


The parameter sets the URL address to establish a connection with the S3 storage.

Setting format: string

Default value: http://localhost:7480


The parameter specifies the region to be used when interacting with S3 storage.

The region can affect the availability and performance of various resources in AWS S3.

Setting format: string

Default value: Not specified


The parameter specifies the public access key used for authentication when accessing the S3 storage. This key is provided by AWS and is used to identify the client.

Setting format: string

Default value: Not specified


The parameter sets the secret access key, which, in combination with the public key, provides authentication when accessing the S3 storage.

Setting format: string

Default value: Not specified


The parameter determines the method used to create an authentication signature when performing operations with S3.

Two values can be specified:

  • "s3v4" — using the AWS S3 Version 4 signature algorithm.
  • "s3v2" — using the AWS S3 Version 2 signature algorithm.

Setting format: string

Default value: s3v4


The parameter sets the maximum time within which a request to the S3 storage must be completed. If the request does not complete within this time, it will be canceled.

Setting format: integer (seconds)

Default value: 60


The parameter sets the maximum waiting time for establishing a connection with the S3 storage. If the connection is not established within this time, it will be considered unsuccessful.

Setting format: integer (seconds)

Default value: 30


The parameter determines whether to perform SSL certificate verification when establishing a secure (HTTPS) connection with the S3 storage. If the value is true, the SSL certificate will be verified. If the value is false, verification will be disabled, which may lead to security issues.

Setting format: boolean

Default value: true


The parameter sets a bucket for storing modified archives with lambda.

Setting format: string.

Default value: lambda_bucket.


This section sets the access settings for the Kubernetes cluster.


The parameter sets the URL of the Kubernetes cluster.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the access token that is used for authentication when connecting to the Kubernetes cluster.

Setting format: string.

Default value: token.


The parameter sets the path to the SSL certificate file that is used for secure (HTTPS) connection to the cluster. The default value ./cert.crt indicates the relative path to the certificate file named "cert.crt" in the current directory.

Setting format: string.

Default value: ./cert.crt.


This section sets the connection settings for the Licenses service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Licenses service.

The IP address "" means that the Licenses service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Licenses service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Licenses service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section enables and configures the collection of metrics in the Prometheus format.

See "Monitoring" for details.


The parameter enables metrics collection.

If metrics collection is disabled, a request to the /metrics resource will return an appropriate message.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: false.


The parameter sets the metrics format.

Currently only the Prometheus format is supported.

See the official Prometheus documentation for more details.

Setting format: string.

Default value: prometheus.


The parameter specifies custom label types.

Setting format: label_name=label_value.

Default value is not set.



The parameter sets a list of plugins that the service should use.

The names are given in the following format:


The list should contain file names without the extension (.py).

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the time format used for records in the database. The following values are available:

  • "LOCAL" — displays the local time of the system on which logs are being recorded.
  • "UTC" — displays coordinated universal time, which is a standard time and does not depend on the local time zone or seasonal time changes.

Setting format: string.

Default value: LOCAL.


The parameter sets the location of the Kubernetes cluster:

  • "internal" — Lambda service works in a Kubernetes cluster and does not require other additional settings.
  • "remote" — Lambda service works with a remote Kubernetes cluster and correctly defined settings "CLUSTER_CREDENTIALS" (host, token and certificate).
  • "local" — Lambda service works in the same place where the Kubernetes cluster is running.

In the classic version of working with the Lambda service, it is assumed to use the "internal" parameter.

Setting format: string.

Default value: internal.


This parameter sets the Docker registry for storing lambda images. The registry must contain the base images lpa-lambda-base and lpa-lambda-base-fsdk, as well as the image of the container assembly tool kaniko-executor. These images must be transferred from the VisionLabs registry when starting work with lambda. See the detailed information in the installation manual.

Read and write access to this registry is required.

If lambda is running in a Kubernetes cluster, you must grant access to this registry from the cluster.

Setting format: string.

Default value: not specified.


This parameter sets a list of insecure Docker registries that require additional security measures or attention when interacting with them.

Setting format: array > string.

Default value: not specified.

Lambda configuration#

This section describes the parameters for each lambda unit.

You can configure the service using the Configurator service.


This section sets the logging settings for the logging.


The parameter sets the level of debug printing, by priority: "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO", "DEBUG".

Setting format: string.

Default value: INFO.


The parameter sets the time format used in log entries. The following values are available:

  • "LOCAL" — displays the local time of the system on which the logs are being recorded.
  • "UTC" — displays Coordinated Universal Time, which is a time standard and is not affected by local time zones or seasonal time changes.

Setting format: string.

Default value: LOCAL.


The parameter enables you to send logs to standard output (stdout).

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true


The parameter enables you to save logs to a file. The directory with log files is specified in the "folder_with_logs" parameter.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: false.


The parameter sets the directory in which logs are stored. The relative path starts from the application directory.

To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.

Setting format: string.

Default value: ./


"folder_with_logs": "/srv/logs"


The parameter sets the maximum size of the log file in MB before performing its rotation (0 — do not use rotation).

To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.

