

  1. [LUNA-5955] Support for older python versions was dropped. Python 3.10 is required now.

  2. [LUNA-5992] Case of changing the LUNA PLATFORM DEFAULT_FACE_DESCRIPTOR_VERSION was supported. This meanas that:

    • Indexer build an index from descriptors of default version always.

    • Index-Manager will be rebuild an index if there is no actual index with descriptors of default version.

    • Matcher will be load only those indexes which contains descriptors of default version.

  3. [LUNA-5992] To the index meta structure (meta.json) was added a required field descriptor_version. Also Index-Manager

    returns in descriptor_version in response with index info, see

    get indexes;

    get most relevent indexes.

  4. [LUNA-5999] An index warm up was added before index usages.

  5. [LUNA-6003] Loading of descriptors from Luna Faces was optimized. Accepted content type changed from flatbuffers to msgpack.

  6. [LUNA-6004] Ability to refresh loaded index for matcher was added, see index refresh.


See a migration manual.

[LUNA-5992] Need rebuild all indexes for correct migration to this version or add field descriptor_version to all meta.json files with corresponding descriptor version before start updated services. See a migration manual.

[LUNA-6004] See a migration manual.