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LUNA Index Module v.5.57.0#

LIM changes

  • API versions for routes of all resources except "/version" and "/healthcheck" have been added to the Indexer service specification.

LIM fixed errors

  • Fixed the error where the Python Matcher Proxy service used 100% CPU when using LIM.

  • Indexing at startup is now skipped if the time specified in the "planning_period" parameter of the "LIM_MANAGER_INDEXING" section has not passed since the last indexing.

    For example, if "planning_period" = 600 seconds (10 minutes) and 5 minutes after the execution of the planning procedure, LIM was restarted, then indexing will not be performed at startup.

  • An offline version of the website with online documentation has been added to the LUNA Index Module distribution package, replacing the previous HTML documents.