If necessary, you can configure Docker log rotation. See the section "Docker log rotation" in the LUNA PLATFORM installation manual.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1024


The parameter enables multi-line stack tracing in logs. When the parameter is enabled, information about the call stack is recorded in the logs so that each stack frame is placed on a separate line, which improves readability. If the parameter is disabled, information about the call stack is recorded on one line, which may make logs less convenient for analysis.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true.


The parameter defines the format of the output logs. The following values are available:

  • "default" — standard output format of the LUNA PLATFORM logs.
  • "json" — output of logs in json format.
  • "ecs" — output of logs in ECS format (Elastic Common Schema).

When using the "ecs" value, the following fields will be used:

  • "http.response.status_code" — contains the HTTP response status code (e.g., 200, 404, 500, etc.).
  • "http.response.execution_time" — contains information about the time taken to execute the request and receive the response.
  • "http.request.method" — contains the HTTP request method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.).
  • "url.path" — contains the path in the request's URL.
  • "error.code" — contains the error code if the request results in an error.

Setting format: string.

Default value: default.


This section contains parameters responsible for process HTTP connections. More detail see here.


The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant when a new open TCP connection is passed to the server, and the instant when the whole HTTP request is received.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant the server passes the HTTP request to the app, and the instant a HTTP response is sent to the client.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 600.


The parameter sets the maximum size of the request.

Setting format: integer (bytes).

Default value: 1073741824.


The parameter sets the timeout for maintaining HTTP activity.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 15.


This section sets the connection settings for the Remote SDK service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Remote SDK service.

The IP address "" means that the Remote SDK service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Remote SDK service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Remote SDK service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the Remote SDK service.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the Remote SDK service. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 20.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection at the socket level. If the socket level connection is not established at the set time, the operation will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the timeout for reading data from the socket after a successful connection. If the data does not arrive at the set time, the read operation will be interrupted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


This section sets the connection settings for the Sender service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Sender service.

The IP address "" means that the Sender service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Sender service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Sender service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the Python Matcher service.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the Python Matcher service. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 20.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection at the socket level. If the socket level connection is not established at the set time, the operation will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the timeout for reading data from the socket after a successful connection. If the data does not arrive at the set time, the read operation will be interrupted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the Python Matcher Proxy service.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the Python Matcher Proxy service. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 20.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection at the socket level. If the socket level connection is not established at the set time, the operation will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the timeout for reading data from the socket after a successful connection. If the data does not arrive at the set time, the read operation will be interrupted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


This section sets the connection settings for the Python Matcher service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Python Matcher service.

The IP address "" means that the Python Matcher service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Python Matcher service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Python Matcher service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


This section sets the connection settings for the Python Matcher Proxy service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Python Matcher Proxy service.

The IP address "" means that the Python Matcher Proxy service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Python Matcher Proxy service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Python Matcher Proxy service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


In this section, the bucket for storing source images settings are set.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Image Store service.

The IP address "" means that the Image Store service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Image Store service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Image Store service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the bucket name.

See the detailed description of packages in the "Bucket description" section.

Setting format: string.

Default value: visionlabs-image-origin.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the bucket with source images .


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the bucket with source images. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 30.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


In this section, the bucket for storing face samples settings are set.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Image Store service.

The IP address "" means that the Image Store service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Image Store service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Image Store service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the bucket name.

See the detailed description of packages in the "Bucket description" section.

Setting format: string.

Default value: visionlabs-samples.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the bucket with face samples .


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the bucket with face samples. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 30.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


In this section, the bucket for storing body samples settings are set.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Image Store service.

The IP address "" means that the Image Store service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Image Store service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Image Store service. The available API version is "1".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the bucket name.

See the detailed description of packages in the "Bucket description" section.

Setting format: string.

Default value: visionlabs-bodies-samples.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the bucket with body samples .


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the bucket with body samples. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 30.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


This section sets the connection settings for the Faces service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Faces service.

The IP address "" means that the Faces service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Faces service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Faces service. The available API version is "3".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 3.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the Faces service.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the Faces service. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 20.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection at the socket level. If the socket level connection is not established at the set time, the operation will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the timeout for reading data from the socket after a successful connection. If the data does not arrive at the set time, the read operation will be interrupted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


This section sets the connection settings for the Events service.


The parameter sets the protocol, IP address and port of the Events service.

The IP address "" means that the Events service located on the server with Configurator will be used. If the service is located on another server, then in this parameter you need to specify the correct IP address of the server with the Events service running.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets the version of the Events service. The available API version is "2".

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 2.


This section sets time intervals for managing the timeouts of HTTP requests that are sent to the Events service.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection when sending an HTTP request to the Events service. This is the timeout during which the client tries to establish a connection with the service.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 20.


The parameter sets a general timeout for the entire HTTP request. It includes the time to establish a connection, send a request, receive a response, and close the connection. If the entire process takes longer than specified in this parameter, the request will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the timeout for establishing a connection at the socket level. If the socket level connection is not established at the set time, the operation will be aborted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 10.


