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  • Dashboards with information about LP requests and errors were added to the distribution package.

    Grafana is used to display dashboards. Use port 3000 to access the Grafana GUI.

    InfluxDB version 2 is required for dashboard creation. Dashboards are not working with version 1. InfluxDB 2 is now used by default during LP installation. InfluxDB 1 is still supported, but the recommended version is 2. The default token and password are used for connection to InfluxDB 2 during installation. Change them if necessary.

    Grafana, Influx 2, and dashboards creation script launching were added to the installation manual.

    You can find additional information about monitoring and dashboards in the "Monitoring" section of the administrator's manual.

  • Resources "/objects" and "/objects/{object_id}" for objects storing and receiving were added to Image Store.

    The following request body schemas are available:

    • "application/json"
    • "application/pdf"
    • "application/zip"
    • "text/plain"

    The "/objects" resource provides the possibility to save an object of one of the listed types under unique ID in Image Store.

    The "/objects/{object_id}" resource enables you to:

    • Get an object.
    • Delete an object.
    • Check the object existence.
  • The possibility to perform the GC task to delete face and body descriptors for events was added.

    You should specify "event_decriptors" as a "target". Next, you should specify the event descriptors type (face, body) and their version.

    Note that the "/tasks/gc" request body was changed. Now it is required to set "face_descriptors" instead of "descriptors" as a "target" for face descriptors deletion.

    Now it is possible to run events descriptors deletion using Admin GUI.

    The "/events/descriptors" resource was added to the Events service. It provides the possibility to delete event descriptors.

  • "PLATFORM_LIMITS" parameters group was added to the Tasks and Python Matcher services. They provide possibility to set limits for "/matcher/face", "/matcher/body", "/tasks/clustering", and "/tasks/cross_match" requests. You can set the maximum number of:

    • References and candidates.
    • Filters values that are provided in the request.
    • Candidates returned in the response.

    Previously, these values could only be changed using a special configuration file.

    It should be noted that an increase in limits can lead to problems in LP.

  • Python 3.9 is now used for Python Matcher, Admin, and Index Manager services. Older versions of Python are no longer supported.

  • The list of libraries required for the migration from LUNA PLATFORM 3 to LUNA PLATFORM 5 is now stored in a separate requirements.txt file. It can be used for migration outside of the Backport 3 container.

  • Attributes can now be specified as candidates for verification in the "/verifiers/verifier_id/verifications" resource.

    The attribute has a limited period of existence, so verification will be impossible after the attribute is deleted.

    For example, this will enable you to write a pass for 24 hours (set the corresponding attribute TTL) and a person can use the pass only during this period.

  • The following information was added to the OpenAPI documentation of the API service:

    • The task results examples were returned to the "/tasks/{task_id}/result" resource description.
    • The "exporter" task result description was added to the "/tasks/{task_id}/result" resource description. Select the "application/zip" response schema in the response description.

Fixed errors

  • A bug when the "Exporter" task was performed without the delimiter specified in the query in the "csv_delimiter" parameter was fixed.

  • Event IDs without attributes are now returned sorted in response to the "/events/attributes/missing" resource of the Events service.

  • A bug when the sample ID was returned with the "Null" value in response to the DELETE request to the "/events" resource was fixed in the Events service.

  • The error when changing the password in the Admin service using the PATCH request to the "/login" resource was fixed.

  • The error with the WARNING: sanic.root: Message body set in response on /2/events. A 204 response may only have headers, no body. message returned in the Events service log was fixed. The service no longer returns the request body when specifying gzip or deflate as an accept-encoding when status code 204 is returned or HEAD method is used.

  • The database scheme for the Events service was updated in the documentation.

  • Backport 3 service:

    • The status code for a successful response to POST "/handlers/verify/raw" was updated.
    • The response schema for the PATCH "/storage/persons/{person_id}" for status code 400 was added.
    • The response schema for the GET "/version" was updated.
    • The default values for the persons "user_data" and "external_id" fields were changed to the empty strings.