

  1. Service dependencies were updated.

  2. [LUNA-6681] Added ttl parameter to FaceSamplePolicy, BodySamplePolicy and ImageOriginPolicy, which allows to adjust images’ lifetime. If no ttl set, the bucket’s config will be used. See createHandler.

  3. [LUNA-6762] Add the telegram callback type to the task_callbacks and subtask_callbacks fields in the get task notification policy, replace task notification policy, get tasks, get task endpoints.

    All tasks support the telegram callback type:

    Tasks that run by schedule also support the telegram callback type:

  4. [LUNA-6764] Add video rotation angle to videosdk. Rotation angle allows you to adjust the video angle before performing video analytics. See videosdk.

  5. [LUNA-6814] Support for older python versions was dropped. Python 3.12 is required now.

  6. [LUNA-6776] Added ttl query parameter to createImages route.

  7. [LUNA-6776] Added X-Luna-Expiry-Date response header to checkImage route, which stands for image lifetime.

  8. [LUNA-6776] Added ttl query parameter to createObjects route

  9. [LUNA-6776] Added X-Luna-Expiry-Date response header to checkObject route, which stands for object lifetime.

  10. [LUNA-6776] Added ttl query parameter to saveSample route

  11. [LUNA-6776] Added X-Luna-Expiry-Date response header to checkSample route, which stands for sample lifetime.


See a migration manual.