The parameter sets the timeout for reading data from the socket after a successful connection. If the data does not arrive at the set time, the read operation will be interrupted.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


In this section, settings for monitoring are set.

For more information about monitoring, see "Monitoring" section.


The parameter enables you to enable or disable sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.


The parameter enables you to use HTTPS to connect to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 0.


The parameter sets InfluxDB workspace.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna.


The parameter sets InfluxDB authentication token.

Setting format: string.


The parameter sets InfluxDB bucket name.

Setting format: string.

Default value: luna_monitoring.


The parameter sets IP address of server with InfluxDB.

Setting format: string.

Default value:


The parameter sets InfluxDB port.

Setting format: string.

Default value: 8086.


The parameter sets frequency of sending monitoring data to InfluxDB.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 1.



The parameter sets the possibility of using the Events service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Handlers service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Sender service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Python Matcher Proxy service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Image Store service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


The parameter sets the possibility of using the Lambda service.

Enabling/disabling this service may affect the operation of other services. For more information, see "Disableable services".

The installation manual contains the section "Optional services usage", which describes how to configure the use of optional services before launching the LUNA PLATFORM.

Setting format: integer ("0" or "1").

Default value: 1.


This section enables and configures the collection of metrics in the Prometheus format.

See "Monitoring" for details.


The parameter enables metrics collection.

If metrics collection is disabled, a request to the /metrics resource will return an appropriate message.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: false.


The parameter sets the metrics format.

Currently only the Prometheus format is supported.

See the official Prometheus documentation for more details.

Setting format: string.

Default value: prometheus.


The parameter specifies custom label types.

Setting format: label_name=label_value.

Default value is not set.



The parameter sets a list of plugins that the service should use.

The names are given in the following format:


The list should contain file names without the extension (.py).

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.

Tasks-lambda configuration#

This section describes the parameters for each lambda tasks unit. Most of the settings are similar to the settings described in the "Tasks service configuration" section. The individual settings are described below.

You can configure the service using the Configurator service.


This section sets the logging settings for the logging.


The parameter sets the level of debug printing, by priority: "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO", "DEBUG".

Setting format: string.

Default value: INFO.


The parameter sets the time format used in log entries. The following values are available:

  • "LOCAL" — displays the local time of the system on which the logs are being recorded.
  • "UTC" — displays Coordinated Universal Time, which is a time standard and is not affected by local time zones or seasonal time changes.

Setting format: string.

Default value: LOCAL.


The parameter enables you to send logs to standard output (stdout).

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true


The parameter enables you to save logs to a file. The directory with log files is specified in the "folder_with_logs" parameter.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: false.


The parameter sets the directory in which logs are stored. The relative path starts from the application directory.

To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.

Setting format: string.

Default value: ./


"folder_with_logs": "/srv/logs"


The parameter sets the maximum size of the log file in MB before performing its rotation (0 — do not use rotation).

To use this parameter, you must enable the "log_to_file" parameter.

If necessary, you can configure Docker log rotation. See the section "Docker log rotation" in the LUNA PLATFORM installation manual.

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1024


The parameter enables multi-line stack tracing in logs. When the parameter is enabled, information about the call stack is recorded in the logs so that each stack frame is placed on a separate line, which improves readability. If the parameter is disabled, information about the call stack is recorded on one line, which may make logs less convenient for analysis.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: true.


The parameter defines the format of the output logs. The following values are available:

  • "default" — standard output format of the LUNA PLATFORM logs.
  • "json" — output of logs in json format.
  • "ecs" — output of logs in ECS format (Elastic Common Schema).

When using the "ecs" value, the following fields will be used:

  • "http.response.status_code" — contains the HTTP response status code (e.g., 200, 404, 500, etc.).
  • "http.response.execution_time" — contains information about the time taken to execute the request and receive the response.
  • "http.request.method" — contains the HTTP request method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.).
  • "url.path" — contains the path in the request's URL.
  • "error.code" — contains the error code if the request results in an error.

Setting format: string.

Default value: default.


This section contains parameters responsible for process HTTP connections. More detail see here.


The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant when a new open TCP connection is passed to the server, and the instant when the whole HTTP request is received.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 60.


The parameter sets the duration of time between the instant the server passes the HTTP request to the app, and the instant a HTTP response is sent to the client.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 600.


The parameter sets the maximum size of the request.

Setting format: integer (bytes).

Default value: 1073741824.


The parameter sets the timeout for maintaining HTTP activity.

Setting format: integer (seconds).

Default value: 15.


This section enables and configures the collection of metrics in the Prometheus format.

See "Monitoring" for details.


The parameter enables metrics collection.

If metrics collection is disabled, a request to the /metrics resource will return an appropriate message.

Setting format: boolean.

Default value: false.


The parameter sets the metrics format.

Currently only the Prometheus format is supported.

See the official Prometheus documentation for more details.

Setting format: string.

Default value: prometheus.


The parameter specifies custom label types.

Setting format: label_name=label_value.

Default value is not set.



The parameter sets a list of plugins that the service should use.

The names are given in the following format:


The list should contain file names without the extension (.py).

Setting format: integer.

Default value: 1.