

  1. [LUNA-5863] Luna SDK was updated to version 5.9.0. Default value score_threshold of FACE_DETECTOR_V3 was change

    (0.42 now). The configuration migration automatically will updates this value, please validate your face

    detection logic if you use not default value.

  2. [LUNA-5829] The account_id parameter has been moved from request body to the Luna-Account-Id header.

    The parameter format and purpose remain the same.

    Relevant for the following requests:

    detect faces,

    extract attributes,

    upgrade attributes,

    create handler,

    replace handler,

    validate handler policies,

    generate events,

    save events,

    create verifier,

    replace verifier.

  3. [LUNA-5865] Incoming URLs processing was updated. From now on, if the specified URL contains EXTERNAL_LUNA_API_ADDRESS,

    images will be downloaded using Luna-Image-Store directly instead of sending request to Luna-Api, which would be

    redirected to Luna-Image-Store.

    Relevant for the following requests:

    detect faces,

    generate events,

    check ISO,


    perform verification.

  4. [LUNA-5877] Max page size was increased up to 1000.

  5. [LUNA-5885] Events generation processing was updated. From now on:

    (for dynamic handlers) the handler’s account_id will be used as matching candidates filter;

    all existing handlers will allow matching only by its creator account_id.

Bugs fixed:

  1. [LUNA-5856] Fixed bug with incorrect schemas for thresholds for some face quality checks. See get handler and generate events spec for more info.

  2. [LUNA-5884] Fixed bug which caused incorrect verification of face_ids and external_ids arrays length during handler creation. See create handler for more info


See a migration manual.

[LUNA-5885] See a migration manual.