Account handlers

The Backport 3 service provides several handlers: extractor, identify, verify. The handlers enable to perform several actions in a single request:

The description of the handlers and all the parameters of the handlers can be found in the following sections:

The Handlers are created for every new account at the moment the account is created. The created handlers include default parameters.

Each of the handlers has the corresponding handler in the Handlers service. The parameters of the handlers are stored in the luna-backport3 database.

Each handler supports GET and PATCH requests thus it is possible to get and update parameters of each handler.

Each handler has its version. The version is incremented with every PATCH request. If the current handler is removed, the version will be reset to 1:

  • For the requests with POST and GET methods:

    If the Handlers and/or Backport 3 service has no handler for the specified action, it will be created with default parameters.

  • For requests with PATCH methods:

    If Handlers and/or Backport 3 service has no handler for the specified action, a new handler with a mix of default policies and policies from the request will be created.