Source code for luna_lambda_tools.public.clients.handlers

Module contains luna-handlers client adapted for usage in lambda

from typing import Any, Awaitable

from luna3.common.http_objs import BinaryImage, Policies, SampleForDetection, UrlForDetection, VerifierPolicies
from luna3.common.luna_response import LunaResponse
from luna3.handlers.handlers import HandlersApi
from luna3.handlers.http_objs import EventAttributeUpgrade, FaceAttributeUpgrade, RawEvent, StreamEventsSource
from luna3.public.common import BinaryDescriptorData
from luna3.public.matcher import BinaryReference

[docs] class Handlers: """Luna-handlers client"""
[docs] def __init__(self, handlersClient: HandlersApi, accountId: str): self._accountId = accountId self._handlersClient = handlersClient
[docs] def getAddress(self) -> str: """Get luna-handlers address""" return self._handlersClient.baseUri
[docs] def detectFaces( self, inputData: BinaryImage | list[BinaryImage] | list[UrlForDetection] | list[str], multifacePolicy: int = 1, estimateHeadPose: int = 0, detectLandmarks68: int = 0, extractExif: int = 0, estimateQuality: int = 0, estimateGaze: int = 0, estimateEyesAttributes: int = 0, estimateEmotions: int = 0, estimateMask: int = 0, estimateMouthAttributes: int = 0, pitchThreshold: int | None = None, rollThreshold: int | None = None, yawThreshold: int | None = None, warpedImage: int = 0, useExifInfo: int | None = None, estimateFaceQuality: int = 0, **kwargs, ) -> Awaitable[LunaResponse] | LunaResponse: """ Detect faces on input images. Args: inputData: one of: - Single image or images list for extraction (supported formats "jpeg, png, tif, ppm, bmp"). - list of urls with images - list of images' ids multifacePolicy: multiple face detection policy: 0 - multiple face detection not allowed, 1 - multiple face detection allowed, 2 - get best detection from the image estimateHeadPose: Available values : 0, 1 detectLandmarks68: Available values : 0, 1 extractExif: Available values : 0, 1 estimateQuality: Available values : 0, 1 estimateGaze: Available values : 0, 1 estimateEyesAttributes: Available values : 0, 1 estimateMouthAttributes: Available values : 0, 1 estimateEmotions: Available values : 0, 1 estimateMask: Available values : 0, 1 pitchThreshold: maximum deviation pitch angle from 0 rollThreshold: maximum deviation roll angle from 0 yawThreshold: maximum deviation yaw angle from 0 warpedImage: Whether input image is a warped or arbitrary image. useExifInfo: whether to use exif info for auto orientation estimateFaceQuality: whether to estimate face quality Returns: class:`~.LunaResponse` or *asyncio coroutine* with *LunaResponse*. In body of :class: `~.LunaResponse` json with samples, exif, filename for succeeded images and errors for failed images will be returned. """ return self._handlersClient.detectFaces( accountId=self._accountId, inputData=inputData, multifacePolicy=multifacePolicy, estimateHeadPose=estimateHeadPose, detectLandmarks68=detectLandmarks68, extractExif=extractExif, estimateQuality=estimateQuality, estimateGaze=estimateGaze, estimateEyesAttributes=estimateEyesAttributes, estimateEmotions=estimateEmotions, estimateMask=estimateMask, estimateMouthAttributes=estimateMouthAttributes, pitchThreshold=pitchThreshold, rollThreshold=rollThreshold, yawThreshold=yawThreshold, warpedImage=warpedImage, useExifInfo=useExifInfo, estimateFaceQuality=estimateFaceQuality, **kwargs, )
[docs] def extractAttrFromSample( self, sampleIds: list[str], scoreThreshold: float = 0, extractDescriptor: int = 1, extractBasicAttributes: int = 0, aggregateAttributes: int = 0, ttl: int | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> Awaitable[LunaResponse] | LunaResponse: """ Extract attributes from samples. Args: sampleIds: list of samples scoreThreshold: number [ 0 .. 1 ]; example: 0.99; descriptor quality score threshold. All the attributes with quality score below the threshold will be ignored (and not stored in the DB). The function will proceed as usual with all the remaining descriptors (if left). extractDescriptor: Available values : 0, 1; whether to extract face descriptor(s) extractBasicAttributes: Available values : 0, 1; whether to extract basic attributes (gender, age, ethnicity) aggregateAttributes: Available values : 0, 1; whether to aggregate face descriptor(s); If true, all extracted attributes will be aggregated and stored in as a single attribute. Otherwise, all attributes will be stored for every sample. ttl: temporary attribute ttl Returns: class:`~.LunaResponse` or *asyncio coroutine* with *LunaResponse*. In body of :class: `~.LunaResponse`: json with attributes info """ return self._handlersClient.extractAttrFromSample( accountId=self._accountId, sampleIds=sampleIds, scoreThreshold=scoreThreshold, extractDescriptor=extractDescriptor, extractBasicAttributes=extractBasicAttributes, aggregateAttributes=aggregateAttributes, ttl=ttl, **kwargs, )
