
Service for storing images and objects.

The service is an abstraction for storing pictures and objects (currently supported objects types are plain/text and application/json) in some database. Now two types of databases are supported: aws S3 and a hard disk. All images and objects are stored in buckets. Thus, to save a picture or an object, create a bucket and then put a picture or object into it. Buckets are disjoint namespaces.

There are two ways to save the image in the system:

  1. Make the request by the POST method to the resource /$api/buckets/{bucket}/images, put an image to the body of request. For the image, id will be generated in the uuid4 format, on which it will be possible in the future to receive this image.

  2. Make a request using the PUT method to the resource /$api/buckets/{bucket}/image/{id}, put an image to the body of request. Further on the transmitted id, you can get this image.

All pictures are converted to jpg format if they were not.

There are two ways to save an object in the system:

  1. Make a request by the POST method to the resource /$api/buckets/{bucket}/objects, put an object to the body of request. For the object, id will be generated in the uuid4 format, on which it will be possible in the future to receive this object.

  2. Make a request using the PUT method on the resource`/$api/buckets/{bucket}/object/{id}`, put an object to the body of request. Further on the passed id it is possible to receive this object.

At the moment, the following types of objects are supported: plain/text, application/json, application/zip, application/pdf.

The service provides following options:
  1. create bucket;

  2. save the image under your id in uuid4 format or under id issued by the system in the specified bucket;

  3. get the picture by it’s id from the specified bucket;

  4. generate small copies of the images for preview mappings during the image saving phase;

  5. delete a single image or several (up to 1000) together with small copies of the specified bucket.

  6. save the object under your id in uuid4 format or under id issued by the system in the specified bucket;

  7. get the object by it’s id from the specified bucket;

  8. delete an individual object or several (up to 1000) from the specified bucket.