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  • Now the address of the licensing server is set in the Licenses service configurations, and not in the "hasp_30147.ini" file.

    Thus, it is no longer necessary to mount this file when launching the Licenses container.

    Instructions have been added to the installation and upgrade manuals for specifying the address of the licensing server using the Configurator user interface before launching the Licenses service.

    The installation manual also includes instructions for specifying the address of the licensing server using the file "platform_settings.json" before starting the launch process.

    Note. When upgrading from previous versions, you must specify the licensing address in the new configuration, otherwise the Licenses service will not start.

  • The appearance of the Admin service user interface has been updated.

    The logic of working with the user interface has remained the same.

  • Added the ability to record the coordinates of the face or body bounding boxes in the generated event when using a sample as an image source. The coordinates can be passed either using an external application or manually set in a request for generating the event (for example, using the "multipart/form-data" schema).

    The specified coordinates are recorded in the face_detections/body_detections > detection > rect field of events.

    Setting the coordinates of the bounding boxes will be ignored in other requests where you can specify a sample as an image source.

    Previously, only the bounding boxes of the face or body of the source images could be saved to the event.

  • Support for filtering candidates by the meta field of the event has been added to the "match_policy" of requests "create handler" and "validate handler policies".

  • Filters by the meta event field have been added to the tasks "Clustering", "Exporter", "Cross-matching" and "Linker".

  • Validation of the filter by the "meta" field for matching has been improved. This filter is used in the following requests:

  • Support for filtering and aggregation by the "meta" field of event has been added to the request "get statistics on events".

  • A new request "get platform features" has been added to the API service, in response to which you can get information about whether the license is active and whether the license period has expired, as well as information about the license functions enabled ("face_quality", "body_attributes" and "liveness") and the availability of functionality for working with the Events, Tasks and Sender services. The use of these services is enabled in the "ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_USAGE" configuration of the Configurator service.

  • The ability to select faces as an object for garbage collecting (the "target" field) has been added to the task "Garbage collection".

    Filters "create_time__lt", "create_time__gte", "user_data", "list_id" are also available, as well as parameters for storing results (field "store_results") and removing samples of faces (field "remove_samples").

    Selecting faces as an object for garbage collecting is also available in the Admin user interface.

  • The logic of the dynamic range estimator has been updated in the group of checks "face_quality".

  • The resource "/attributes/batches" of the Faces service has been moved to "/descriptors/batches".

  • In all LUNA PLATFORM services, logging to a file has been disabled by default (the "log_to_file" setting of each service).

  • The documentation included in the distribution package has been updated.

    The "General concepts" section of the administrator manual has been redesigned.

    The "Before launch/upgrade" sections of all installation/upgrade/migration manuals have been redesigned. Some of the descriptive information has been moved to the "Additional information" section located at the end of each manual.

Fixed errors

  • The enumeration in the "content > filter > object_type" field from "face"/"event" to "faces"/"events" of the "create additional extract task" request has been corrected in the OpenAPI specification of the Admin service.

  • The error has been fixed, which outputs unnecessary information to the logs when using the "create_usage_task" statistics counting command.

  • The error in the OpenAPI specification of the Python Matcher service has been fixed, due to which the meta filter did not have a nullable type in the requests "face matching", "human body matching", "cross matching faces" and "cross matching bodies".

  • The error has been fixed, due to which in the request "face matching" of the Python Matcher service, the object "candidates > filters" was not required.