

  1. [LUNA-6967] The parameter MIN_FACE_SIZE in the LUNA_REMOTE_SDK_FACE_DETECTOR_SETTINGS.estimator_settings setting is now enforced as a strict constraint by the engine.

  2. [LUNA-6970] Added timeout constraint for video saving at the /videosdk route. The constraint might be configured via the LUNA_REMOTE_SDK_VIDEO_SETTINGS setting.

  3. [LUNA-6973] Add pts.start_time parameter to the field video of videosdk route. start_time parameter allows to specify offset for video PTS.

  4. [LUNA-6975] Support for video decoder error handling:

    • error_handling section added into video settings in request

    • error_count, processed_parts sections added into video data info in response

    See videosdk for details.


See a migration manual.

[LUNA-6967] See a migration manual.

[LUNA-6970] See a migration manual.