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Collect information for technical support#

For efficient and prompt problem solving, VisionLabs technical support needs to provide LUNA PLATFORM service logs and additional information about the status of third-party services, license status, LUNA PLATFORM settings, etc.

Collect the data described below and send it to VisionLabs specialists.

Collect services logs#

There are two ways to output logs in LUNA PLATFORM:

  • Standard log output (stdout).
  • Log output to a file.

The log output settings are specified in the settings of each service in the <SERVICE_NAME>_LOGGER section.

By default, logs are output only to standard output.

For more information about the LUNA PLATFORM logging system, see "Logging information" in the administrator manual.

Collect logs for all services. For example, you can collect logs for the last 10 minutes for all services using the commands below.

docker logs --since 10m luna-licenses > luna-licenses_log.txt
docker logs --since 10m luna-faces > luna-faces_log.txt
docker logs --since 10m luna-image-store > luna-image-store_log.txt
docker logs --since 10m luna-accounts > luna-accounts_log.txt
docker logs --since 10m luna-tasks > luna-tasks_log.txt
docker logs --since 10m luna-events > luna-events_log.txt
docker logs --since 10m luna-sender > luna-sender_log.txt
docker logs --since 10m luna-admin > luna-admin_log.txt
docker logs --since 10m luna-remote-sdk > luna-remote-sdk_log.txt
docker logs --since 10m luna-handlers > luna-handlers_log.txt
docker logs --since 10m luna-lambda > luna-lambda_log.txt
docker logs --since 10m luna-python-matcher > luna-python-matcher_log.txt
docker logs --since 10m luna-backport3 > luna-backport3_log.txt
docker logs --since 10m luna-backport4 > luna-backport4_log.txt

Collect additional information#

The following additional information must be collected:

  • LUNA PLATFORM version.

    The LUNA PLATFORM version can be found in the name of the archive with the delivery set. You can also find out the current version by going to the http://your_server_ip_adress:5000/version page in your browser.

  • License status depending on the vendor:

    • HASP — Information from http://your_server_ip_adress:1947/_int_/features.html and http://your_server_ip_adress:1947/_int/devices.html pages
    • Guardant — Information from pages http://your_server_ip_adress:3189/#/dongles/list and http://your_server_ip_adress:3189/#/sessions.
  • Actual settings of LUNA PLATFORM.

    Up-to-date settings can be obtained by going to the page http://your_server_ip_adress:5010/4/luna_sys_info, specifying the login and password from the account. The default login and password is After entering the password, a file in json format will be downloaded and should be submitted to technical support.

  • Status of third-party services:

    • Docker: systemctl status docker
    • aksusbd: systemctl status aksusbd
    • grdcontrol: systemctl status grdcontrol
  • Status of LUNA PLATFORM containers.

    You can get a list of all containers using the docker ps -a command.

  • List of open ports.

    You can get a list of open ports using the ss -ltn command.

  • A list of registries in the Docker configuration that can be connected to without using a secure connection.

    You can get a list of registries using the cat /etc/docker/* command.

  • Firewall rules.

    Firewall rules can be obtained using the iptables-save command.

  • General system information:

  • CPU information: lscpu
  • Memory usage: free -h; lsmem
  • Disk space usage: df -h

  • Environment and server type.

    Specify the environment in which the system is running (test, production) and whether the server is virtual or physical.
