Matcher intro

LIM Matcher loads the most relevant indices from the storage and processes requests for matching.


At startup, matcher loads into memory all the latest version indices from index storage. The matcher configures Redis streams to accept messages for matching for all the labels of loaded indices.

Index reload

Since index storage may contain several versions of indices with a particular matching label, the matcher always tend to perform matching on the newer (i.e. more relevant) one.


While reloading the index, the matcher does not accept requests for matching by corresponding label. However only one matcher can reload the index for a particular label at one time. Therefore it is recommended to run multiple matcher instances to be able to match across all the labels at any time.

Index refresh

By default, matcher will watch for changes in the underlying lists of faces. In case of new changes had been made, it will refresh appropriate indices by applying updates in the batches of small size, thus making matching interrupts insignificant.

When using this feature it’s not necessary and not recommended to perform frequent rebuilds of the index (controlled by LIM_MANAGER_INDEXING.PLANNING_PERIOD option).

Another thing to consider is that detaching descriptors from the list doesn’t lead to removal of that descriptors from the list when its “refreshed” - actually descriptors are marked unavailable for search, thus index keeps storage space allocated for them.

To disable this behavior, option LIM_MATCHER_REFRESH.enabled should be set to false.


While refreshing the index, the matcher will pause actual matching against this index, but it’ll keep accepting new matching requests for this index.


LIM Matcher does not compare an inbound descriptor with all the listed descriptors, but moves along index (i.e graph) vertices. After moving to the first vertex, the service compares the incoming descriptor with all the vertices connected to the current vertex. When the most similar vertex is found, the comparison is performed with vertices connected to it. After several iterations, the descriptor with the highest similarity score is determined. The number of operations in this search is significantly lowered, which increases search performance a hundredfold.

LIM Matcher accepts matching requests via Redis streams, performs matching and sends matching result to the Redis channel specified in the request. In the background, LIM Matcher synchronizes Redis keys with labels acceptable for matching. It is recommended to use matching client to check whether the specific label index is loaded by matchers, and for matching requests. That is what the matching plugin does. When using the matching plugin, you can make HTTP requests to Luna Python Matcher Proxy as usual, and it will forward the acceptable requests to LIM Matcher.