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  • The SDK was updated to version 5.5.1.

  • Support for S3-like storage as an image source (the "source_type" parameter) was added to the estimator task ("/tasks/estimator" resource).

    The following parameters can be set for this type of source:

    • Bucket name/Access Point ARN/Outpost ARN (required);
    • Endpoint (when specifying the bucket name);
    • Bucket region (when specifying the bucket name);
    • File key prefix. It can also be used to download images from a specific directory, for example, "2022/January".

    The following parameters are used to configure authorization:

    • Public access key (required);
    • Secret access key (required);
    • Signature version ("s3v2"/"s3v4").

    It is also possible to recursively extract images from the nested directories of the bucket (the "recursive" parameter) and save the source images (the "save_origin" parameter).

    See the relevant examples and additional information in the "APIReferenceManual.html" document.

  • The performance of face processing in the Linker task was improved.

    Previously, the Tasks service requested a full set of targets from the Faces service, which reduced the faces processing performance. Now the service requests only the "face_id" target.

  • The default number of connections to the LUNA Admin database was increased from 1 to 5 (the "connection_pool_size" setting, the "LUNA_ADMIN_DB" section in the Configurator service).

  • Memory consumption was significantly reduced when using the cross-matching task.

Fixed errors

  • The error of connecting to the service databases was fixed, in which in some scenarios the connections did not return to the pool of connections, which led to the return of the status code 500 and error 10017 (database connection timeout error).