

  1. Added endpoint /faces/count with GET method that returns number of filtered faces

  2. GET method of /faces endpoint now returns only list of filtered faces (without total count)

  3. Added endpoint /lists/count with GET method that returns number of filtered lists

  4. GET method of /lists endpoint now returns only list of filtered list (without total count of lists). Also information about each list not have face_count element

  5. Added endpoint /attributes/count with GET method that returns number of filtered attributes

  6. GET method of /attributes endpoint now returns only list of filtered attributes (without total count)

  7. add ethnicity to attributes

  8. add create_time and (not required) account_id to Attributes

  9. add descriptor, age, gender, ethnicity versions to database

  10. update resources /attributes and /attributes/count

  11. add flatbuffers interface: PUT attributes/{attributes_id}, /POST attributes and POST (getting) attributes batches is available

Bugs fixed:

How to update from previous version:

To update from previous version simply replace folders docs, luna_faces, tests.