

  1. Service dependencies were updated.

  2. [LUNA-6762] Add the telegram callback type to the task_callbacks and subtask_callbacks fields in the get task notification policy, replace task notification policy, get tasks, get task endpoints.

    All tasks support the telegram callback type:

    Tasks that run by schedule also support the telegram callback type:

  3. [LUNA-6786] Two environment variables, FERNET_PASSPHRASE and SALT, have been added for encrypting tokens and passwords for the estimator task sources and for the notification policy of all tasks. If no changes are needed, there is nothing to do with it.

  4. [LUNA-6818] Support for older python versions was dropped. Python 3.12 is required now.


See a migration manual.

[LUNA-6786] If the variables have been set, after this update, all old passwords and tokens will become incorrect.