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Prepare environment#

The environment is prepared using the Storages utility.

Make sure you are in the working directory with the Kubernetes files:

cd /var/lib/luna/current/extras/k8s/

Using the utility, you can prepare the environment for installation from scratch, upgrade or downgrade. By default, the --platform-version argument is set to the current version of LUNA PLATFORM. To downgrade, you must specify the appropriate version of LUNA PLATFORM.

Important: When preparing your environment for an upgrade or downgrade, it is important to carefully plan the impact on running services that use databases. See the "Recommendations services behavior during environment preparation" section of the Storages utility manual for details.

The following settings must be set according to the user logic:

  • storages/files/platform_settings.json - Dump file to override the default settings using the load_dump command.
  • storages/files/storages_config.conf - Storages settings, allowing the utility to go to the database, S3, etc.
  • storages/overlays/<command_name> - Storages positional arguments.

Environment preparation is performed with the Kustomize tool without using Helm. The storages/base/base.yaml file defines a template on which layers from the storages/overlays directory are overlaid. There are 4 layers available - check, list, load_dump, prepare, each corresponding to a specific command of the positional argument luna_prepare.

To load an image from a VisionLabs registry, you must also fill in the imagePullSecrets parameter in the storages/base/base.yaml manifest (see "Create Docker Registry authentication secret" section).

To prepare the environment, run the following commands:

1) Create a Configmap to load the Storages settings and dump file:

kubectl create configmap storages-config --from-file=storages/files/storages_config.conf
kubectl create configmap storages-dump --from-file=storages/files/platform_settings.json

2) Perform environment preparation using the prepare command:

kubectl apply -k storages/overlays/prepare
kubectl get pods
kubectl logs storages-prepare-xxxxx

By default, the environment for all entities is prepared (positional argument all_entites). To prepare individual entities, edit the storages/overlays/prepare/overlay-prepare.yaml file accordingly.

3) Load the user dump file using the load_dump command:

kubectl apply -k storages/overlays/load_dump
kubectl get pods
kubectl logs storages-load-dump-xxxxx

Once executed, pods will have a Completed status and will not be automatically deleted. To correctly delete the manifest, you must run the command kubectl delete -k storages/overlays/<storages_command>.

If necessary, you can use the list and check commands similar to the above examples.

The manifest set does not include an example of using the logs command.