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This document describes:

  • Preparing LUNA PLATFORM environment in Kubernetes using Storages utility and corresponding manifests from the distribution package.
  • Running LUNA PLATFORM services in Kubernetes using Helm charts from the distribution package.

The document provides an example of launching all services except the Lambda service. Launching the Lambda service is described in the "Launch Lambda" section in the additional information.

Using the document, you can either install LUNA PLATFORM from scratch, or perform an update or downgrade.

See detailed information about Storages in the Storages utility manual.

The administrator must have a Kubernetes cluster deployed and configured to use Helm charts and manifests. It is assumed that the user's Kubernetes cluster:

  • PostgreSQL/Oracle DBMS and InfluxDB and Redis databases are running.
  • There is access to S3-like object storage for storing buckets.

Important: The documentation and distribution package do not include out-of-the-box solutions for managing PostgreSQL/Oracle, InfluxDB and Redis databases in Kubernetes. The user should configure the databases themselves for better fault tolerance and scalability. The sample commands in this document are for demonstration purposes and may need to be customized for your project's specific environment or requirements.

Monitoring in the format of sending data to InfluxDB and collecting query statistics is enabled by default. If access to InfluxDB is not configured, LUNA PLATFORM services will not start. You can also configure Prometheus metrics generation for further integration with Prometheus deployed in a custom Kubernetes cluster (see the "LUNA_SERVICE_METRICS" setting).

This document does not include guidance on how to use Kubernetes. Please refer to the Kubernetes documentation for more details: