

  1. Service dependencies were updated.

  2. [LUNA-6681] Added ttl parameter to FaceSamplePolicy, BodySamplePolicy and ImageOriginPolicy, which allows to adjust images’ lifetime. If no ttl set, the bucket’s config will be used. See createHandler.

  3. [LUNA-6811] Support for older python versions was dropped. Python 3.12 is required now.

  4. [LUNA-6799] Send one event request if two callbacks have same credentials. If user set up two callbacks which different by filters only system will send one event even the event satisfy both callbacks filters. This can be helpfully if user want to realize a logic “send if en event satisfy these or those filters”.

Bugs fixed:

  1. [LUNA-6772] Fixup face & attribute url being stored for /handler/{handler_id}/events.

  2. [LUNA-6792] The stream events (beta) request from now on generates image origin from detection if there is no image origin specified but face/body warp specified.


See a migration manual.

[LUNA-6681] See a migration manual.