

  1. All errors, that raises when service cannot find object(s), return one of not found object ids. Differences are presented in description of errors with 400 and 404 status codes.

  2. Resources “/lists/{list_id}/attributes” and “/linker/unlink_history” doesn’t return Null attributes_id.

  3. Added indexes by list id and link_key/unlink_key.

  4. Reduced a request time for the resource /lists and method OPTIONS.

  5. For resource “/faces” and method GET add posibility to set “page_size=-1” to get all faces without pagination.

  6. Added parameter check_existence for resource “/attributes/batches”

  7. Moved resource “/gc” to “/attributes/gc”, method POST. Now gc works with not attached attributes. Added attribute id range filters.

  8. Disable pull configs from luna-configurator

  9. Remove XPK maintenance

  10. Update list last_update_time on:
    • attribute update

    • face removal

    • attribute removal

  11. Do not update list last_update_time on user_data update

  12. Start validating input attributes

  13. Added description and template config to deploy luna-faces with systemd

  14. Rename column “attributes_id” to “attribute_id”

  15. Rename table “attributes” to “attribute”

  16. Store several descriptors with different versions: split “descriptor” table from “attribute”

Bugs fixed:

How to update from previous version:

To update from previous version simply replace folders docs, luna_faces, tests and update dependencies from requirements.txt. Then run the commands:

alembic upgrade head