[docs] def upgradeObjectFromSample( self, data: FaceAttributeUpgrade | EventAttributeUpgrade, **kwargs, ) -> Awaitable[LunaResponse] | LunaResponse: """ Upgrade basic attributes and/or descriptor in a object using samples. Args: data: face or attribute upgrade object Returns: class:`~.LunaResponse` or *asyncio coroutine* with *LunaResponse*. In body of :class: `~.LunaResponse`: json with attributes info """ return self._handlersClient.upgradeObjectFromSample( accountId=self._accountId, data=data, **kwargs, )
[docs] def createHandler( self, policies: Policies | None = None, handlerType: int | None = None, lambdaId: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> Awaitable[LunaResponse] | LunaResponse: """ Create new handler. Handler determinate a list of rules for proccessing input images. You can set parameters for detecting faces, extracting attributes. You can set rules for matching attributes and creating faces from them. Args: policies: object with policies information handlerType: handler type (0 - static, 1 - dynamic, 2 - lambda) lambdaId: lambda id description: user description Returns: class:`~.LunaResponse` or *asyncio coroutine* with *LunaResponse*. In body of :class: `~.LunaResponse` will return json new handler id and url """ return self._handlersClient.createHandler( accountId=self._accountId, policies=policies, handlerType=handlerType, lambdaId=lambdaId, description=description, **kwargs, )
[docs] def getHandlers( self, description: str | None = None, handlerType: int | None = None, page: int = 1, pageSize: int = 10, **kwargs, ) -> Awaitable[LunaResponse] | LunaResponse: """ Get handlers by filters Args: description: Find all handlers with description which "like" of this parameter handlerType: handler type (0 - static, 1 - dynamic, 2 - lambda) page: The number of page pageSize: The numbers of items on page Returns: class:`~.LunaResponse` or *asyncio coroutine* with *LunaResponse*. In body of :class: `~.LunaResponse`: json with handlers info """ return self._handlersClient.getHandlers( accountId=self._accountId, description=description, handlerType=handlerType, page=page, pageSize=pageSize, **kwargs, )
[docs] def getHandlersCount( self, description: str | None = None, handlerType: int | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> Awaitable[LunaResponse] | LunaResponse: """ Get handlers count by filters Args: description: Find all handlers with description which "like" of this parameter handlerType: handler type (0 - static, 1 - dynamic, 2 - lambda) Returns: class:`~.LunaResponse` or *asyncio coroutine* with *LunaResponse*. In body of :class: `~.LunaResponse`: handlers count """ return self._handlersClient.getHandlersCount( accountId=self._accountId, description=description, handlerType=handlerType, **kwargs, )
[docs] def getHandlerById(self, handlerId: str, **kwargs) -> Awaitable[LunaResponse] | LunaResponse: """ Get handler by its id Args: handlerId: handler id (uuid4) Returns: class:`~.LunaResponse` or *asyncio coroutine* with *LunaResponse*. In body of :class: `~.LunaResponse`: json with handler info """ return self._handlersClient.getHandlerById( accountId=self._accountId, handlerId=handlerId, **kwargs, )
[docs] def updateHandler( self, handlerId: str, policies: Policies | None = None, handlerType: int | None = None, lambdaId: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> Awaitable[LunaResponse] | LunaResponse: """ Update a handler. You can not update a part of handler. Args: handlerId: handler id policies: object with policies information handlerType: handler type (0 - static, 1 - dynamic, 2 - lambda) lambdaId: lambda id description: user description Returns: class:`~.LunaResponse` or *asyncio coroutine* with *LunaResponse*. In body of :class: `~.LunaResponse` will return nothing in text field """ return self._handlersClient.updateHandler( accountId=self._accountId, handlerId=handlerId, policies=policies, handlerType=handlerType, lambdaId=lambdaId, description=description, **kwargs, )
[docs] def validateHandler( self, policies: Policies | dict, **kwargs, ) -> Awaitable[LunaResponse] | LunaResponse: """ Validate handler policies. Args: policies: object with policies information Returns: class:`~.LunaResponse` or *asyncio coroutine* with *LunaResponse*. """ return self._handlersClient.validateHandler( accountId=self._accountId, policies=policies, **kwargs, )
[docs] def checkHandlerById(self, handlerId: str, **kwargs) -> Awaitable[LunaResponse] | LunaResponse: """ Check whether handler exists by its id Args: handlerId: handler id (uuid4) Returns: class:`~.LunaResponse` or *asyncio coroutine* with *LunaResponse*. In body of :class: `~.LunaResponse`: no text returns """ return self._handlersClient.checkHandlerById( accountId=self._accountId, handlerId=handlerId, **kwargs, )
