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  • SDK was updated to version 4.5.1.

    • Liveness V2 algorithm was updated. The default thresholds for "liveness_threshold" and "quality_threshold" are now equal to "0.5". The recommended threshold for "liveness_threshold" is now equal to "0.5" instead of "0.88".
    • The problem when SDK returned "Invalid detection" and "Invalid image size" in case of receiving an invalid bounding box was fixed. Now the "Invalid rectangle" error is returned in these cases.
  • The support for matching plugins was added to the Python Matcher service.

    Plugins may significantly improve matching processing performance. For example, it is possible to organize the storage of the data required for matching operations and additional objects fields in separate storage using plugins, which will speed up access to the data compared to the use of the standard LUNA PLATFORM database.

    The general steps for custom plugin creation and an example of "Thin event" are given in the Python Matcher Proxy documentation ("ServiceManuals/PythonMatcherDevelopmentManual").

    "Thin event" is used for rapid comparison of face descriptors with descriptors of simplified events. Simplified events contain fewer fields compared to events from the "luna_events" database. All the data for them is stored in the same table.

    Requirements for the launch of "Thin event" are provided in its documentation. By default, the plugin is not used.

    Note that plugins are not provided as a ready-made solution for matching. It is required to implement the logic required for solving particular business tasks.

    The Python Matcher Proxy service should be installed for working with plugins. It decides on the use of standard LP matching mechanisms or plugins based on the complexity of the request (cost). The activation of plugins should be performed in this service.

    See the general description of plugins in the "LP_Administrator_Manual" in the "Matching plugins" section and detailed instructions with examples of plugins in the Python Matcher Proxy documentation in the "Plugins" section.

  • The possibility to specify the end time for events using the "Luna-Event-End-Time" header was added to the "generate events" request. All the events will be generated with the "end_time" field if the header is specified.

    The field can be used to send event end time from external systems.

    The "end_time" field is supported for:

  • The "CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE" setting was added to Events, Faces, Tasks, Configurator, Admin, Handlers, Python Matcher, and Backport3 services. The setting enables you to set the size of the connection pool to the database.

Fixed errors

  • The invalid field name for specifying the version of the descriptor in the requests that receive descriptors was fixed in the "APIReferenceManual". Previously, the field was called "descriptor_version", now the field is called "version".