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  • The possibility to specify attributes as candidates in the "/matcher/faces" resource ("matcher" > "matching faces" in APIReferenceManual.html) was added. It enables you to perform matching without saving candidates to the database.

  • The mechanism for migration of settings in Configurator service is available. Settings migration is performed without changing user values. Additional actions are required to apply this mechanism to LP build 5.1.0. These actions are described in the "LP_Upgrade_Manual.html" manual.

  • The "track_id" field was added for events. It enables you to mark events belonging to the same person for future analysis. You should manually specify the "track_id" in the "handlers/handler_id/events" request. The field can be used:

    • As a filter for matching candidates;
    • For cross-matching, clustering, linker, and reporter tasks. In the clustering task, you can now specify whether to add events with the same "track_id" to the same cluster.
  • You can specify settings from Configurator DB when performing migration using Alembic.

    alembic -x luna-config= upgrade head

  • Examples for the "ws" resource were added to "SenderReferenceManual.html".

  • An exception was added for the case when the Events service is disabled, but the event saving is enabled in "storage_policy". The following error is returned: 11040 "Luna Events service is disabled"

  • The incorrect link to the sample image in response when generating an event using "events" > "generate events".

    Link in previous LP build: "url": "http://image-store:5020/1/buckets/visionlabs-samples/images/2e8045f2-14cd-4c8b-af3a-7c959e85fe6f",

    Fixed link: "url": "/6/samples/faces/939fca8a-753f-4ee4-8450-9c1bb3c1f76c",