[docs] def deleteHandlerById(self, handlerId: str, **kwargs) -> Awaitable[LunaResponse] | LunaResponse: """ Remove handler by id Args: handlerId: handler id (uuid4) Returns: class:`~.LunaResponse` or *asyncio coroutine* with *LunaResponse*. In body of :class: `~.LunaResponse`: no text returns """ return self._handlersClient.deleteHandlerById( accountId=self._accountId, handlerId=handlerId, **kwargs, )
[docs] def emitEvents( self, handlerId: str, inputData: BinaryImage | list[BinaryImage] | list[UrlForDetection] | list[str] | list[SampleForDetection], policies: Policies | dict | None = None, externalId: str | None = None, userData: str | None = None, aggregateAttributes: int | None = None, source: str | None = None, streamId: str | None = None, city: str | None = None, street: str | None = None, district: str | None = None, area: str | None = None, houseNumber: str | None = None, tags: str | None = None, latitude: float | None = None, longitude: float | None = None, imageType: int = None, lunaEventTime: str | None = None, lunaEventEndTime: str | None = None, trackId: str | None = None, useExifInfo: int | None = None, meta: dict | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> Awaitable[LunaResponse] | LunaResponse: """ Emit input events. Args: handlerId: handler id inputData: one of: - Single image or images list for extraction (supported formats "jpeg, png, tif, ppm, bmp"). - list of urls with images - list of images' ids policies: object with policies information for dynamic handler externalId: external id userData: user data aggregateAttributes: aggregate all attributes (descriptot, age, gender) or not (0 or 1) source: source streamId: stream id city: event city street: event street area: event area district: event district houseNumber: event house number tags: tags latitude: event latitude in degrees longitude: event longitude in degrees imageType: image type (0 - raw image, 1 - face warped image, 2 - body warped image) lunaEventTime: user defined event create time lunaEventEndTime: user defined event end time trackId: (str) event track id useExifInfo: whether to use exif info for auto orientation meta: user-defined event metadata Returns: class:`~.LunaResponse` or *asyncio coroutine* with *LunaResponse*. In body of :class: `~.LunaResponse` will return json new handler id and url """ return self._handlersClient.emitEvents( accountId=self._accountId, handlerId=handlerId, inputData=inputData, policies=policies, externalId=externalId, userData=userData, aggregateAttributes=aggregateAttributes, source=source, streamId=streamId, city=city, street=street, district=district, area=area, houseNumber=houseNumber, tags=tags, latitude=latitude, longitude=longitude, imageType=imageType, lunaEventTime=lunaEventTime, lunaEventEndTime=lunaEventEndTime, trackId=trackId, useExifInfo=useExifInfo, meta=meta, **kwargs, )
[docs] def emitStreamEvents( self, handlerId: str, inputData: StreamEventsSource, **kwargs, ) -> Awaitable[LunaResponse] | LunaResponse: """ Emit stream events. Args: handlerId: handler id inputData: structure with stream event(s) source Returns: class:`~.LunaResponse` or *asyncio coroutine* with *LunaResponse*. In body of :class: `~.LunaResponse` will return json new handler id and url """ return self._handlersClient.emitStreamEvents( accountId=self._accountId, handlerId=handlerId, inputData=inputData, **kwargs, )
[docs] def saveEvent( self, handlerId: str, event: RawEvent | dict[str, Any], waitSaving: int | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> Awaitable[LunaResponse] | LunaResponse: """ Save raw event. Args: handlerId: handler id event: raw event waitSaving: whether to wait for event saving Returns: class:`~.LunaResponse` or *asyncio coroutine* with *LunaResponse*. """ return self._handlersClient.saveEvent( accountId=self._accountId, handlerId=handlerId, event=event, waitSaving=waitSaving, **kwargs, )
[docs] def createVerifier( self, policies: VerifierPolicies | None = None, description: str | None = None, **kwargs ) -> Awaitable[LunaResponse] | LunaResponse: """ Create new verifier. Verifier determinate a list of rules for processing & verification of input images. You can set parameters for detecting faces, extracting attributes. You can set rules for matching attributes and creating faces from them. Args: policies: object with policies information description: user description Returns: class:`~.LunaResponse` or *asyncio coroutine* with *LunaResponse*. In body of :class: `~.LunaResponse` will return json new verifier id and url """ return self._handlersClient.createVerifier( accountId=self._accountId, policies=policies, description=description, **kwargs, )
[docs] def getVerifier(self, verifierId: str, **kwargs) -> Awaitable[LunaResponse] | LunaResponse: """ Get verifier Args: verifierId: verifier id Returns: class:`~.LunaResponse` or *asyncio coroutine* with *LunaResponse*. In body of :class: `~.LunaResponse`: json with verifier info """ return self._handlersClient.getVerifier( accountId=self._accountId, verifierId=verifierId, **kwargs, )
[docs] def putVerifier( self, verifierId: str, policies: VerifierPolicies | None = None, description: str | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> Awaitable[LunaResponse] | LunaResponse: """ Replace verifier Args: verifierId: verifier id policies: object with policies information description: user description Returns: class:`~.LunaResponse` or *asyncio coroutine* with *LunaResponse*. In body of :class: `~.LunaResponse`: no text returns """ return self._handlersClient.putVerifier( accountId=self._accountId, verifierId=verifierId, policies=policies, description=description, **kwargs, )
[docs] def checkVerifier(self, verifierId: str, **kwargs) -> Awaitable[LunaResponse] | LunaResponse: """ Check verifier existence Args: verifierId: verifier id Returns: class:`~.LunaResponse` or *asyncio coroutine* with *LunaResponse*. In body of :class: `~.LunaResponse`: no text returns """ return self._handlersClient.checkVerifier( accountId=self._accountId, verifierId=verifierId, **kwargs, )
[docs] def deleteVerifier(self, verifierId: str, **kwargs) -> Awaitable[LunaResponse] | LunaResponse: """ Remove verifier Args: verifierId: verifier id Returns: class:`~.LunaResponse` or *asyncio coroutine* with *LunaResponse*. In body of :class: `~.LunaResponse`: no text returns """ return self._handlersClient.deleteVerifier( accountId=self._accountId, verifierId=verifierId, **kwargs, )
[docs] def getVerifiersCount(self, description: str | None = None, **kwargs) -> Awaitable[LunaResponse] | LunaResponse: """ Count verifiers that satisfy the filters Args: description: verifier description ("like" parameter) Returns: class:`~.LunaResponse` or *asyncio coroutine* with *LunaResponse*. In body of :class: `~.LunaResponse`: verifier count """ return self._handlersClient.getVerifiersCount( accountId=self._accountId, description=description, **kwargs, )
[docs] def getVerifiers( self, description: str | None = None, page: int = 1, pageSize: int = 10, **kwargs, ) -> Awaitable[LunaResponse] | LunaResponse: """ Get verifiers by filters Args: description: verifier description ("like" parameter) page: The number of page pageSize: The numbers of items on page Returns: class:`~.LunaResponse` or *asyncio coroutine* with *LunaResponse*. In body of :class: `~.LunaResponse`: json with verifiers info """ return self._handlersClient.getVerifiers( accountId=self._accountId, description=description, page=page, pageSize=pageSize, **kwargs, )
[docs] def verifyRaw( self, candidates: list[BinaryReference], references: list[BinaryReference], verifierId: str, **kwargs, ) -> Awaitable[LunaResponse] | LunaResponse: """ Verify raw API allows to match each candidate with each reference descriptors. Args: verifierId: verifier id candidates: list of BinaryReference objects for candidates references: list of BinaryReference objects for references verifierId: verifier id Returns: class:`~.LunaResponse` or *asyncio coroutine* with *LunaResponse*. In body of :class: `~.LunaResponse`: results of matching """ return self._handlersClient.verifyRaw( accountId=self._accountId, candidates=candidates, references=references, verifierId=verifierId, **kwargs, )
[docs] def verifyData( self, verifierId: str, inputData: BinaryImage | BinaryDescriptorData | list[BinaryImage | BinaryDescriptorData], eventIds: list[str] | None = None, externalIds: list[str] | None = None, faceIds: list[str] | None = None, attributeIds: list[str] | None = None, imageType: int | None = None, useExifInfo: int | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> Awaitable[LunaResponse] | LunaResponse: """ Perform data verification against specified objects. Only one objects set is allowed. Args: verifierId: verifier id inputData: one of: - Single image - Single descriptor - List of images and descriptors faceIds: faces ids to verify against eventIds: event ids to verify against externalIds: external ids to verify against attributeIds: temporary attribute ids to verify against imageType: image type (0 - raw image, 1 - face warped image) useExifInfo: whether to use exif info for auto orientation Returns: class:`~.LunaResponse` or *asyncio coroutine* with *LunaResponse*. In body of :class: `~.LunaResponse`: json with verifications info """ return self._handlersClient.verifyData( accountId=self._accountId, verifierId=verifierId, inputData=inputData, eventIds=eventIds, externalIds=externalIds, faceIds=faceIds, attributeIds=attributeIds, imageType=imageType, useExifInfo=useExifInfo, **kwargs, )